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I stood in front of the mirror, my tank top pulled up over my growing little bump, my tank tops have always been really tight, and now I'm afraid that someone will notice the bump. "Babe!" I called, Rafe came in, a bag of chips in his hand, "yes honey?" He joked, leaning against the doorway looking at me. "Be completely honest, can you tell I've got a bump in this shirt?" I asked pulling it down, "well yes, but that's only because I know it's there. Nobody else will notice." He assured me, giving me a once over, he never fails to make me feel good even if I'm just in the most basic of clothes. "Are you sure?" I ran my hand over my stomach, it feels so big when I touch it, even though it's barely even there. "I'm positive." Rafe started walking into the room, I put my hand up, the smell of those potato chips making my stomach jump. "No, no potato chips." I directed, Rafe sighed, turning and walking out of the room. "Why is it always my food that makes you nauseous?" He called, I heard him putting the chips away, "because, your child steers me clear of those foods." I deadpanned walking out to join him. "Are you ready?" I asked, we were going to the beach with everyone today, the girls and I insisted, we wanted to be tan for the wedding, the guys were just going because they could surf. "Yes." He drug out the word as he walked to the door, "want to walk?" He asked, the beach was only a few minutes away, "sure."

"The party has arrived!" I called out to the group of teenagers on the sand, "it's about damn time!" JJ shouted in return, he was by far the closest with Rafe out of the guys, aside from work Rafe and John B didn't spend too much time together, but they definitely got along, JJ came over a lot, so they've grown close. Pope is kind of in the same boat, but he's been super busy with school lately, trying to secure his scholarship. Obviously Sarah's close with him, but Kie's grown closer, since I spend the most time with her. "Shut up, JJ." I laughed, laying my towel out on the sand. Sarah and Kie were already laying out on there stomachs, facing the water so we could watch the guys surf. I removed my tank top and shorts, clad in the only strapless bikini I had. "So how're you feeling?" Sarah questioned, I shrugged as I laid down, "better, but smells have been the worst thing lately." I answered with a sigh, just thinking about the potato chips made me grimace. "That sucks, work must be hard." Kie spoke, I rolled my eyes, "it's so bad, whenever people order fish, I gag." I frowned at the thought, "soooo." Kie sighed, "on a scale of one to ten, how much does it bother you that we know what you're having and you don't?" I lifted my sunglasses to give her a stern look, "one thousand." I muttered. "What do you think it is?" Sarah questioned, "a girl, Rafe says boy but I caught him looking at girl things." I explained with a laugh. They awed in unison, "that's so cute." Sarah giggled, flipping to her back, I followed, "it was, he felt bad because I started crying." It sounded pathetic, but it was the truth.

"Gonna surf, Charli?" JJ called from the shore, I went wide eyed underneath my sunglasses. "I don't feel like it." I shouted back, thankfully he didn't question it, that was a close call. "Rafe hasn't seen the dress, right?" Kie asked, making chit chat. "He better not have." I answered with a chuckle.


I tossed and turned, not being able to get comfortable. Rafe laid his arm across my torso, "babe, calm down." He whispered sleepily, how is he sleeping so good? We're getting married tomorrow, and you know, finding out the gender of our baby. "I'm trying." I sighed, frustrated, "what's wrong?" He squinted one eye open, I was pouting at him. "I'm too nervous to sleep." I mumbled, playing with his messy bed head. "Just think, the sooner you sleep, the sooner you'll find out." He mumbled, his eyes closing again, I pushed his arm off of me. "I'm just going to the bathroom." I lied to him, he didn't pick up on it and just rolled over, going back to sleep. I found a comfortable spot on the couch, putting on some random comedy show as background noise, finally falling asleep.

a/n short chapter because the next one is going to have so much in it!

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