Rising From The Ashes

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Days passed and I had no option but to move on from my little infatuation with Wooyoung.

Until one day, when the announcement of a trek trip was circulated which made the girls squirm and smolder with excitement yet I had no intentions of enjoying this side of my mundane life.

"y/n, you going to this stupid trip?", ah yes this unbothered voice, I knew it once more, but this time it was not Jung Wooyoung.

San put his chin on my head as he was at a perfect height to do so. "I'm bored let's go play games", there's a new arcade parlour at the end of the street.

We played video games and had fun

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We played video games and had fun. Much more fun than if we had chosen to be a couple. We never talked about what happened that day, but enjoyed each other's company so much that those things were understandable even when unsaid.

"Let's Play the Dare Game!", San hinted, "you know how it goes, right?", the idea suddenly ignited a flame of desire in the heads of two nudniks in the sheets to be absolute hippies on the streets.
The monotony broke when I said, "let's do this shit" and toppled a rock candy into my mouth which I bought at the arcade centre.

San, as excited as a 7 year old, went to the sidewall and mischievously picked up two pebblestones and with a grin on his face said, "go to the lady standing over there doing her little tap dance in the white skirt and offer to her, the candy, but exchange it with these real pebbles..... You better give me a good laugh. Yolo! "

There was something strange about this character I studied, as I looked longer at her to examine the strengths of my victim.
Her little tap dance perhaps, could be due to nervousness for her first interview ;
Or due to her cluelessly foolish lover making her wait for a date...
Or maybe this vibrato is the result of a volcanic eruption nearby.

As I approached her, I gulped my shamelessness back into my stomach to clear the path of my innocent intention of annoying my first pedestrian of the day all thanks to San.
"Hey, would you like some candy?", I excellently completed my job by offering her imposters of rock candy with a smile so heavenly that even a person being offered with a health policy wouldn't refuse.
Her impatience compelled her to put the candy into her mouth without even reviewing and clank, her teeth hit the Holy impermeable candy imposter in her mouth as hard as I clenched my teeth straining my neck cartilage in anxious excitement.

San was nowhere to be seen in that moment, because laughing as psychotically as he was somewhere, anybody would have taken him to be a serial killer.

The awaited moment was here, how was she about to react? At what speed do I have to run to avoid the law protectors? And most importantly which direction?

"What the hell did you feed me, this is an ACTUAL ROCK!", anger dripped like cats and dogs from her face.

At this point I thought, my man Sarcasm would either save me or be my death. So I calmly replied,
"what else did you expect from rock candy?"

Honestly, I owe my skateboard for this one. The tires screeched covering my roaring laughter as I flew down a nearby alley like tinkerbell skating over fairy dust particles of hurled abuses which tailed me till the end of the street where I saw San literally dying with laughter and tears in his eyes, holding his stomach he said, "if you hadn't come this way, I swear you'd be dead in the hands of the witch by now.

"ha ha", why don't you dare me to murder someone already. His absolutely squeaking laugh made me burst out an uglier one as we stumbled down the road coming to a halt near a convience store.
"Do You Have a Lottery Luck Soul?", a poster read. "of course... Not.. But I have a person to annoy!", I looked at the innocent puppy face of San sipping a cola to relish his dry throat from all that running.

"hey San, I dare you to win a lottery for me.... No matter how many tickets it takes", it was my turn to disgust him and I had to do it right.

He bought five tickets with almost all the money he had and as I waited for the scratch results, he read out "Try again", "try once again", "oh! no lottery luck soul", "don't lose hope", as if, luck was intentionally toying with him. Maybe it was Karma about what I did to the lady, but this last ticket had a different vibe to it.

"I don't wanna open it", he exclaimed.
Ow didn't you read the fourth ticket, come on don't be the dullard you are. Remember? TODAY WE'RE HIPSTERS!

he scratched the last magically shining ticket with my eyes set on it as if it was the result of my maternity DNA test.
"haha is your luck this bad?", the almighty ticket mocked at us again.

"fuck this shit I'm out", he sang as we took out our disappointment laden faces from the store until the shopkeeper called us on,

"hey, this is funny; but...um.. You guys have won an extra 'unlucky ticket' for failing five times in a row.

              "I'm selling my kidney if this one mocks at me again", he said. "agreed. But who would buy your kidney", my eyes followed the path of the scratched patch which revealed,


"All this money and patience for winning a hotel room at the sucky place where those assholes are going for a trip?", San pretended to faint.

"Whatever, we won this with so much headachery...we need to go", I added.

                 Pursuing San was one of the special skills on my curriculum vitae. Moreover, I hoped that I'd get out of this dull, lifeless life if I get out more often. San was totally uninterested but agreed seeing my sudden interest in going on a trip with him.
He wanted to take things ahead, but my insecurities always blocked the way. We already named my condition as, 'the Jung Wooyoung hangover', something which I wanted to get over. This trip could help me or betray me, but I left it on my; you know how bad; Luck.

                               ° ° °

With the arrangements done, it was the day to set out for an unforseen journey.
"Look, ALL we have to do is, abstain from people, not look at people, and not talk to people, and we'll totally be  fine.", he agreed to make this our motive and added,

"please stop me if I'm about to punch someone!"

I laughed it off because I knew I'd be the one who'll need to be stopped after seeing Jung wooyoung.


The squeaking of a train on rails approached the platform full of idle passengers, stupidly waiting with maps in their hands.
"Do they not know about technology?", I whispered.
"they think the map makes them look professional.... At being lost", this addition made both of us chuckle in whispers.

Trains are fine but not for antisocial people. Unlike other tourists, we inexperienced people tend to wait for others to get on as to not get trampled upon. "like duh, everyone has a ticket and a place to sit, right!", "then why this hurry".

But some of us antisocial people aren't much aware of the fact that a train shuts its doors and leaves in a time span short enough to not fully speak the word : Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.

As I just jinxed it, you'd understand, until the time we were done with formalities, the warning was announced which made San jump with his bag with his giraffe legs and strong arms leaving behind the mule that was me. Yes a mule stuck in the crowd.
A moment more and the doors started sliding as swiftly as a striper on the pole.


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