Chapter 2

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The sun was streaming through my partially closed off bedroom window, I reluctantly groggily opened my eyes at tubbed them to wake myself up a little bit. Sitting up I could smell the cooking of bacon and eggs, something I never seemed to like not even as a kid, Bella on the other hand liked Bacon and eggs. I will just stick to cereal because it doesnt smell and it taste nice.

I got out of bed and looked at the time on my nightstand and saw it was 9:58 am and i made my bed and opened my curtains and let the sun shine through the window, i walked to my connecting bathroom and put the hot water on and waited for it to heat up before i got in.

After i had a shower and washed my hair and shaved my legs i wrapped a towel around my body and walked to my closet and looked for something comfy to wear because i would be travelling for a while and i didn't want to be uncomfortable.

I chose a frilly short sleeved grey top, ripped blue demin jeans, black high top converse and my diamond earrings.

I walked over to my docking station and put on Jennifer Lopez 'Follow the Leader' and started dancing around while getting changed and letting my hair dry on its own.

 Olé, olé
Bori, bori, bori, aha!
Olé, olé
W, Yandel
Olé, olé
Olé, olé
Olé, olé

 Once i was dressed i walked into the bathroom and put on abit of foundation to give my face some colour since I had a pale complexion like my sister.

I walked downstairs and walked into the kitchen and saw mum and Phil eating breakfast, i walked over the cupboard and got my special K cereal out and put it in a bowl with milk and sat down on one of the chairs and started eating.

"Morning mum, Morning Phil" they both said morning back and got on with eating their breakfast.

"So you got your stuff packed sweetie" Mum asked putting her plate into the sink and washing it up and putting it back into the cupboard where i got my bowl from.

"Yes I'm all packed and ready to go, cant wait to see Bella and dad. Havent seen them I ages"

"Would be nice to get away from you for a bit" Phil said chuckling and putting his plate in the sink and I sent a glare to the back of his head.

"Hahaha im laughing..... not" I chuckled at his joke trying to be funny at least it worked on mum she was laughing walking away to get dressed so that they could take me to the airport.

I walked up to my room and took one suitcase at a time downstairs and i went back up there to get my guitar which i was taking with me since I would be lost without it.

After putting the suitcases into the trunk of Phils car we were on our way to the airport.

2 hours later and i gave my suitcases to those people (sorry cant remember what they are called) and managed to go through passport control and the scanners and i was waiting in the line to go on the plane, Ive already said goodbye to mum and Phil.

I was finally seated on my seat on the plane which was the aisle chair so i could get up without having them go over peoples laps just to use the toilet.

I got my iPod and earphones and stuck on "Love the Way You Lie" by Eminem feat Rihanna

[Intro - Rihanna:]
Just gonna stand there and watch me burn
But that's alright because I like the way it hurts
Just gonna stand there and hear me cry
But that's alright because I love the way you lie
I love the way you lie

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