Chapter One: Question

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"Hey, Iskall, any idea what Grian's vanished to?"

"He's probably— wait, scratch that."

The duo walked through the shopping district before Iskall paused in his steps in thought. When was the last time he'd seen Grian again? About two weeks ago, he supposed. That's unusual, it's rare he even misses a day on the server, and now that he thinks about it, the last time he was online was when they created HermitVill after the new update.

"I wouldn't have a clue. Sorry Mumbo."

Mumbo was curious, he was on most of the time, so he should've seen the blonde somewhere, right? But no.

There had been no pranks from Grian on the server either. That's a big red flag.

"Should we go to Xisuma. . ? Just to be safe?"

". . . yeah."


He wondered the world almost mindlessly. He had questions that had begun to pop up ever since he was at the pure river, and for the whole trip back, question after question would spontainiously appear from nowhere.

What was his life like?

Who did he know?

What had he done?

Who did he kill?

The last one scared him, was he some kind of murderer? Was he a wanted man? Or was he as normal as normal could be? He certainly hoped he hadn't killed anyone.

He stopped himself thinking these things, why worry if he didn't remember? What was the point of stressing over it?

But. . .

What was his name?


The river of life,
is what he called it.

His future was on their way.

He had far too many questions,
but no one to answer them.

Could he even trust himself?

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