Chapter 13

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I finally arrived at Jacob’s and I got out the car and shut the door and walked up the ramp and knocked on the door and waited for a reply.

I waited for about 5 minutes and then I was about to leave when I heard a noise in the house and I put my hand on the knob and twisted it and it opened.

I opened the door and walked in and walked through the hallway till I came to a spare bedroom and that’s when I heard the noise again only louder and I creaked the door open and walked in only to stop dead in my tracks with a horrified look on my face.

Paul was doing IT with Jacob’s sister Rachel; naked under the covers.

“Oh my god” I whispered shocked that Paul would do this to me and MY twins.

They stopped doing what they were doing and Paul turned and saw me standing there with tears running down my cheeks.

“Babe it’s not what it looks like” he said getting off Rachel and putting his trousers on and walking over to me.

“Then what does it look like Paul, you have a Fiancé and two beautiful children at home did that ever cross your mind for a split second before you decided to shag someone else” I hissed at him taking the ring off my finger and chucking it at him and left leaving a shocked Paul behind.

I left the house and got into the car and drove as fast as I could home and once I got there I slammed the car door shut and ran into the house in Vampire speed and into my room pulling out 2 suitcases and I put all my clothes and stuff I could fit in one suitcase and then walked into the nursery with the other suitcase and started packing all their clothes in there along with accessories and nappy’s.

I was nearly done when Rosalie walked in with two fresh bottles of milk formula but stopped and looked at me confused.

“Im leaving Rose and I don’t know when im coming back” I said zipping up the suitcase and standing up.

“What why? you can’t leave where are you and the twins going to live”

“I can’t tell you Rose but I promise I will come back at some point, I will always message you over email and I will send you photo’s of the twins and me”

“Oh ok” she said looking down and I couldn’t help but feel guilty but it wasn’t my fault that I was leaving it’s Pauls.

I took the bottles out her hand and put the bottles in the baby bag and put it on my shoulder, I walked past her out the room and downstairs and out the house and put the suitcase with babies stuff in the trunk of the car.

I went back into the house and I was about to walk downstairs when I was stopped by Bella.

“Is it true, your just packing up and leaving when I need you the most” Bella said with a pained look on her face.

“I have to leave Bella you don’t know my reason and if you want to know ask Edward im sure he will read my mind if you ask him” I said taking my arm out of her grip and went upstairs and into my bedroom and got the suitcase and put it into my car along with the pushchair and car seats.

I went into living room to say goodbye to everyone when I was attacked in a hug by the one and only Alice.

“Please don’t go Kimi” Alice said tears forming in her eyes.

“I have to Alice you don’t understand my reasons for going, I can’t stay here and have to see HIM everyday it hurts” I whispered.

Images of what I saw Paul and Rachel doing flashed before my eyes, Paul didn’t even come after me, and he’s probably still shagging her right as im thinking this.

I heard a growl and looked up at who growled and my eyes flashed to Edward whose eyes are a hateful black which meant he must had read my thoughts.

“He slept with someone else while his imprint is at home looking after his twins” Edward hissed a deadly look on his face “This is why your leaving isn’t it”

“Yes and I can’t stay knowing what he’s done” I said hugging everyone and leaving the house knowing the twins are already in the car and fast asleep.

I got in the car and turned the engine on and drove off from the house that I had lots of memories in.

After a 3 hour drive I finally arrived at the home of Eleazar and Carmen.

I got out the car and saw that everyone was standing outside except Irina who is obviously with the Volturi, I shut the door and got the suitcases out the car along with the push chair and put the twins in it.

Carmen zoomed over to me and helped me get the suitcases into the house and they led me to the living room and everyone sat down and I sat on my floor with the babies in front of me fast asleep.

“Thank you for letting me stay here for a while it means a lot to me and the twins” I said smiling at the people around me.

“It’s alright It’s all we could do for family and im sure Carlisle would do the same for us” Eleazar said putting his arm around Carmen.

“So could I go to my room it’s been a long day and I need to feed these little ones when they wake up”

“Yeah sure I will show you your room and I hope you don’t mind we put  2 cots in your room because we thought the little ones might want to be near you” Eleazar said standing up and I followed him with the twins in my arms.

Eleazar led me up the stairs and down a hallway and stopped outside a cream coloured door and opened it and what I saw was a nicely decorated room with two beautiful cots one blue and one pink.

The room is a cream colour with a baby brown frames around it, pine wood double bed with cream bedding and a black throw over, a brown built in book shelf, 2 doors one that led to a en suit bathroom and the other a walk in closet that held some fashionable clothes and shoes, it had a lovely pine dresser with a huge mirror attached to it, it had two windows with cream curtains and a few pictures hung on the wall.

It’s a lovely looking room and im going to look after it.

“It’s a lovely room and I will look after it with everything I have thank you” I said placing the kids on the bed and hugged him.

“Your very welcome and I will get one of the girls to bring your suitcase up ok” I nodded my head and he left.

5 minutes later there was a knock on the door and I went over and answered it and Tanya stood there with my suitcases behind her.

“Come in” I said moving out the way and sitting on the bed admiring the babies who had their hands entwined.

“They are marvelous little things you have their Kimi such little treasures” Tanya said taking a seat next to me on the bed smiling “So what did you call them”

“Ruby Louise Lahote and Layton Rio Uley Lahote”

“They are beautiful names and they are very lucky to have you as their mum, me and everyone are going Hunting do you want to come”

“No im alright I fed before I came and I better feed these before they bite each other” I joked.

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