To The Absolute Unravel

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The chief culprit of my impetuous decision was none other than the one thought revolving around my mind,

Would this be cheating... On Wooyoung?,
honestly, I'm not his girlfriend nor has he confessed any feelings for me.

I don't even know if he felt the same towards me but I still wanted to believe in our little unsaid crush and thus, abstain from erring in my fantastical relationship with Wooyoung.
Along these lines, I let a precious moment slip away through my hands and distanced myself from San stepping back by two or three steps.

San sensed my hesitation, and got up with an awkwardly forced smile, "Right! Let's... grab a drink...."

I was definitely not used to social places and as I could tell neither was San, so we both randomly decided upon a bar on the Google map and decided to go on his bike rather than loosing track on a bus.
The walk towards the parking lot was silent, until we came across San's motorbike.
It was a sexily intimidating black racer bike as it would have suited San just as you can imagine;
And the speed of the wind or perhaps the speed of the bike made me feel the heavy slaps of the gushing wind until halfway... where San suddenly stopped the bike and surprisingly looked back at my hair which was a mess.

He gave a foolish grin, cute enough to charm a person who had never seen him in anything except a menacing vibe.

"I forgot to give you a helmet.. Haha look at you... I'm sorry..


I never had a passenger before", he justified himself looking shy but still didn't succeed in igniting my suppressed laughter at his reasonable silliness.

"It's fine we're here anywa..",
a helmet was toppled onto my head and my voice disappeared into the void.

"Let's go it's not far now".

Just two more turns into the streets and our duo was at a small store with a channeled- kinda gate with red lights glimmering through the whole street which rather looked like the gates of hell.

"Chug off" , sounds weird", I said.
Entering such an unfamiliar place was exciting for both of us, but I equally wanted to hide my first-timer excitement with sarcasm.

"What do they even serve here, coke?", he said examining the red lighting.

Shit this is red too.

"perhaps this place is as dark as our souls", I added.
Both of ours' humor kinda resonated and we really felt more like ourselves hanging out with each other unlike when I'm with Wooyoung, wherein I keep having some sort of insecurity of handling my good image.

But a thought constantly rung in the back of my head,
'why am I feeling so comfortable with this wierdo' , was my main concern for the evening.

We sat on a table for two and out of all the topics in the huge, wide world, he picked up his rival,
"Jung Wooyoung would burn in blue flames if he saw his possession with his most hated person"

"I'm not his possession.", I glared at him for a short interval before a sexy waitress came over to serve our drinks.
I kept my eyes on San to see if he's looking at her, but he rather was interested in his unusual beverage.

"but what he doesn't know is that I'm sitting here sipping bloodshots with the grim reaper", he said with a smile revealing his dimples which caught me off guard, as he took a sip of his drink, named bloodshot.

I was a perfect match for his sarcasm level when my similar humor made me confidently state, "What can an angel even do in the territory of Satan enjoying with his grim reaper",

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I was a perfect match for his sarcasm level when my similar humor made me confidently state,
"What can an angel even do in the territory of Satan enjoying with his grim reaper",

"or is it too cheesy", I held back wondering if this is called cheating someone you're not even dating.

"Nah not cheesy,
it's Terrifying and I love it", his eyebrows raised at this devilicious flirtyness that arose right after one sip of the liquor.
His dark and sexy humor honestly appeased me more than wooyoung's lethargically cliche compliments. But why am I comparing these two?

"Mind telling me why is there always a world War between you and Wooyoung", I asked since I was curious to know since day one.

"Just 'cause..", he said looking closer to the back of the bar where a couple was weirdly and aggressively making out being all over each other.

"Looks like it's someone we... YOU know", he pointed at the black-over-blonde hair of someone who's hairstyle could be counted as his cardinal trait.

The stretch of his back, large manly hands knitted in the mesh of the female's hair strands and the white T-shirt just like the one h..he wore today.
I couldn't help to stop myself from getting up and going over to the party to check my doubts on his identity. "excuse me", I said.

The lustful face that turned around ignited fright in mine.

"Wooyoung, what the fu*k are you doing?"

"Making out", his drunk ass casually replied

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"Making out", his drunk ass casually replied... And in a fraction of seconds, it was like sobriety slapped him as he recognized me. Getting up he rubbed his eyes and inquired,
"y/n is it really you? Wh.. Why are you here? D.. Did you know?
Did you spy on me?", his stuttering voice confirmed the fact that he was indeed caught red handed.
It felt like my non existing, or existing but fractured heart broke into a million pieces.

"Why did you do this to me.. Weren't we... ?", my angry yet teary eyes demanded an explanation for all his secretive phone texts and uncounted absences.
But as for the drunk man, he rejoicingly said,

"I'm sorry are you my girlfriend? No; did you say you like me? No;
so how is this even cheating", before he could hurt me with his words ahead, his annoyed girlfriend pushed me in the heated moment..

but today, there was a man ready to fight from my side too,
or lets say, was actually quite good at it.

I had been heartbroken before, but this was actually reasonable, like..

"what were we anyways... We never confessed to each other, and it's not like I was into him anyways.. I just... know..", I ranted out my feelings to San who calmly listened to my ventilation.
He then interrupted saying,
"you had a secret one sided crush, I could see it. And this brat, he's always been a hotshot for being a fuck boy, how could I even warn you when you were so ready to be victimized."

This statement could have never felt so true than it did now.

And that's how I was the host of my pity party with San being the only guest.

The Two of Us : woosan X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now