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I heard people yelling down stairs, which stirred me from my sleep. I squinted my eyes open, the sun shining in brightly through the window. "Dad what the hell is the big deal? We didn't even do anything, Jesus." Rafe snapped, my head shot up at his words, shit. Did ward find us in here, Rafe is right though, we didn't do anything. Even if we did, were both over eighteen I don't understand the big deal. "You're going to be parading yourself around with the girl from the clubhouse, how do you think that will look?" Ward shouted, I jumped at the harshness in his tone. I hesitantly stood from the bed, making myself look as presentable as possible, considering I did end up having a crying session in the middle of the night. Rafe didn't know of course, I just pulled myself away from him and suffered in silence. Everything feeling so surreal and this lingering fear of something bad happening.

I turned the knob on the door, but so did someone from the outside, swinging the door open and hitting me square in the nose. "Son of a bitch!" I whispered, my hands shooting to my face, I looked up and saw Ward with Rafe in tow. "Are you okay?" Rafe pushed his father aside coming to check on me, I pulled my hand away from my nose, "you're bleeding." He sighed, "you couldn't just leave well enough alone, when are you going to start to trust me? She's a great girl and you're talking to me like she's some junkie slut!" Rafe snapped at his dad, I went wide eyed at his words, "Rafe, it's fine, just let it go." I mumbled, tilting my head forward, pinching my nose hoping the bleeding would stop. "Don't ever talk to me like that again, or you'll be out on your ass." Ward spoke harshly, slamming the door shut as he walked out. "I'm sorry you had to see that." Rafe said sheepishly, kneeling down to be in my view since my nose was still bleeding. "It's okay, I've seen worse." I shrugged, my nose throbbing now. "But I do have an issue to take up with that door, it was very rude to me." I joked, trying to lighten the tension in the room.

"Haha so funny." Rafe rolled his eyes, standing up and walking me to his bed, I let go of my nose, thankfully the bleeding has stopped. "Well that's not exactly the morning I wanted." He sat next to me, pulling me into his side, "it could've been worse, at least there was nothing for him to catch us doing." I laughed, his body shook as he chuckled along with me, the sound being music to my ears. "That's true." I decided to completely change the subject, "I know it will be awkward, but it would mean so much to me, if you would spend the day with me and my friends?" I asked, more like begged, he looked at me skeptically, "they're not going to like that." He replied. I shook my head, "no but they'll have to get used to you, and vice versa, so what do you say?" I stuck my bottom lip out, like a little girl. Rafe laughed, "fine." I stared him down, "I'll be on my best behavior." He added, I grinned tackling him in a hug.


"My god you look like you're gonna puke." I gasped looking at Rafe's face as he parked in front of John B's house, he gave me weary eyes, "I just might if they hate me." He laughed, but I didn't find it funny, "sorry."

I climbed out of the truck, my eyes darting around to find my friends, I may or may not have told them he was coming, whoops. "Come on, you big baby." I groaned grabbing Rafe's hand and pulling him towards the porch, I opened the janky screen, allowing it slam shut behind us, announcing our presence. I opened the front door to the chateau, peeking my head in to see everyone laying around, chatting about who knows what, they had been waiting for me, they just didn't know that I was bringing a guest. "Hey, Charli." They all spoke at almost the exact time, I laughed, walking in, Rafe stood in the doorway, looking at everyone's reaction. "Oh shit, what are you doing all the way out here powerpuff girl?" JJ retorted, I gave him a death stare. He cleared his throat, mumbling a quiet apology. "Rafe is spending the day with us, that's okay right?" I questioned, the girls didn't mind, obviously they know I want this. "I guess." "Sure." "It's a good thing I love you." Could all be heard around the room.

