Turning Into a Heavy Revenge

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The stinging pain emanating due to the anonymous attack began to crawl all over my body overstepping the numbness in my head.
It didn't take me long to realize that
it was a wooden plank or some flat board smashed to my head.
The pain I acquired from the attack, felt unbearable as I fall to the ground, hurting my chin by the impact.
Although there were clouds of dizziness hovering over my eyes, I succeeded in catching a glimpse of the blur-faced guy whose feet I could sense were very near me.

'had I seen him somewhere??.. ..

San!! I think he was with San that day i kicked him", I thought to my myself  as the scenery in front of my eyes started to fade.

The next thing I knew was that I  was tied to the football goal post with a rigged brown rope while a triad of girls hovered like eagles above my eyelids which were as heavy as my broken heart, "so it was a lie you assholes", I managed to mumble in my disgruntled state.

The company around seemed to have initiated their gossip and one of them walked towards me.
I could only hear the click of a girl's heels.
They must be interested now that I was awake. Their weakling leader who deceived me into a trap finally fared to step out and practically pulled my bangs threatening me with some unclear message which sounded somewhat like,


Kicked sa....
Stay.. away...... Wooyou..... Or... Kill...". Whatever that shit sounded like, it was enough for me to understand what they meant.

With a cracking voice i inquired,

"Is this San's doing, did he...", I could barely mumble wondering what the hell is happening to me- who used to be in their shoes.
"How could I not be able to fight these rats back!"

Perhaps it was because of this feeling of lethargy flowing in my veins and knowing that the drowsiness I felt was the effect of the wound behind my head which showed me a faded scenery and blurry faces.

One thing I was sure of, was that if
I could manage to get my body up somehow.
I would have not spared a single soul out there. Nothing could have stopped me from beating these brats to a pulp.
Nevertheless, in the present scenario I couldn't even help myself stand upright or run away.

                                ° ° °

The 5 p.m. bell rang and I could finally feel my heavy eyes pushing their way out of darkness as I saw a bunch of feet circumambulating around me with panicked gossiping voices.

A pair out of them were speedy enough to rush over to me and collect my subconscious body in their arms.

"These strong Muscular hands,
this sweet yet panicked voice, and this smell of cologne...
I know this person", I pictured an image I wouldn't be able to see even with my eyes open.
'SAFE' was all I could think of in that moment.


"Y/n are you okay? Can you hear me? I beg you, please open your eyes", a panic stricken voice called out for me.
Never before had someone said those words to me and never before I felt so helpless yet safe.
"wooy... oung", I said in a shaky voice.
Perhaps life returned into the bosom of this heavy breathing person who now caressed my forehead with a kiss and pressed a deep sob with tears flashing in his eyes.

"Y/n..... Y/N you woke up!
Thank God, thank you for waking up, I'm so sorry I wasn't there...
oh my god what happened to you", I understood he was in a shock greater than mine since I was used to violence.

I could see his blurry but ethereal  countenance thinking his pretty face couldn't even afford scars like mine can.
At the same time, I was heartbroken at this Inhumane act committed or let's say commanded by San. If I could, I would burn his house down...

but this rage was suppressed within me because, at this point of time, all I could barely manage to see was a blurry face which, I could tell, was very enchanting. It had a charm that was soothing my crazily aching wound.

                             ° ° °

As the scenery grew clearer, I saw two magical eyes which frowned with worry in the form of tensed forehead veins.
Below it, a perfectly shaped nose which was not functioning because the heavy breathes exhaled by his pinkish kissable lips with a tiny mole on the lower lip..
Yes plump and fleshy lips..
"wait, aren't I injured... Stop thinking about this y/n", I sighed.
I forcefully tried to get up opposing his strong hand carefully pushing me back into a laying position saying,

"please don't get up. "
Even in that state I felt special and cared about.

After a few minutes of giving thought, wooyoung stirred,

"Tell me who the fuck did it and I swear No one will ever see them again", he asked in an emotional tone, a mixture of ingredients like  rage, worry and sympathy.

As I was about to relay my deduction to him, his phone buzzed.
He looked at it with furrowed eyebrows, and I wondered if something was bothering him.

His continuously buzzing phone, and every time he nervously checked, made me unwilling to put the load of my burden on someone else's shoulders.
I actually never liked involving other people in my matters and this one too, was on the same track.

Also because...
I was, perhaps, afraid of such a cruel attack being reenacted upon an oblivious figure like wooyoung.
This, I simply sighed,

"I don't know... I couldn't see their faces"....


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