Chapter 3

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We finally arrived at yet another house looking hut thing and Bella and I got out the car and we made our way up the porch steps and she just walked straight in without knocking, I didnt want to be rude so I just stood on the spot outside the door debating whether or not I should just walk in or not since this Sam bloke doesnt even know me he could just go karate mode on me.

"Kimi you coming in or not or you just gonna stand there like a lost chicken in a factory" Bella said making her way over to me and pushing me into the house, as soon as I stepped in I had everyones eyes on me.

I really dont like this much attention on me.

"Guys I would like you to finally meet my Twin sister Kimberly or Kimi for short" I waved and there was a round of Heys and His.

"Hi" I looked around and noticed there was only two girls one had a scars on her face but I didnt want to keep looking because that would be rude of me and the other girl just had a grumpy look on her face.

And there are a lot of males in the room and they were checking me out except probably the oldest who was cuddling the lady with the scars on her face.

Bella went and sat next to one of the males and they started a conversation by my best guess that must be Jacob.

The lady with the scars must have noticed me still standing in the same spot and walked over to me and brought me into a hug which I gladly accepted.

"Hi im Emily and this is my other half Sam" the same bloke that was hugging her earlier came over and wrapped his arms around her waist and put his chin on her shoulder.

"Hi its nice to meet you Kimi, Bellas always talking about you and how different you two are from each other" Sam chuckled making his way over to where he was sitting.

"Come on I will show you to the rest" she put her hand on the small of my back and guided me over to the others.

She pointed out who everyone was.

"Thats Sam as you already know, theres Embry, Jared, Quil, Leah, Seth, Jacob and lastly theres Paul".

I looked at Paul and he must have sensed someone looking at him because he turned around and looked at me in the eyes and it was like we were the only ones in the room and he was the only person that mattered.

I was shaken out of my trance by Bella trying to get my attention.

"Kimi you alright you were just standing there day dreaming" Bella said looking at me worried.

"Yeah im fine just wondering what dad's doing" I lied but she seemed to believe me because she went on with the conversation she was having Jacob.

I sat down on the Sofa next to Seth well I think thats his name anyway.

He turned to look at me and smiled noticing that I finally sat down.

"You got the courage to finally sit down then after standing for 20 minutes" Seth said chuckling.

"Yeah thats probably one thing I have in common with my sister we are shy around new people" I chuckled.

Seth and I must have been talking for a while because I didnt notice that it was already getting dark outside.

I looked over at Bella but she wasnt sitting on the sofa where I left here, I turned to Seth and asked him if he saw where Bella disappeared to.

"Hey Seth do you know where Bella Disappeared to?"

"No I was too busy talking to a very beautiful girl by the name of Ki-" he didnt even get to finish because he was interrupted by a loud furious growl, I turned towards where the growl come from and its was Paul.

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