wii fit ~ [ jschlatt ]

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i let out a sigh as i clock out from my job. i was finally done with my shift and i couldn't wait to be home. i just really wanted to rest and spend time with my boyfriend.

as i get into my car, i decided to grab some food for the both of us. as i'm driving, i see the bright lights of a mcdonald's in my view. "perfect," i say. "nothings better than a couple of chicken nuggets, right?"

as i'm waiting in the drive thru for the food to come through the window, i wondered if schlatt even made something to eat for himself while i was away for work. poor thing was probably so caught up in editing, he forgot about food.

my thoughts were interrupted by the worker opening the window and greeting me a goodnight while handing me the bag of goodies.

about 10 minutes later, i pull into the driveway of our humble abode. i reach for my bag from the backseat, grab the food from the passenger seat and head out the vehicle.

before i could even grab my keys, i could already hear loud yelling coming from inside. i chuckle in confusion, knowing that it was schlatt but curious as to what he was doing at this time.

i finally unlock the door and walk in, only to be greeted with the tall man face flat on the floor while groaning. i lock the door behind me, "uhh, schlatt?" he immediately turns his whole body, making himself face me at the sound of my voice.

"YOU'RE HOME!" he exclaims. i walk to the table and place the bags down. "i brought mcdonald's for us to eat, hope you don't mind."

"YOU BROUGHT FOOD?! DO YOU GUYS SEE THIS?!" guys? i look up to see the camera facing us. oh, of course he was recording a video. "CAN'T YOU SEE THAT I'M TRYING TO WORK OUT?!"

"well, it doesn't really seem like it." i giggle at his sprawled out figure on the hardwood floor.

"hahah, fuck you!" he laughs. i gasp dramatically, "HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT, I AM NO LONGER GIVING YOU FOOD! IT'S ALL FOR ME NOW!"


i look at him with no emotion, making sure that i don't break my act. he eventually opens his arms wide, asking for me to lay with him. i, with no surprise, break as i smile and roll my eyes. i go down to lay with him, his arms immediately going around my waist and pulling me closer to his body, though i didn't even know how it was possible since i was already on top of the guy.

i look at him, smiling as his hand pulls a piece of my hair behind my ear. "you know you're gonna have to cut all of this out, right?" i question with a soft tone. "no, i don't think i will." he responds with the same tone, adding a wink. i blush and continue to lay my head on his chest.

we lay there for about 5 more minutes, enjoying the comfortable silence and our own company; not to mention the company of the wii fit lady questioning schlatt's presence.

i remembered about the food i brought home, so i started to get up. "where you going?" schlatt questions as he tightens his grip around my waist. "we need to go eat." i chuckle out. he proceeds to not let me go, before i start to think. "baby, i bought chicken nuggets for you."

his eyes go wide, "I'M UP!" he starts to get up, helping me up in the process. i laugh as he starts rummaging through the paper bag, grabbing his nuggets and fries.

i go to hug him from behind as he munches on his fries. "i love you," my voice sounding muffled due to me saying it against his sweatshirt. he chuckles and turns around, swallowing the remains of food in his mouth. he wraps his arms around me and kisses the top of my head. 

"i love you too, baby."

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