An Unplanned Trip

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Panic made me leave my stupid heavy bag and hop onto the train relying solely on San's masculine arm.

"Aren't you a turtle?", San hissed at me while a silly laugh leaked out of his teeth...
"why did you throw away the bag?", his laugh gained pace and volume. As the colleagues looked back to see this rare sight.

"I can't believe", "he", "why is he here?"

"heard he rejected the offer for the trip", "but why is he with a girl",

"I thought he was into boys", all kinds of gossips infuriated my already pissed head until the climax to this angergasm came.

"oh Hi Woo", the cheering squad turned around their faces which were pale with confusion, a moment ago ; but became blushy with blissfulness now.

"Whoa" , he looked at San with penetrating eyes which turned towards me and.... His face dropped as if someone is about to shoot him with a very scary gun.
"you're here?... With him?", his statement reeked of jealousy with chunks of regret on his distasteful face.

My anxious ass which was now softened by his tone couldn't find the suitable words until San's hand dragged my unmoving mannequin figure towards the seat

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My anxious ass which was now softened by his tone couldn't find the suitable words until San's hand dragged my unmoving mannequin figure towards the seat.
"M-46, M-47, okay let's sit."


"I'm still not over the fact that you threw your bag in order to get yourself up... Poor bag of a Selfish owner", San tried to lighten the mood.
He was good at it, or let's admit, he was the only one who could make me laugh after seeing Wooyoung.

"you should've picked it up for me, where's your chivalric gallantry
Mr. Knight?", as always my humor seemed to appease him.

"Where's my baby, WOOYOUNGIE WHERE ARE...", an uninvited booger interrupted my already ruined mood by her high pitched horrendous voice which practically drilled the ears of me and my partner.

"have you seen my Wooyoungie?", the nightmare approached me but was fortunately distracted by the human next to me.
"long time no see, liar.
You said you didn't like girls
then why are you with....umm.. Oh are you a trans?"

The whining noise of her laughter made me almost ready to throw hands before San mockingly answered, "didn't you hear the - i despise- girls - specifically- like- you " in my sentence when we last chatted?"

"or maybe your botox injections are mistakingly being put in your memory lobe, causing lesions in it?"

This was an applaudable response to a girl obsessed with her unnatural beauty and possessive raptures, just like she was, and was appreciated throughout the coach in the form of giggles and sighs.

"anyways, peasant, have you seen
my Woo? ", she tested my patience for the last time.

"It smells like trash.. over there, go throw yourselves in!", I said as I pointed to the guy adjacently behind our seat who was trying to hide from this utterly brainless creature in the name of a side chic.

I could never understand why Wooyoung cheated with someone like her over me

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I could never understand why Wooyoung cheated with someone like her over me. But I guess people's standards are like wet soap, they slip and fall Unexpectedly in the blink of an eye.
Or like the grades of a person who's recently started dating.
Anyways, I can transparently see one thing from his face though, that he regrets not being with me rn... Like he would hug me so bad if he could get a chance. Thinking is not a solution in my case, I should just stop hoping and ask San out I guess...

It was a while since I was zoned out I realized. But this visual I saw really melted me after an intense thinking session. San looked at me patiently waiting for me to zone back in only to say,
"man it really felt like I was waiting for my food to cook in the microwave haha..", and it brought a lesser seen bright smile on my face.

A pair of brats who couldn't stand others nor were intimate enough to make out under the coach seats did not have much to do in a moving train, so we decided to take a nap.

° ° °

Suddenly my head felt like it was being snuggled: I felt like I was unconsciously laying my head on someone and I hoped it wasn't San because that would've embarrassed me like the heroine gets all shy and stuff in a cliche romance movie..

I peeked outside only to realize that I was on the window seat with my head leaned towards the window glass, then what is this shoulder kinda thing..

touching it, I felt a hoodie put on the glass, probably to save me from a sudden jerk or hit.
San, as far as i know him, seemed incapable of doing such an adorable act because i know he had never dated before,
andd.. it may sound ironic but nor had he any experience in saving people.

And I know, The girls would never care to save me even if I was the driver of this thing.

Left is one doubtable person in this coach, I thought as I secretively peeked at Jung Wooyoung, who was staring into the void as if waiting for me to look back at him.
Our eyes met, "oh my god what a pain is this!"... "I shouldn't have come"..
I pulled the courage to look back again telling myself, I should not look like a coward trying to break the eye contact... But this time I received a heavenly smile.

"shit! This was the same smile he gave when we first met, and this is the one which made my heart melt faster than the glaciers of Antarctica due to global warming."

My face, is it red? Am I blushing?
San woke up as my insides fluttered and outsides shuddered so near his skin.
"you okay? ", he rubbed his eye and held my hand which had now stopped shivering.
"Now? Yes. thank you", he pulled me closer for a side hug for which i did not resist.

For the rest of the journey, Wooyoung eagerly kept gawking at our seat which made me quite uncomfortable but kept reminding me,
"maybe he wants to talk to me about things..
I am aware that he tried many times to approach me but I, everytine stupidly told him off because of my self respect.
At the end of the day, it all goes to hell when it comes to your lover."

It was a while since the staring contest was initiated.. And now he felt like a stalker to San who poked me to say,

"Tell me one thing, is he looking at you or looking at me?",
he laughed causing me to laugh at his observation as well.


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