Gave An Uncalled Turn

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... After the classes for the day, I went to the football field;
not to re-live my moment of agony but just to witness where i got defeated after three years of unmatched valiance during sophomore year.

While strolling along the pathway,
a scene caught my eyes which made them stretch wide. A commotion amidst small trees partly hidden by thick bushes and partly open where I snuk in order to capture it.

The protagonist of the agitation was a tall figure seated facing the other side with his back arched.
His black hair looked familiar from behind as i proceeded near to evasdrop their conversation.
Moving closer, I saw the said man pulling another female figure by the collar, while a pair of other girls stood beside each other, a little behind there in silence apparently showing loyalty to their queen bee.

Squinting my eyes in order to look closely, I got assured of the fact that it was the very monster responsible for the attack on me, who was threatening the girl.

A thought suddenly hit me, "the girls look familiar-- long hair, ponytail, Bob hair, and this stance of standing..."

"THESE ARE THE BRATS FROM THAT DAY", my eyes became furious with rage as I reverted my eyes to San, who sat there in an alpha-male position.
I gathered up the courage and moved even closer to the bunch of trees which could camouflage my presence.
I picked up a flaked, sharp edged stone and carefully and stealthily moved near the rock over which San sat...

In the snap of a moment,
I placed my hand holding the self made weapon on San's protruding clavicle underneath his white shirt and pointed the edge of the stone on his neck vein and murmured in his ear,

"You owe me a lot more than an expalination Choi San".
My voice was heavily intimidating and hinted that I could kill my victim without second thoughts...

                                ° ° °

While San flinched at being caught unguarded, he unexpectedly chuckled at my unpredictable heroism, and clapped as if he was impressed by my smart move.

His neck.. Its distracting me, I unintentionally noticed the light freckles on his neck which weren't quite visible from afar...
and his long neck with panic stricken veins due to the predicament he was in;
which stretched till his prominent collarbone, which lay structurously in my grasp.

I grabbed my attention being scattered all over his upper body, back to my silent attack and motioned  him to explain himself as briefly as he could.

He neither showed rebellion nor moved when he said, "Don't you have something to say?" to the leader of the girl gang struck with fright because of me, who had obtained a hostage who seemed to be never seen attacked before.

In her pause was a slight hesitation and awe until San shouted at her,

                   "FUCKIN SPEAK".

This sent chills down my spine as well as made her loose her calm and stutter, "I

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This sent chills down my spine as well as made her loose her calm and stutter,
"I... I couldn't stand you"... "I... I heard.. That you kicked my Sani and were getting very much talked about recently also because of your dirty tricks on my Woo.", I made a disturbed face because of all those possessive pronouns she was using in her guilt speech.

Suddenly putting on a bitchy demeanour, she continued, "You've been getting way more attention than how much a weed requires. How could I let you off!", San let off her collar while he rolled his eyes at her smiting honesty while I was at the least, irritated only by her voice.

She went on, " I thought San would appreciate it when i told him I avenged him.... but seems like he is out of his mind", she said as she jerked the dirt off her skirt and proceeded to leave with her hooligans.

The moment she glanced back at the fiery, intimidating face of San starting right into her eyes, about to eat her up, she continued
"...but I'm sorry.... I didn't know San preferred you". She gave something of an apology laden with jealousy, but at the last line, San's expression changed into something else, something I had never seen, or maybe nobody ever saw.

"Get lost from my sight", San's frightening air hit back.

° ° °

It was almost sunset time, with birds chirping and a summery breeze flowing, touching the leaves of the trees with utmost delicacy, it was a soft scene which compelled me to strike a conversation,
"I'm... I thought it was you.... So it wasn't you!", followed by moments of silence.

"I assumed that,
I'm a monster after all", his stance was calmer than ever and in that shimmery golden sunkissed visual, I noticed that San wasn't as scary as others' opinions made him, perhaps, he was kind of like how I used to be...

"Despised merely because of  prejudices, monster, scary, unfriendly and cold.

These tags fit both of us", I wondered, since now I've gotten out of the pit, I am able to see it clearly.

"you remind me of myself", the breeze made me turn the conversation into a comfortable one.
...I continued "a stereotypical monster created by the annoying ones, who later realized that it's better to be this way", San chuckled at this description and looked up..

"you're not totally nonsense after all", "your species knows how to use sensible words".. There was a strange connection I felt with him which was swiftly made smoother by the wind which made me stand up and ask, "wanna grab a drink?"

... Only to find out that he did not hesitate to be approached this way by me.

"But.. what did she mean by you preferring me? "

"This", the change in his voice tone was visibly evident when he pulled me by the left arm into a spin causing me to fall into his lap and looking straight into my eyes, he said,
"you're only for me." he gently but passionately pressed his lips against mine not wanting to let go.

Honestly, he had some mysterious charm which made me entwine my fingers with his silky bangs as I moved upwards, closer to his face touching his soft but unimaginably squishy cheeks while his arms which embraced me tightly
and proved to be perfect for my body to cave in. I felt something more than safe, I felt like I belonged in there more than anywhere else....

But suddenly I broke the entangling kiss

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But suddenly I broke the entangling kiss...


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