the wildcast ~ [ kryozgaming ]

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as anthony gives us another round of drinks, i see tyler set his phone down on the table after looking at his notes. "so basically, i saw a tweet the other day, saying something by the lines of "i wonder if any of the content creators i watch ever had a crush on each other."  then tagging some of us afterwards." he looks towards his guests with a smile, "have you guys looked at one another differently than the rest?"

almost immediately, i piped up with my response, "i know i did." tyler's eyes widen, everyone else's heads turn to me. "really?" i nod, "yeah!" after anthony asks me who, i turn to look at john. "this guy right here, mr. john kryozgaming," i say, squeezing his face with my hands. i smile at the boy whose face turns into a light shade of pink.

"holy shit, no way!" i turn to the milkbag himself after letting go of john, "YES!! WHY IS THIS SO SURPRISING?"

"BECAUSE HE'S MINE?" in the corner of my eye, i see john rest his head on his hand while watching smii7y and i's little banter about the male. i can see a small smile on his face.

before our arguing becomes long enough to make a whole video out of, tyler breaks us up by telling us to "stop acting like children". he turns to me and asks, "so since when did that crush start or how did it even happen?"

"i don't really remember but the earliest i can say is during one of the 4th of july gatherings at your place-". john cuts me off with a "ARE YOU BEING SERIOUS?!" i look at him with wide eyes, "YES, IS THERE A PROBLEM?"


"back then?"

everyone starts laughing as john threatens to strangle smii7y for the comment. john turns to me, "is this a bit? are you pranking me?" i shake my head as i whisper a no. as i see the corners of his mouth slightly lift up, i can feel the burning stares from the other guys in the room. i place my hand on john's cold one, "we can talk about this later!" we all laugh as anthony jokes about all of the "sexual tension" in the room.

during most of the conversations between the other three, john continues to go back and forth on playing with the hem of my hoodie under the table.
at the end of our goodbyes to the cameras and microphones, we all get up. we all start cleaning and after anthony leaves with the last few empty glass cups that once had water in them, i realize i almost left without mine.

as i turn back, i lightly bump into john, both of us playfully screaming. i chuckle, "nothing else left back there?" he shakes his head no, looking at the distance between us. i look behind him to find my cup, noticing we were the only ones in the room as well. i look back at the man in front of me, finally realizing how close we were.

"actually, now that the recording is over, can i ask you something?"

i nod, "yeah go ahead!"

"okay awesome. so you know how you mentioned having a crush towards me earlier?"

"yeah?" i say, trying not to smile.

"okay," he whispers. he steps closer to me, reaching his arm behind me. he closes the door behind us, not breaking eye contact. my heart starts racing. "did it ever go away?" he asks, voice low, face closer to mine. i noticeably try not to smile, shrugging as an answer to tease him.

he softly smirks, slowly walking me backwards into the door. he whispers to me, "do you still feel that way?" my breath hitches. should i tell him? he looks down to my lips, eyes flickering between them and my eyes. fuck it. "yes," i whispered.

almost instantly, his lips land a bit roughly on mine. my hands make their way to his neck, kissing him back. his hands land around my waist, holding me in place.

we hear fast footsteps behind the door, anthony raising his voice, "hold on, i left my phone behind!" as soon as that is heard by us, john and i instantly pull away. i walk to the table to grab my cup of water as john pulls out his phone, staying in the same spot. not a second later, anthony walks in, "oh hey guys, have you seen my phone?"

i look across the table to see it sitting there. i grab it and hold it towards him, "right here!" anthony takes it, thanking me in the process. he soon walks out, checking his notifications.

as the sound of the door closing echoes the room, i feel john walk up behind me, burying his face in the crook of my neck while his arms snake around my waist. i smile, letting my hand into his hair, slightly scratching his scalp. his arms tighten around me as he sighs deeply. "okay, come on," he groans. he lets go of my body, but proceeds to grab my hand, tugging at it as he starts walking towards the door. i raise my eyebrow, "where are we going?"

"we're getting the hell out of here."


scoot has something to say:

i'm sorry this was shit but i've been writing this since february and i finally thought of an ending just last night so i had to finish this today and get it done and over with it.

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