Chapter Eight: A Frame

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Grian looked up at the frame of the portal in slight awe, his once purple eyes filtering back into black as the spell he placed upon himself evaporated like water on a hot summers day. He couldn't believe that he had managed to build what he did with such a limit of materials, yet here he was, in a natural cave that was in the side of a cliff, looking at something he couldn't believe he built.

It was like his body went into a form of autopilot, placing blocks in a way that he had never in his life thought of, creating a large circle that towered over him like a skyscraper.

He pulled out an axe that looked incredibly similar to his sword, a black blade with a dark leather handle and glowing purple lining the heel. He cracked his knuckles, ready to get to work.


"All of the mobs were. . . glitched."

"Meaning. . ?"

"They were mixed. There were creepers mixed with pigs, chickens with spiders, cows and zombies, so on."

"How is that possible?"

Iskall deadpanned, holding back the urge to facepalm at the admin, "you tell me. You're the one who knows coding."

Xisuma coughed awkwardly, right, that was true. He waved it off, it doesn't really matter right now. What does matter, is that Grian said that he would be gone for longer than usual, and that means it's the perfect time for everyone to snoop— look around, and investigate to see if they could find the reason that their builder friend had lost his memories, and maybe some clues as to how to escape this dreaded server.

The sooner the better. This place would give even Notch the creeps.


Two large trees curled up and around the edges of the unlit portal, sadly the leaves he had earlier placed had withered and turned into dust.

Dying vines hung from the twisting branches, and he could almost imagine the glow of the portal coming to life, the light reflecting off the dark wood and stone. Although he thought it would've lit itself by now, then again, he felt like something was missing.

He went to the cave entrance and looked back. He was glad he did because he realised what was missing.


The way back home may have begun,
but was that truly home anymore?
He didn't know what to think anymore.

After some confusion,
he finally figured out the problem that kept everyone from leaving.

Right, I've been making these A/n's a lot, but would anyone be able to make a cover for each of these books? Similar to the one's I've already got but like, so you can actually see the writing clearly? Requirements are to have the name of each book (duh), as well as my username and "Reaching for the Miracle" on them. I would prefer them to be simple too. Thank you!

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