Chapter 5 - backstory

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Someone suggested backstory so here you go.





PoV: Grian, at Evo time.

I was chilling on my railroads, writing in a book. Taurtis was arguing with Pearlscentmoon about something.

I heard strings of their argument, it was about dirt-cheap, a store that got taken down.

I yawned, pocketing the book as I ran over to them.
' Stop arguing, the whole server can probably hear you! ' I laughed saying that.

' We have to fight the dragon in a few hours. ' Taurtis said.

' Yep. ' I agreed.
' Let's go grab our gear. ' Pearl spoke, and Taurtis agreed.

I grabbed a minecart, placing it on the rail. ' See you at the portals I guess. ' I said, hopping in the cart.


I arrived at my base, it was halfway in the water. There were quartz and glass holding the water back. I ran over to the storage room, grabbing gear.

I went into the nether portal, heading into the red fog and running along the pathway to the other portals.

What I didn't know, was 2 people that were watching me.

I eventually ran to the portal that brought us where everyone else was, spawn island.

' We ready to go? ' Systemzee said, standing there impatient. 

Everyone agreed, following Zee to the end portal.


We arrived, heading inside the dungeon, Zee led us to the end room, killing the silverfish and destroying the spawner. Zee placed the end shards, activating the portal.

One end shard glowed a faint blue, no one paid attention to it.

They all hopped into the portal, falling on the smooth endstone.
However, there was no-one around, just the player in that specific end lair.

' Where is everyone? ' I called out.
Something in the distance roared.

It flew around and I dived somewhere, frantically pulling out my sword.
It flew by me, launching me back as I screamed, crashing into an end crystal.

' Uh oh- ' I started before it blew up, launching me to the ground 100 blocks below. I pulled out my water bucket, hoping to land in the water. 

I placed the water, crashing into it. I yelped as my arm make a crack-like sound. 
I looked down, seeing a red substance leaking from the wound.

A faint laugh started, it was quiet but I still heard it. ' I need to destroy the ender dragon. No laughing can distract me.' I thought. 

' But how am I gonna? I have a broken arm.. ' I said aloud.
Checking my inventory, I saw snowballs. Grinning I took down the end crystals.
I faced the dragon. ' Here we go. ' I said to myself, grabbing my sword.

I launched at the dragon, instantly getting blown back.

Two people stood behind me, laughing.
' What the- ' I turned.
They summoned someone.

' W-What- ' Taurtis said.

Suddenly, everyone was beside me.
The other watcher grabbed pearl roughly, digging their nails into her skin, drawing blood. I watched, helplessly as the blood leaked from her arm and they dragged her away.

My arm was crested in blood, I looked at the watchers as they held up a knife to Taurtis and Pearl.

' Join us, Grian. ' The first one said, smirking.
' What if I don't? ' I replied, worried about the answer.

' I'm sure you know what will happen. ' The second one said, coldly, holding Taurtis by the shoulders, impatient enough to lean on him.
I looked at everyone.

' F-Fine, I'll join you. ' I said, trying to mask my fear of them.

The first one laughed, ' Good choice. ' they said in-between gasps.
' Now, because you talked back. ' The second one took one hand off Taurtis, summoning purple fire, he threw Taurtis to the first watcher. 

The second one tapped the floor 3 times, purple fire exploded in all directions, sucking in all of Evo with it.

' NOO! ' I screamed, ' PLEASE! ' I begged, ' Save them... ' I chocked on the smoke but they forced me to watch everyone die, my friends, gone. Taurtis and Pearl were brought into this because of me.

At least they were still alive... Taurtis looked sad, same with pearl.

The watcher let me go, I ran straight into the flames. Chocking on my sobs I ran to someone, it was Nelly. ' Nelly, I'm so so so sorry.. ' I cried out, she gave me one last sympathetic smile before the life ran out of her eyes.

I ran again, looking for survivors.

I saw a body, it was SystemZee. ' Are you still alive? ' I meekly said. The body groaned, shifting and turning towards me.

' C-come h-here Grian. ' Zee said, coughing.
I ran to him, kneeling.

' N-No m-m-matter w-wh-what y-you th-think, I-It's n-no-not y-your f-f-fault t-this happened. ' He said, wheezing now.
' But it is! ' I argued, tears running down my cheeks.

' N-No, i-it's n-not. ' He said, the life draining out of him quickly.
' I-It's m-my ti-time to l-leave n-now. G-Goodbye G-Gri-Gri. ' He said, dying.
He took his final breaths, in pain from the fire burning his skin until he bled out.

The bleeding slowed down, I cried. Sure that there were no more survivors.

Someone appeared behind me.
' What do you want. ' I hissed, turning around.

' It's your fault Gri-Gri. ' Watcher one said.

' No, it's not! Don't call me that! ' I snarled.
Watcher 2 appeared with Taurtis, he seemed, different.
Scarred, like the both of us.

Watcher one grabbed my arm, I felt a weird sensation as I teleported away.

Darkness swarmed my vision, the memories haunting me.
' Remember, Grian. ' Watcher one began.
' It's your fault if you joined us before. You wouldn't be here. ' Watcher one said, laughing.
' Have fun, Gri-Gri~ ' Watcher one said, dragging the I.

They put me to sleep, nightmares and grief surrounded me in my dreams.
The same words repeated in my head.

It's my fault.

It's my fault.

It's my fault.

It's my fault.



I suck at writing angst but I hope that was angsty enough. lol
Longer chapters or shorter?

More details maybe
If that's possible gahaha

Comment below for a chance to be in the AU for a chapter or more.

Mk bye

Word count: 1020 words, yay

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