Chapter Two: Nightmares

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So much of it.


On his clothes, on the ground, on his skin, on his face, on the other person. Who was that?

It was everywhere.

He could see the grin plastered on the other person's face. Why would he be grinning? He was covered in cuts and bruises. But he had a knife in his hand, a blood-stained knife.

He could feel a tingle in his abdomen and looked down only to see a tare in what he assumed was a uniform. Crimson was soaked into the white, and dripping down his legs and onto the grass.

A laugh escaped the person's lips, and only then did he realise that he could barely hear anything. It was like he had cotton stuffed into his ears.

The scene then changed, and there was the other person, knocked out on the ground. Then everything vanished.


He sat up, gasping like he had never breathed before. Sweat rolled down the side of his face, what a nightmare.


Codes covered the screen of the communicator, green numbers on the black background flickering as they searched through the system.

Mumbo and Iskall had told Xisuma, and while the admin reassured them that the blond was probably fine, he was suspicious himself and decided to do a little digging around. His common sense told him that Grian was fine, the Hermit was probably just taking a bit of a break, his gut said otherwise.

Xisuma was relieved when he saw Grian's player code popped up, but his eyes widened at what came after.

"Grian is dead?!"


Swirls of crimson made themselves known,
a nightmare that he will forever remember.

Add a dash of purple and black.

He looked through what he knows best,
only to find that his friend is gone.

Although there is more to that code.

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