I smiled in success, "so what's on the agenda today?" I asked, "fishing, surfing, the usual." John B answered, "do you have an extra board?" I questioned immediately, "no!" Rafe finally spoke from next to me. "Yes." I retorted, looking back to John B raising a brow. "Yeah I think I can find one." He answered, a slightly devilish smile on his face. "Guess who's learning to surf today!" I laughed making Rafe mumble under his breath. We began having small talk as the girls and I packed up a bunch of food and drinks for the day, I left Rafe with the guys, they have to get used to each other eventually, I don't see Rafe going anywhere anytime soon. I pulled a face when laughter erupted from where the boys are, I find it hard to believe they're getting along that well, but I won't fight it, obviously. "Ready boys?" Kie asked walking out, cooler in hand, she had the waters, I had the sandwiches and Sarah had the beers. "Ready." They said in unison, Rafe gave me a look, he seemed happy, I think he was relieved that they welcomed him with open arms, what he doesn't know is that I've told them how much of a better person he's become.

I watched in admiration as Rafe kept attempting to surf, failing miserably. But nonetheless, he looked good doing it. Fishing was a fail, the water was dead today apparently, because we caught absolutely nothing. "Come on, Charli, the water feels great!" Kie called, sitting on her board patiently waiting for me. I jumped to my feet, picking my own surf board up out of the sand, I'm no professional but I like to surf once in a while with my friends. We paddled out as a wave started coming, shakily I jumped up and rode the wave back to shore, surprisingly not falling. Rafe on the other hand took a nasty fall, "shit." John B jumped off his board, swimming over to him as quick as he could, after what felt like forever Rafe's head popped up, his head was bleeding.

"Rafe!" I called, undoing the strap attached to my board, swimming over to him as he gripped the board, staying a float. "Are you okay?" I asked, gently touching the cut on his temple, he hissed in pain. "Salt water and cuts don't mix, babe." He muttered, "oh sorry." I pulled my hand away, it wasn't too bad, but I think he'll need stitches. "Come on, let's get you out of the water." I sighed, paddling our way back to shore. "Damn dude, not to bad for your first time." JJ gave Rafe's shoulder a quick pat. Wow. "Sarah can you hand me a water?" I asked, ordering Rafe to sit on my towel, he didn't protest and just sat down, patiently looking up at me as I tended to his wound. Sarah passed me a water, watching as I twisted the cap off and started pouring it on the cut, washing out the sea water, the bleeding had slowed down, not completely, but if he didn't want a scar he needed stitches. "You need stitches." Pope confirmed my thoughts appearing next to me, I crossed my arms, "told you." I sighed at Rafe who had kept refusing.

"Come on, I'll take you." I offered, clearly not going to leave him to go by himself. I gathered our stuff as quickly as I could, going to hospitals made me nervous, even if it was something superficial like this, the thought of being there made me shiver. All I can remember is going to see my dad the day before he died, I don't have a clue as to why my mom let me see him like that, a tube down his throat, machines keeping him alive, I can never unsee that. "Are you driving?" Rafe asked shaking me from my thoughts as he held the trucks keys up, I took them from his fingers, nervously smiling. "You trust me with your truck? You like this thing more than me!" I joked, throwing out towels into the back seat as he climbed in the passenger seat, "oh I don't know, you're about even with the truck." He shrugged, I fake gasped, "I'm working my way up the list, watch out truck, I'm coming for you."

The whole drive to the emergency room, I kept catching Rafe smiling at me, every time I asked what he was doing, he'd say nothing and look away for a minute, but then come right back. "You know, seeing you driving my truck is the most attractive I think you've ever looked." Rafe flirted, his hand landing just above my knee, his thumb started moving back and forth as we sat in the room, waiting for the doctor to come do these stitches. I raised my eyebrows, "is that a compliment or an insult because I thought I looked good in my bikini earlier." I retaliated but a light tone in my voice, he let out a small laugh, but grimacing because it hurt his head. "Oh no, you looked hot in your bikini." He winked, "but seeing you in my truck is a view I could watch for the rest of my life." He added honestly, I tensed for a moment under his touch. "What? Is that too soon?" He panicked suddenly back tracking on his words. No one has ever said anything like that to me before, I wasn't sure how to respond. Rafe pulled his hand away, but I stopped him, "no, that was really sweet, babe." I have his hand a squeeze easing his nerves as the doctor walked in, "ready?"

All I can say is Rafe handled those stitches worse than a child.

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