Chapter Seven: Missed Slip-ups

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"Why should we return his memories?"

One of the white-cloaked Watchers asked with their monotone voice, but there was that small hint of bewilderment behind it.

The black one simply sighed in mock disappointment,

"Because it would be rather. . . entertaining. That is one of the reasons we are after him after all."

The black one clapped its hands, flaring his magic and pulling his hands apart, which created a kind of mirror that faded into the purple flames. It showed their target sleeping peacefully, not yet having experienced the full force of the return of magic-induced memory loss.

". . . fine."

And then their blond target woke and withered in pain at the snap of the second black-cloaked Watcher's fingers.


"I'm going with you, whether you like it or not."

". . . give me a second."

The blond male rushed up the stairs on the other side of the tower, and a few minutes later he came back down with another sword similar to his own, only there was no purple.

He handed it to Iskall, who was incredibly insistent on coming with him for the supply run, and if he could stop him, he may as well prepare him.

"I already have a sword—"

"—that won't work in these conditions. Take it."

He took it, it was best to trust the one who knew the most despite the lack of memories, after all. The duo headed out on their hunt, waving at the others as they went.

They walked through the fields that used to care for millions of different flowers, all that was now withered and just laying on the ground. Iskall looked around curiously, what happened to this world? Better yet, what happened to Grian? They all would've had answers for the young hermit's disappearance had he actually remembered.

He couldn't hold anything against him though.

"Do me a favour and don't freak out. Okay?"

He didn't get a chance to reply as they came across the biggest crater that he had ever seen, broken boulders and rocks and dirt in the hole that does down to bedrock. And not only that, but the hole was filled with weird, glitchy mobs that he'd never seen before! It's like the universe just up and. . . crashed, combining different creatures together with no sense of harmony. It was a mess. A big, big mess.

"Careful, there are no respawns here. And even if they don't look it, all of those could kill you instantly with the right strike."

Iskall gulped, maybe instead of volunteering he should've voted for False to go.

. . .

What? He's good at fighting, but fighting those things? Ahaha, no.

He ignored how Grian said that there were no respawns. How would he know?


The Watchers returned something valuable,
something that can and will change everything.

He allowed for someone he knew to explore with him.

And as he looked around,
only then did he realise just how corrupted this place was.

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