Chapter 1

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Name: Kimberly (Kimi) Drake Swan

Age: 17

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Green

Height: 5"7

Skin: Pale

Likes: dogs and dancing

Dislikes: Being cold and creepy looking spiders

Parents: Charlie Swan and Renee Dwyer and Stepfather Phil Dwyer

Siblings: Twin sister called Isabella Marie Swan

I live with my mum in phoenix, Arizona while my sister Bella lives with our dad in cold, chilly forks, and apparently she got herself a boyfriend but dad doesn't approve because according to him she spends all her time with him and instead of her friends from school.

Bella and I have a great relationship and everyone that knows us knows that, Bella and I are so alike description wise except our eyes; mine are a dark green while hers are a soft brown.

Personality wise im the talented one that can dance and sing and is outgoing while Bella is shy but she can be fierce when she wants to be especially when it comes to protecting her family and sometimes most of her friends.

I remember once she told me that she nearly got hit by a car at Forks High school by one her friends but somehow Edward managed to stop the car from hitting her but what i didn't get is how the hell did he stop it from hitting her he must have some sort of steroid in his body because nobody can just stop a car from hitting somebody. Unless your some sort of super human, Which I highly doubt.

"Kimi could you come to the garden for a minute Phil and I need to talk to you about something important" Mum said from the bottom of the staircase outside my bedroom.

I got up from my double sized bed and left the room walking downstairs and walked into the kitchen then walked through the patio double glass doors still in my blue penguin PJ'S and i saw mum and Phil sitting on the garden chairs in the sun chatting away waiting for me.

I sat down on one of the garden chairs opposite them and waited for one of them to speak about what they wanted to talk to me about.

"Well let's just make this short, we are sending you too your dads because Phil and I need to go away on a business call, oh and your father has enrolled you into forks High school and Bella doesn't know you're coming so don't tell her because it's a surprise" Mum said rather bluntly but softly at the same time waiting for my reaction.

"Okay i understand and it would be nice to see Bella and dad in person after a while" I saw mum let out a sign in relief and I did an internal chuckle because she thought I was about to shout the odds and argue with her.

"Im glad you understand, and you better start packing your clothes into suitcases. Phil and I will ship some of your other stuff that you need tonight so it will be there for when you arrive in Forks tomorrow afternoon, oh and your flight is at midday tomorrow"

"Alright" i got up from the chair and entered the house and walked up to my bedroom and shut the door behind me. I walked over to my walk in closet and got all four of my large black suitcases with pink stripes out.

Going back into my closet and getting all my dresses I put them into one of the suitcases and walked back and forth till I had all of my clothing and shoes, makeup, accessories, body stuff and hair straighteners packed.

I managed to put all that into four large suitcases and i have to say i have a lot of stuff.

I didn't know what time it was till i looked at the clock and it said it was already 6:30pm, i put my suitcases against the wall and walked over to my guitar and started stringing the notes to wherever you will go by Charlene soraia.

So lately, been wondering
Who will be there to take my place
When I'm gone, you'll need love
To light the shadows on your face
If a great wave shall fall
It would fall upon us all
And between the sand and stone
Could you make it on your own?.......

When I finished the song I put my guitar back into its case and walked downstairs and saw mum cooking dinner and Phil was reading a newspaper at the kitchen table, I sat down at one of the dining room chairs.

"What's for dinner mum?" Knowing this is probably going to be my lasted home cooked meal it better be good because I know dad can't cook to save his life and the same goes for Bella. She's just a bad.

"Chicken el frayo, is that alright with you" Mums said looking at me over her shoulder with a smile on her face; she knew that was my favorite food.

"That's wonderful mum" I felt excitement bubbling inside of me. I can't wait to eat.

After dinner was finished i went back to my room after having a shower and changing into different colored Penguin PJ'S and got into bed after towel drying my hair and i fell straight to a dreamless sleep.

Hello my lovely readers, Sorry this chapter is small, I will try to make the following chapters longer than this one.

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