Chapter Three: Portal

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He is dead, yet alive. Xisuma doesn't understand how, but that's what the coding said, and the coding is always correct.

But how can that be?

What does it mean by he's dead yet alive? How did he die? Better yet, if he died, how is he alive? He assumed it meant a perma-death, otherwise, it wouldn't say he was dead at all.

Well, he was about to find out, wasn't he?


He was left in a state of confusion. Why does he feel like a snake had curled around his insides?

His head throbbed, and he groaned as he pulled out a healing potion that he had found, drinking the sweet liquid in hopes for it to soothe the almost unbearable pain but it did nothing to help.

His purple eyes pulsed, and for a single second, they had returned to their dark state. He never thought it was natural to have bright purple eyes, but then again, what would he know?

He suddenly had the urge to run out into the open. His common sense said no, but his twisted gut said yes. He didn't know which to believe, he didn't want to be caught by the Watchers—

Woah. Where did that name come from?

He knew what he was referring to, but Watchers? Where on earth. . ?

Nevermind that right now.

But he decided, he doesn't even know what the Watchers would do to him, so why fear it? He ignored the voice in the back of his head, saying that it was a bad idea, and packed some food and his sword— he didn't have much else.

He then ran out the door, or, the doorway, the door was gone before he even started to use the place as his 'home'.

He brought out his sword, it was quite an interesting thing. It was black metal with a glowing purple centre, the handle wrapped in dark brown leather and the guard was the same metal as the blade, looking not unlike a pair of wings.

He held the sharp object tightly with his right hand as he ran, letting his legs take him wherever that they wanted him to go. He had this. . . urge, just pulling at his head, leading him.

The headache faded as he ran, it's like it was forcing him to go.

He eventually came to the place where he knew it was the spot, and immediately stopped in his tracks as he saw. . . people, walking out of a portal. He hadn't seen another person before— or, in a long time.

But. . .

Why were they so familiar?


He was stuck with a riddle,
one he knew would stick.

A gut feeling changed everything.

He had ran to where his body let him,
only to find other people who he'd never seen.

But then again, how would he know?

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