Chapter Four: Who Are You?

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His head pulsed with pain. Again. He really doesn't know why he's been getting so many headaches lately, but what he does know is that this one was very, very different.

He could almost feel a tugging. Like something was trying to release itself from its prison.

He ignored it, wasn't safe out here in the open. And him being the person he was, he wasn't about to feel the guilt of not bringing all of these people and leaving them for dead, for he was going to bring them with him. No matter what they say.

"It isn't safe out here. Follow me."

Without another word, he started walking away, hearing minor protests behind him before they had to follow; they would lose him in the strange purple-ish fog if they weren't careful.

A few of them eyed him curiously, while others tried to wrap their heads around the mystery of this place, obviously not having much luck.

How could they know this place? It was shrouded in fog that gave them tingles up their spines and could only just make out the shadows of what they assumed was rubble and trees. Just what had happened here?

The one who the Hermits knew as Grian suddenly stopped in his tracks, looking around. They could almost hear the short male's stomach drop to the void, and none of them could blame him, they had heard something too.

An incoherent whisper.

"What was that-"


He urged them along, quickly as his eyes filled with fright. Why fright? Sure, it was creepy, but surely he would be just feeling nervous, not terrified out of his mind.


No reason to feel scared.


They were finally back to the safety of the tower, much to the blond's visible relief.

But now he has a bunch of incredibly familiar strangers asking him questions that he really doesn't know how to answer.

And who is this Grian? The name was so incredibly familiar to him, but he couldn't remember, not even to save his life! It irritated him. Wasn't he happy to be free of the burden that's called memories?

He debated whether or not to say that he had absolutely no clue of what they were talking about or to just go along with it. It hurt his heart just imagining the disappointment and shocked looks he knew he would receive, but he didn't want to lie to them either. Plus, he doubted that he could make an excuse without knowing the context.

When they eventually realised that they weren't giving him any time to actually answer them, they paused and looked at him with gental stares, though that didn't stop the frightened and confused male.

"I'm really sorry to ask this, but. . .

who are you?"


A whisper scared him,
in which scared everyone else.

The fog messed with their heads.

And as question after question was thrown at him,
he broke the silence with a question of his own.

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