Chapter Six: Illusions

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The purple-eyed male's hand flickered with power the same shade as his eyes, the flames licking the pure air around him could almost hypnotise him. From what he could remember, magic and the concept of time always amazed him, both being such a weird thing to think about, yet to him, beautiful.

When he thought of time specifically, his common sense told him many things. Though there was one thing in partictular,

Don't mess with time.

And he agreed. If you mess with time, you could cause the butterfly effect with even the slightest touch of anything. You could touch the wall of a building, and the next thing you know, the building is gone and so is the balance that keeps the world together. To mess with time, you must be an idiot.

Then he must be a huge idiot.

. . . he doesn't need to know that though.


"Welcome to The Corruption."

He felt like a glass bottle had been cracked over the top of his head, causing it to shatter into an uncountable amount of pieces. He cried out, why does it hurt so much?

His ears rung loudly, and his world fell apart. He was just in his bed, recovering from yet another nightmare when those almost incoherent words had popped into his head, making his head pound with the most pain he had ever felt in his life.

He clamped his hands to his ears, the ringing was deafening. He felt sticky wetness on his palms and pulled them away only to see red in his blurry vision. This had to be an illusion, it had to.

And it was.

It all vanished. The blood on his palms, the ringing in his ears, and the pain in his head. It all disappeared like it was never there, to begin with. The only evidence of all that happening was his memory. Though, at this point, his memory wasn't enough to prove it.

There were too many time skips. Too many people. Too many secrets. Too much pain.

Too much confusion.

He wanted to push everything aside. It's peaceful not remembering anything, yet it was also terrifying. What dangers lingered with him, he doesn't know, because he doesn't remember.

He only knows what his dreams told him, after all.


He escaped their sights daily,
they remind him of the past he doesn't know.

Fear ran through his veins.

What danger lingered around the corner?
Because he doesn't know,
and he's not sure that he wants to.

Anyone know how to calm down? I have the urge to break something and am getting frustrated at the smallest of things and since I refuse to snap anymore pencils I'm getting snappy at my family—

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