Messy Events

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The breakfast brought up an uninvited but inevitable conversation about the episode of last night to which I couldn't cope up yet.
I understood it now, it must've been my temperament which didn't allow me to understand what he said.
Maybe I was selfish because his actions did not tend to my desire.

As I cool down, I realized my mistake and I continued to recite the story to San... In an altered Perspective.

"he wanted to talk to me i guess.... But I wanted something more; like a reason to talk to him",

"or maybe I just wanted it to be about me rather than him", I said in a gloomy tone.

"Maybe you should've heard what he had to say", he softly spoke as he caressed my hair and neatly tucked one of my hair strands behind my ear. He pulled my chin near to his face as I saw tenderness welling up in his eyes.

Maybe I should just ignore what Wooyoung told me.
Drawing a small grin on his pinkish lips, he then cheerfully said,
"C'mon now, the worst is already done.... Lets try to make some memories to talk about later.
I don't wanna hear your prying later on filled with only the bad-Wooyoung experiences after this trip.

Let's add good stuff to the list."

Hearing this, a big cheeky smile automatically encroached my lips as I felt energy filling my veins," YAHHH", I almost shouted like how footballers shout after scoring a goal.
Following the routine, all we had on our to-do list was eat, wander and nap all day. So starting with the first, San opined about going to the nearby tourist places.
As my major job for the day, I had to make sure we don't run into Wooyoung for a good day's work.

"Let's go to the beach"

"Sounds about good."

Running around on wet sand felt therapeutic with San by my side. He Occasionally laughed at my jokes about how I absolutely loathe the crowd as we walk around.
When it was time for a swim, I left to get changed into a bathing suit while he simply took his shirt off.
On returning to our spot, I started become conscious about my bathing suit.
Although it was my first time trying it on, I felt like I would just mix in..
But I seemed like I didn't.

"Whoa whoa", San immediately sharpened his gaze at me right at first sight.

"What... Never seen a girl in a bath suit?", I cheekily said.

"I have
.... But you...

You look like a whole goth potato.", he started laughing his ass off.

"Well you must be aware, potatoes make French fries..", I mocked.

"I agree... But

Did you have to wear this band t-shirt that says 'Guilty all the same' to a beach?", he broke into laughter again.

"uhhhh should I just be naked? I feel like people would prefer that over this judging by their glares.", I suggested.

"Well I won't mind.", San teased.


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"You...", I pushed his shoulder thinking he would catch me, but now we were on the sand, my body over San's as I struggled to get up.
The sun was up by now causing San to direct his squinted eyes at me as he held my waist with both of his hands.
He stared at me for a moment and said,
"Honestly... I prefer mashed potato pancake over fries any day."

I just chuckled at the seriousness of his response and got up to swim.

"Aye mate, be careful. If pirates saw you in that, they might as well take you to the sea", he hollered from afar.

"What worse than pirates..." I shyly walk away from the spot, walking towards the shore to take a dip.
My stance was neither too excited nor too glum... Unlike someone who was happily shouting in the water..
Heaviness took over my heart as I concluded that if this is Vanessa, which it sounds like... There must be Wooyoung somewhere around.

Luckily when she turned around, she was somebody entirely else which caused me to inhale a breath of relief.
I gradually walked into the water, slowly the water level reaching my ankles.. Then my knees and then finally, I was chest-deep in the sea;
Away from the hustle bustle.

I slowly dived into the water and swam to the left. When I resurfaced to breathe, I push my wet hair behind and proceed to wipe my eyes but the moment I opened them, I saw Wooyoung right in front of me, pushing his wet hair behind as well.
How badly are our stars aligned?

Before he could open his eyes, I submerged back inside and proceeded to swim slightly in a right direction.
It was, but just the moment I went a little ahead, my body collided with a rock.
But rocks aren't soft...
So I was... Please don't be him...

As I resurface at the same time as the hurdle, I witnessed an annoyed Wooyoung with furrowed eyebrows.
Recognizing me, he went,
"Y/n.. You?"


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"ye..yeah", I stuttered.

"What are you doing here?",
Great question Y/n, now you're the stupid one.

"underwater is a good place to hide from fangirls haha..", he gently smiled at me.
Did I ever tell you, his smile is something that never fails to make flowers bloom in my heart?

"ah... You must be here with San.",
He said in a low voice.

"No no no.. Its just.. I'll just..get going.", he stuttered.

Weird. I thought as we parted ways.
Anddd enough swimming for today, my good mood again was dispersed as clouds of uncertainty gathered around me.
I got out of the water and went back to San, only to find him casually sipping a drink while laying under shade.


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"Hah.. You're enjoying...", I taunted at him.

"That's not the spirit of a beach kid.", he spilled.

"who are you to tell me how I can live my life", I rolled my eyes.

"OK someone's hangry right now.
Let's go eat.. Shall we?", San got up and ruffled my hair before grabbing me by the shoulder.
We then walked off while I felt something thump in my chest.


The Two of Us : woosan X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now