Chapter Five: Peaceful

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"I'm going to collect more food."

"Are you sure? I can come with you—"

"I'll be fine."

Mumbo watched as Grian left the tower, quickly disappearing from view due to the forever-lasting smoke. He spun around to see Xisuma looking at him, asking a silent question in which he just shook his head sadly and shrugged.

Everyone knew the blond could take care of himself, considering that he had lasted all by himself for who knows how long. But they couldn't stop the concern for the youngest hermit.

Its been a few days since they had arrived, and that they learnt that he had lost all of the memories he had made in the past. No one, not even the subject himself knew how it had happened.

They also noticed that he was very. . . distant. Yes, he interacts like everyone was used to, like his normal self, a mischievous little troublemaker, but he kept more to himself.

He also seemed to have many headaches, and always seemed a little bit distressed in the mornings.

Everyone chattered amongst themselves, split into their own little groups while Iskall and Mumbo met up with Xisuma.

"What are we gonna do?"

"We have to help him get his memories back."

"Which is what I'm already planning for."

Xisuma smiled at the duo reassuringly, despite his own nervousness. All he wanted back was the Grian they all know and love, and so did everyone else.


He was scared.

These people knew more about him then he did of them. Yes, they're familiar, but that doesn't mean they're trustworthy. If they weren't as friendly as they made themselves out to be, he would be dead in an instant.

In this corrupted world, you die once, it's over.

Though, in the back of his mind, he wasn't scared of dying. He pushed it away, there was no way to cheat death, after all.

He ran to the river where his worries seemed to disappear. The Watchers couldn't get him here, at least he hoped not. This place was the only spot where he could relax. He wondered, what did it look like for the entire world to look so peaceful?

He could focus on getting food later.

His body relaxed as he sat on the sandy bank of the river, eyes closing as he took a deep breath.

He didn't know how long he sat like that.

He shouldn't have ignored how his hands tingled. Nor how his hands seemed to emit something.

And when he opened his eyes, he could barely stop himself from passing out.


He ignored how they were concerned,
unable to look past them as possible enemies.

He relaxed for the first time in forever.

Only he didn't expect to see what he did,
with purple fire flickering from his own hands.

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