Prologue: Clouded

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A blond walked cautiously as he left the obsidian tower, careful not to make a sound. The purple-grey fog covered as far as his eyes could see, and it was thick, barely able to see the shadows of trees and bushes.

How long had be been here?

His head was blank all the time, the only thing occupying it was the task he would be carrying, along with what he thought was a name rolling around in his head.


He couldn't— nor could he be bothered to try to remember what he had forgotten. He wasn't an idiot, he knew that he had a life before this. He knew that something bad must've happened for him to lose his memory, considering the state that the world was in.

But despite the situation he was in, it was kind of peaceful not remembering anything. Nothing to burden you, and in his case, no grief would he have to endure.

He kept his eyes peeled, looking out for any flying figures. Never run into those, ever.

—that's what his gut told him, at least.

He clicked his tongue as he heard the squeal of a pig, and spun to see a wild-looking pig with eight spider legs.

That's definitely a new combo.

He stabbed in immediately in the head, it turning into pork chops and a piece of string. At least he had gotten a little more food for his supply on this trip.

He finally made it to a lake and enjoyed the spot where the grass was green and lush, and the water was a pure crystal blue. This was the only uncontaminated place he could find.

Although he couldn't help but wonder; what was life like outside this hell hole?


As he wandered through the fog,
his head was empty.

Singular thoughts rolling around and around.

Though his gut had twisted strangely,
something had changed in the atmosphere.

Oops, forgot to do the italics and bold before I published, sorryyy—

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