Chapter 8

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Me and Rosalie walked in the house laughing about stupid things we done in our past and we stumbled in the living room but stopped dead in our tracks when we saw Bella and Edward sitting on the couch.

Edward looked angry and Bella just looked worried.

Am I missing something?

Bella noticed us come in and she looked at me then at my growing stomach and her eyes bulged out her socket when she saw me.

Hey Sis I said awkwardly scratching the back of my neck.

Dont hey Sis me and what happened she said eyeing my stomach.

Im 3 months pregnant by a Werewolf and he doesnt want anything to do with them

Your 3 months sheez youre huge No Offence and Them

Yeah Twins boy and a girl I said smiling and rubbing my growing belly.

I felt a sharp pain on the side of my stomach and rubbed it trying to ease the pain a little.

Carlisle was by my side in an instant and asked if im ok.

Im fine one of the babies just kicked a little harder than I wanted them to I said rubbing where the baby just kicked.

Thank god for that Carlisle said taking a seat next to Esme and she instantly leaned against him.

So is anyone going to tell me why Bella and Edward are home early from their honeymoon I said waddling over to sit next to Bella on the Sofa.

Bellas pregnant I looked at Bella and she nodded her head.

Thats great congrat-I was cut off by Edwards voice.

No its not great that THING is going to kill her if she keeps IT in her Edward hissed pointing a finger at her stomach that has a little bump showing through her white shirt.

Edward say it its a baby its yours and Bellas baby Rosalies voice hissed back at him.

I dont want to lose her shes the love of my life

Just stick by her Edward she needs you whether or not you want this baby, she still needs your support, please just do this atleast her baby will have a father I whispered the last part.

Why cant he just do this for her, I dont want her to end like me all thanks to Paul.

Paul did this to you Edwards voice said from in front of me.

I nodded my head and looked down at the ever growing stomach which is holding my two unborn babies.

I heard a growl and saw Edwards eyes completely pitch black which meant he was angry.

He stormed out the room and the house in vampire speed; I knew where he was going so I went after him knowing where he was going.

I finally arrived at Sams place and Edward was all up in Pauls face.

Edward stop it, Bella needs you please I begged standing in the middle of the two males.

Why should I, he knocked you up and then left you like trash and you could die giving birth do you not realise that, youre my sister in law im meant to protect you and Bella and I couldnt even do that There was a round of gasped when Edward mentioned I was pregnant.

Edward please stop it, I want to go home and then you can help set up the nursery with the guys I said placing my hand on his chest trying to get him to move back which might I add is impossible since hes a vampire.

He took my wrist and led me back into the forest.

I could feel Pauls eyes on the back of my head as me and Edward walked back to the Cullen household.

We walked back into the living room and I sat down next to Rosalie and we sat there talking about the baby.

So since when is Rosalie all buddy with you Jasper said taking a seat in the love seat next to Alice.

Since I asked her to be my babies Godmother I said smiling at Rosalies smiling expression when she felt the baby kick when she placed her hand on my stomach.

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