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Rafe and I talked everyday since our date, we grew closer, emotionally, physically I still tried to keep him at arms length. Not that I want to, believe me I want to do anything with him, but my mind just won't allow it, which is torture because I don't even remember Grant touching me, but just knowing that he violated me is enough to break me. Rafe walked into the clubhouse at his usual time, his friends in tow. They've started treating me better, so I'm assuming he's told them about us. "Hey, Charli." Rafe leaned over the counter, pressing a quick peck to my cheek, I smiled. "The usual boys?" I questioned, they nodded in unison, you know when they're nice, they're not bad people. They just need some coaxing I guess.

I walked their food out to them, we had a small conversation, nothing special just friendly chit chat. "My daughter works here, get your hands off of me." I heard the all too familiar voice slur, I froze in my spot, not daring to turn around. "Sure she does ma'am, if you don't calm down I'm going to have to ask you to leave." The security guard spoke strictly. I was hoping if I stayed facing the boys she wouldn't notice me, "Charlotte! There you are." She stammered over to me, Rafe's eyes widened. "What, mother?" I turned on my heel, the boys watching me. "Grant needs some money, I used all mine yesterday." She pleaded, higher than a kite, I pulled my bottom lip into my mouth, in total shock as I just stared at her. "Well first of all, no I'm not giving him crap. Second, is he too chicken to come in here and ask himself?" I snapped, seeing him outside the windows, Kelce snickered behind me, making Rafe kick his leg under the table.

"Don't make me do this." My mom begged, putting on her fake performance, her eyes welling with tears. I scoffed, "do what, mom?" Her devilish eyes returned, she came close to my face, "he said if he saw you again there'd be less drugs involved, I told him not to bother with them in the first place, since you're so easy." Her whispers in my ear stung like a slap to the face. "Where is he?" I demanded, pulling my hair up in a bun, something I do when I'm angry. "He's outside, by our car."

Before anyone could stop me I stomped my way outside, looking around before spotting him leaning against my old car, well I guess that good for nothing fixed it, shocking. I walked right up to him, he smirked, "well hello, come to deliver in person?" Grant quipped, I rose my hand ready to slap that smug look off his face, he caught my wrist in his hand, squeezing hard no doubt leaving hand marks. "Get your hands off of me you filthy pig!" I hissed, yanking my arm from his grip. Rafe came running out, "oh who's this, your rich little boyfriend?" Grant snickered, "hey, man, she's easy ain't she."

I tore my hand from his grip, slapping him so hard that my hand stung with pain. "You bitch what-" he was cut off by Rafe's fist hitting him square in the jaw. Shit, shit, what do I do. I panicked, "Topper, help!" I shouted, the doors slamming open not to long after. "You son of a bitch, don't ever talk to her again." Rafe had Grant pinned to the ground now, giving him more than a fair enough beating. Topper ran over trying to pull Rafe out of it, I've never fully witnessed him like this, it made my skin crawl, how could he be so caring then so violent. "Rafe! Please stop." I cried, my voice cracking, I was terrified of everything going on right now. He stopped long enough for Topper to pry him off, Rafe looked at me, only having a couple of blows to the face, but his hand was more than bloody. I covered my face in my hands, the guilt sunk in when he saw the look on my face, and the way I was shaking.

"Baby, Charli, I'm sorry." Rafe pulled me into his arms, my mom and Grant stumbling into the car and speeding away, Topper ran a hand through his hair, "shit, I thought you were gonna kill him." Rafe glared at him, Top took the message and left us alone. "I'm sorry, I just couldn't let him talk about you like that." He apologized again, removing himself from me, his hands shaking with anger. I need to stop feeling sorry for myself, so I nodded, placing my hands on either side of his face, careful to not touch the surely to bruise spots. "Look at me, calm down. I'm okay, see." I soothed him, seeing the crazy in his eyes start to simmer down, "since you just met him I suppose I should tell you something." I whispered, leaning up to press a kiss to his lips, I want to do this, I want to tell him. "But in private, can we go somewhere?" I added, my forehead resting  against his, he looked for a hint in my eyes but they were blank. "Of course, come on." Rafe whispered, he wasn't stupid, I'm almost one hundred percent sure that he knew what this was about.

I couldn't help but let out a small gasp as I walked into the Cameron house, "it's, wow." I mumbled making Rafe laugh beside me, "no ones here, my dad and Rose are on a weekend trip, wheezie is with Sarah." He explained, "is it weird to go to my room to talk about this?" He let out an awkward laugh, I shrugged. "It doesn't matter."

After what felt like forever, we finally reached his room, it was cleaner than I thought it'd be, but still your typical boy room, there were a couple of playboys laying around, he panicked and threw them in the closet, "sorry." He blushed. "It's okay, Rafe." I let out a sigh, making myself feel at home, sitting against the headboard of his bed. He joined me, lacing our fingers together. "You don't really have to say it, Charli. I figured it out." I could feel his hand get a little clammy, I rubbed small circles with my thumb, "Rafe, calm down. You don't need to be angry." I assured him, how am I the calm one now. I guess I've come to terms with it, as best as I could, I'll never be over it, of course. But I can choose to live my life and be happy again, I wish I had the willpower to put it in the back of my head and be free, be around Rafe and not panic every time he touched me. I love the way my skin burns when he touches me, I've never felt so comfortable with a guy, but at the same time, I have a lingering fear that it will be traumatic for me.

"Are you my boyfriend?" I asked all of a sudden, we'd been sitting in silence, I decided he was right and I didn't really need to tell him too much, I just explained that it was the reason I was at the hospital last night, and that I just get anxious when anybody touches my lower torso. "Well I just kind of figured, yeah." He rambled, unsure of how to answer, "are you my girlfriend?" He added, raising a brow. "Well I just kind of figured, yeah." I mimicked him, inching closer to his side. Rafe laughed, our fingers still wrapped together, "hmm you're my girlfriend, that's a great feeling." He sighed, I laughed nodding in agreement, "I'm dating a kook, who knew that could happen?" I joked resting my head on his chest. I feel like I already know everything about him, although I know that's far from the truth. "20 questions?" He asked after a short silence, I sat up moving to be in front of him, my legs crossed.

"Of course." I answered in a duh tone. Rafe sat up a little as well, rubbing his chin in thought, "a food you hate that most people love?" He laughed at his own question. I mean, I think it's a really good question actually, "Mac and cheese." I answered sheepishly. His eyes got huge, "what?!" He gasped, a hand over his heart, "that's not human!" I nodded my face bright red, "I know, it just-yuck." I stuck my tongue out in disgust. "Do you know how to surf?" I asked my question, he shook his head, "not at all."

The rest of the night continued like this silly questions, lots of laughs, a few kisses and before we knew it we were passed out on his bed, legs tangled together, my head on his chest, his arm around my back. It couldn't get better than this.

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