Leading To a Slight Avengement

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We sat comfortably embracing the silence between us.

"I'm sorry but I think he would be bothering you somewhat from today.", Wooyoung stared into the distance before he turned to me,

"Y/n... stay with me, I'll keep you safe."

All this futile span of life I've been alive for, I had never been blessed to catch this little four-worded phrase,
"I'll keep you safe"
To be honest, I did feel special for the first time in my life.
While my heartbeat seemed to skyrocket, I gently nod at him with a smile.

Thinking about the monster that Choi San was, 'This is how my high school classmates saw me as... ' I sighed with  an unsure breath hinting of empathy.
Nevertheless, the class started and we all went our ways until it was time to go home.

I wasn't really the type to sit quietly when someone got on my nerves this bad, and along these lines of Avengement, I put on my usual intimidating demeanor and went on a lookout for San, who was sitting on the edge of the staircase with a bunch of scary looking goons who looked like they punched people for a living.
I had the courage;
I had already encountered and handled such people before;
They might not know me in the sheets, but they could reckon me in the streets.

I quietly made my way to my prey.

It was my target who fell down the staircase thanks to a hard kick on his back.
His companions looked utterly speechless.

"Ooh I wasn't expecting this you.. Peasant!
Or... what was your name?"
San got up, following which he held back the chest of his boys while giving me a glare.
As he cracked his neck from side to side,
"You know You're going to pay for this?", he scoffed in annoyance.

I walked past the gang of boys including the victim of my plan, San, without a word and didn't even bother seeing an utterly amused face smirking behind me.

                                  ° ° °


Hahaha wow so this is what was so different about you", the guy from day before giggled.

"I knew the moment I saw you,
YOU have the balls".

I chukled at being praised for my monstrous act for the first time. College wasn't so bad after all.

"but you need to be careful now, he's not the type to let this slide easily,
try to be around me", he had a very sweet side to him. Or maybe I was being flustered around him... Wait Is this what you call playboy magnetism?

"by the way.. W.. What's your name?", I asked being embarrassed of my inability to socially interact in the presence of someone who is even slightly interested in me.

"Wow, what are you!", he exclaimed.

"maybe you really are a different species."

"Why are you giving me that look?"

"Ask any girl on the campus who am I and she'll give you the same look which I'm giving.. or maybe worse"

"Why should I ask others, can't you speak my tongue?", I look straight into his eyes only to find them glued on mine.

"ahhhh This one....", he quickly averted his eyes as if he was caught staring, and continued,

"Jung Wooyoung; it's me.
You can call me Woo if you find me cute ", he did an unpredictable aegyo.

You can call me Woo if you find me cute ", he did an unpredictable aegyo

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"shit shit shit shit" rained in my brain, "I actually am in some kinda k-drama".

Countless thoughts in my head yet all I said was,
"Okay , I'll try to remember it", I had no intention to hint that
I was into him... so that he shan't be able to take the most out of me but who knew he already was skull deep into my head.

                                ° ° °

The next day was just like any other day at uni, except for the non stagnant fact that, I had a friend now;
actually a bit of a nuisance because of his clingy cheering squad, but tolerable because he had his ears and eyes fixated on me.
He occasionally disappeared to attend phonecalls but that was fine because he practically didn't belong to me in the first place.

I felt like I was living some Hollywood college life daydream and loosened my guard around him little by little. Uni life felt easier now that I had a living thing to talk to except trees.

We all do it right? I wouldn't mind being abnormal tho.


The same day had in store for me, a magnificent sunset view from the library where I was sitting, waiting for Wooyoung to get free from his sports club activities... since he asked me to walk home together.

It was until another silhouette eclipsed the sun from my sight;
A girl's voice announced,
"Wooyoung's waiting in the football ground", It seemed like a bitter tone and thus, was believable coming from a girl since each one of them was jealous of me because of him sticking around me.

Packing my things I wondered
'IN TIMES LIKE THIS, USUALLY THE GUY CONFESSES. He seemed overly interested in me; what should I do? what should I say when he approaches me? what kind of face should I make?
I'm not even sure if I like him."

"He does make me feel special, but I feel like we're poles apart when the talk is about personality."

Endless internal debates and questions accompanied my walk towards the football field in a trance-like manner where Wooyoung awaited.

                                ° ° °

Let alone wooyoung; Reaching there I looked around to not even find a single soul in the field.

"Has he left? did I take up to much time?", these thoughts revolved around my head until i was tremored by a loud bang behind my head, "BLOOD", it had been a while since I  saw blood...



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