Chapter 18: Kidnapped

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I was thrown to the ground after I passed through the warp gate. I quickly looked around my surroundings. It looked like we were in an abandoned warehouse. The boxes were labelled explosives or costumes.

I lifted up to go on my knees in front of the leader of the league, Shigaraki himself.

"You're a powerful one aren't you?" He asked, before leaning over me, "Well, I guess we can always test your quirk, but first." He snapped his fingers.

They put me in chains against the wall. They gagged me too so I couldn't scream out for help.

"You look really cute! I think we're going be good friends!" Toga cheered before coming closer to my face with her knife, "I bet your blood tastes good too. Oh I can't wait to cut you and see the blood oozing out."

"Toga, no cutting. We can't have her harmed." Shigaraki warned.

"But her blood would taste so good!" She whined before backing off.

At least I know I'll be surviving.

"Your brother owes me more explosives and costumes. Nobody goes against me, not even him. Nobody goes against the League of Villains. He keeps something of mine, I'll keep something of his," Shigaraki said before suddenly coming up to me and placing four fingers on my face, "If you don't obey to our commands, or you fight back in anyway. I'll destroy that pretty face of yours and leave you scarred for the rest of your life."

I nodded and he backed away. Fear kept me frozen and the adrenaline from it kept me from crying. They left me alone in the room and locked the door behind them. I tried to wiggle my way through the restraints, but they were on tightly. They dug into my skin painfully. Luckily for me, the gag was only a cloth. They didn't know all the details of my quirk. I observed my surroundings once more, there was a small window I would be able to squeeze through.

First, I used my fire breath to turn the cloth to ashes. Second, I melted the chains that attached me to the wall. Third, I ran as fast as I could. I broke the window and jumped.

I used my wings to stop myself from falling and flew as fast as I could through the trees. I had no idea where I was was or where I was heading. My priority was to give myself as much distance as possible.

Then, flames erupted in front of me. I flew to the side, but the blue flames were increasing and following me. I tried to go upward to go over the trees and flames. I didn't realize that Mr.Compress was in the air already waiting for me and kicked me back to the ground.

I fell hard before I forced myself to stand to be surrounded in a circle of fire, and all of the league in front of me.

"Verity, give me your strength." I mumbled.

I felt my dragon come full force and my body being overflowed with my quirk.

"How many are you exactly? Six? Should be easy." Verity said before extending her claws and her wings.

"She looks like a different person! Another friend to play with." Toga said taking out her knife.

Verity roared fire at them and soared in the air. Dabi sent a wave of fire. Verity used her wings to make a big gust of wing to stop it. She then flew straight for them. She prepared her light beam, but she was tackled by Gecko. He landed on top of her and she tried to slash him.

Two people stood on top of her wings which made her cry out, and another person stepped on her tail. She tried to activate her fire breath, but she was blocked by a sheet of fireproof metal over her mouth. She tried to claw her way out, slashing as much as possible, but her wrists were cuffed tightly together. Verity was angry and tried to move as much as she could to shake them off her, but there was no use.

"We weren't going to harm you Tanaka, but I guess we have to now. Take her back to her room, and I want one person guarding her at all times. Do not let her out of your site." Shigaraki ordered before leaving.


All of Endeavor's agency was in a big room to discuss their new mission. Retrieving Tanaka Ryoko.

"We need to discuss the undercover mission of Tanaka Fumikage, how are we going to make sure he can still be undercover? We have been able to control underground crime because of him." Endeavor started the meeting.

Bakugo was restless, he wanted to burst into their damn hideout and blow everything in site until he had what's his back.

"We could just say you were sent by U.A, they won't suspect a thing. They know the student's disappearance and report to the heroes, that's a good cover up." One of the older pro heroes of his agency added.

"Yes, but if Tanaka does nothing in retaliation, wouldn't it be suspicious?" Someone added.

Todoroki and Bakugo were sitting at the ends of the table. Todoroki looked like he wanted to anywhere else, and Bakugo wanted to yell.

Suddenly, the doors were busted open, all the heroes got on high alert. Tanaka Fumikage walked through the doors with the rest of his henchmen.

"I have a plan," He says, "It's dangerous, but necessary to get my sister back."

Endeavor's agency discussed the plan to save the white dragon, and it could work if everyone played their part. They were going to get Ryoko back.


"Can I cut her now Shigaraki? It's getting hard to hold back." Toga whined to her leader.

I was covered head to toe in restraints. I could barely move. They made sure the restraints were fire proof and too strong for me to break physically. I was weakened from the amount of energy Verity used, now I was a like a limp fish.

"Get some blood, we probably need you to use that quirk of yours." Shigaraki said.

Toga practically pounced me, "Perfect! I wonder what wings could be like, of course I can't use them, but they would be pretty cool. Your blood should taste so delicious. I can't wait!"

Then, she stabbed me through the leg. The gag muffled my screams. She used her costume to start pumping out blood. She didn't hesitate to take more than a tubes worth.

"You have somebody you like, no love, don't you white dragon?" She taunted, having fun with my vulnerable body by making cuts here and there.

I forced myself to keep my eyes open, I refused to close them. I didn't want to pass out, I need to be strong in this moment.

"He's hurt you before, but you still love him. I loved someone too. Now I'm in love with someone else, and I hope they will come to save you. I would love to cut the love of my life the way I do to you." She continued to taunt.

Breathe Ryoko, she's almost done, then you win. Keep awake. Verity said in my head.

Then, I was stabbed again in the same spot, I screamed again.

"That's enough." Shigaraki said deeply.

"Awww, I was getting to the good part." She pouted before leaving me be.

I felt blood trickle down my leg from her stabbing, the blood loss was making me light headed.

"Next time you try to escape, it'll be my turn." Shigaraki threatened before leaving Dabi for the first watch and leaving with the others.

Dabi had supplies in his hands. He took a cloth and applied pressure on my wound to stop the bleeding.

"Hopefully your brother comes soon or else this is going to become infected. You'll die sooner than later," Dabi said before wrapping the wound up with bandage, "That should stop the bleeding, but it's pretty deep. Let's hope your brother or that boy you love comes to save you."

Silent tears ran down my cheeks. I wish...

I wish Bakugo could save me.

The Dragon Quirk {Bakugo x OC}Where stories live. Discover now