Revealing The Past

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"I'm sorry...uh..I.. I wanted to spend some time with you.", my eyes jump out of their sockets as I witness this moment.

"She's annoying as hell", he sighed.

"so you're under no black magic i see ", I tried to lighten up the tense mood.
I can't express how much something inside me was eager for this moment to happen.
I guess this is what we both needed.

An unbiased, unheated talk by the ocean on a chilly dark night over moody rivalry.

" I have something.... Things to tell you.."

"actually have been for a long time, but you were always so resentful towards me..", his voice had a tint of concern which reminded me of how scenery affects the mood of the confessor.

"I have nowhere to run to, so I'm all ears I guess. ",
I wanted the mood to be neither too romantic nor on the verge of being depressing.
I fathomed, it was time I should be hearing the untold explanations I was still oblivious of.

"Unlike what you think, I never had nor have any girlfriends or relationships except you, nor have I ever loved anyone more than you.", the sea fell silent unlike Wooyoung's heavy exhales.

"I wanted to show every bit of my affection to you in every way possible. Physically, Mentally and emotionally... But...I...",he paused to finally look up at my tear filled eyes gazing lovingly at his honest confession and a blanket of silence left his mouth agape.

I embraced the silence as i leaned closer to him filling the gap between us. I was about to stamp my lips on his when he stepped back and stammered,

"P.. Please listen to me first..", the beautiful silence was ruined and so was my embracing heart flooding with emotions in that moment as he continued hurriedly,
"that day i was really tensed which caused me to drink a little too much and at the bar... The girl...";

Wooyoung said something absolutely unbelievable to me.

how should I explain my unbearableness? It was as if someone caused a short circuit and threw water over it to extinguish the fire.
Similar was the shock caused by a pinch I hurt myself with my hand which was shivering as the same thing my heart pounded because of.

This event concluded the evidently hard confrontation placed between us by his act of courage;
which didn't go as planned on both his and My behalf, but gave me an unbidden taste of pain and a pounding heart accompanied by a dozen of botherful thoughts embarking upon my naive conscience.
Though the thumping of my heart was overpowering all other emotions as I ran with squinted eyes towards my hotel room, away from this mess called Reality.


The hotel was a bit further away from the beach and opposite to the student dorm, and thus, was a perfect place to run away from my miseries. The night breeze dried my useless tears as I approached to the room which was a big fancy room, just like how the lottery sounded like;
But none of it even matters rn, I wish I didn't come on this journey, I walked in with frowned eyes only to find San laying on the bed,

"Oh, you're done?", he said only to find my devastated face as he continued,
"what? Ran out of social battery?", he grinned without any premonition of what I'd just been through. San wasn't even supposed to be there and now I won't even be able to cry to my heart's content.
Noticing something unsettling,
San stood and came upto me until I desperately fell right into his arms giving in to the desolation.
The emotional damage I just encountered, was enough for the day.

Non surprisingly, he embraced me in his broad arms and softly asked,
"Y/n... you don't seem okay, did something happen?".

Before I said something, he helped my unmoving corpse of a body, laid it gently on the bed, while being cuddled up in his cozy arms

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Before I said something, he helped my unmoving corpse of a body, laid it gently on the bed, while being cuddled up in his cozy arms.

"you're cold man... Let me turn on the heater", he sounded worried as always when it came to me, But who could tell him that his hands were warm just right for my body, and it wasn't electric heat that I was craving for, it was the exactly the heat of someone's embrace encircling around my vulnerably exposed self.

As he struggled to get up, I snuggled into his hands, laying my head in his lap saying, "just like this...", as I faded into a transient sleep with his fingers running through my hair. I knew nothing in that moment except his little hums which went totally against his manner.
Bright rays teased and tingled my eyes as the morning sun knocked on our window causing me to slightly open them... Only to find San sleeping right next to me with his left arm still under my neck like a pillow.
I never had seen San up this close as I beheld his tiny freckles flashing up in the glowing morning light and his closed eyes which don't reveal to be beautiful enough when he glares at the annoying lads;
But in that moment, they seemed pretty carved and peaceful. His slightly parted lips reminded me of our first deadly encounter when he kissed me. I wonder If that kiss meant something or was just an adornation to the moment.

But wasn't this light too much?,
I detangled myself from his long arms to check the time which was past noon.
Welp, he woke up to the sound of my hands rubbing my skin telling it to wake up from the nightmare which took place the previous day.
He couldn't even open his eyes because of the flashing light from the large uncurtained glass window which we forgot to cover last night.

"you feel better?", he sat upright as he rubbed his eyes.

"what a scene,

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"what a scene,... And yes i feel better", I tried not to make it awkward.
The fact that it was like a honeymoon suit and we just woke up in each other's embrace, but with our clothes on, was enough to make it awkward.

"you were shivering like a kitten man, what happened last night? I spent half the night trying to calm you down and ouch, my arm!", he snuggled back into the bed.

"I'll bring us something to eat", I said evading the direct question stumbling upon my pride.

I returned with some snacks in the name of breakfast accompanied by a medium sized strawberry cake which was complimentary for the couples' first night in. I could've denied being a couple, but that would mean denying a cake, and afterall; who knows what could happen later.


The Two of Us : woosan X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now