Chapter 9

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Its been 4 months, Dad thinks Bellas still on her honeymoon because Apparently she caught a bug so they extended their trip.


Paul still hasnt come to visit and the packs know that Bella and I are pregnant and lets just say they are not very happy wolves.

My babies nursery is done and ive set all the clothes and stuffed toys in the places I want them.

Edward still is having doubts about the baby Bella is carrying; hes still calling the baby IT.

And he even got Jacob to talk some sense into her, thats how low he went.

Bella wants to name her child EJ if its a boy and Renesmee if its a girl.

Im still debating what I should call my baby.

 Are you ready for a bath you need to relax, Me and Rosalie are going to help you I said standing up, while Rosalie helped get Bella up and we walked to the bathroom and started running the taps while Bella undressed.

I turned around and saw what the baby was really doing to her and I looked a lot like her with bruises all over my body, she has bruises all over her stomach and breast and her face has a lost a lot of shape and looks sunken and shes still very pale.

I saw Edward looking at Bella from the bathroom doorway and when Bella noticed she hurriedly put her bath robe on and I shut the bathroom door so that she could have some privacy having a bath.

She got in the bath and visibly relaxed with the help from me and Rose, we sat there watching her relax you could see that she felt a little better but that wouldnt help her health no matter how many baths she had.

It would be fantastic if baths could help peoples health but it doesnt it just relaxes their muscles.

So I only have a month left and being as big as I am I could pop at any moment I said looking at Rosalie and Bella cracking a smile at them.

Yeah not long till my Godchildren are born and I can spoil them rotten She said chuckling.

An hour later and we are all sitting back in the living room and Carlisle and was about to sit down when Bella screamed.

 AHHH Bella screamed holding onto her side.

Bella whats wrong I asked frantic wanting to know whats wrong with her.

Sorry didnt mean to scare you the baby just maybe broke a rib Carlisle came over with Edward behind him.

What happened Carlisle said looking at Bella than at me.

The baby probably broke one of Bellas ribs I mumbled knowing that he heard me with the vampire hearing and all.

An hour later we were in the emergency room and Bella was on the bed while Carlisle was looking at the XRAY.

Your rib is cracked theres no splitters and it hasnt punctured any organs Carlisle said looking at Bella.

Yet Edward mumbled and I shot him a glare.

Edward Carlisle warned but the moody look on his face didnt change.

Its breaking your bones Bell... its crushing you from the inside out Edward said looking at Bella with a serious look on his face Carlisle tell her what you told me tell her

Carlisle tell me Bella pleaded with a scared look on her face, I went over to her and grabbed her hand reassuring her Its alright Carlisle

The fetus isnt compatible with your body its to strong it wont allow you to get the nutrition you need its starving you by the hour, I cant stop it and I cant slow it down Carlisle said looking at Bellas reaction At this rate your heart will give up before you can deliver 

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