Chapter 6

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I woke up with the sun blaring through my window, I opened my eyes and looked around and realised I wasnt in my room I was in one of the spare bedrooms at the Cullen household.

I looked around the room the very nice decorated room and I got out of the bed and made my way to the mirror that was on the opposite side of the room.

I looked at my reflection and what I saw shocked me I didnt look like myself, I had bags under my eyes from where I didnt get much sleep last night from all the thoughts running through my head why the hell was that red head trying to kill me and what did she mean by Bella.

I looked down at my clothes and realised I was dressed in different clothes which was a red tank top, white jean shorts and white fluffy bed socks.

I heard voices downstairs so I left the room and walked down the hallway and down the stairs till I came to the living room, I looked in and saw everyone sitting there Bella, Edward, Alice, Jasper, Emmett and Rosalie oh and their parent well adopted parents I think their names are Carlisle and Esme.

When I walked in I caught everyones attention and they stopped doing what they were doing and looked at me.

The first person to ask if I was okay was Carlisle.

"How are you feeling" Carlisle said looking at me.

I don't know if I should feel happy about nearly getting killed by the red head yesterday or down right grumpy.

"I didn't sleep much I had a lot running through my mind about that red head and I thought they never existed I suppose it was a wake up call that maybe other creatures are out there and not just humans" Carlisle nodded and got up and walked over to me.

"We need to tell you something Kimi and you cant tell anyone only Bella and Sam Uley and his friends know about this, we are.. Vampires" I looked at Bella and she nodded her head and I looked at everyone and it finally hit me they are telling the truth theyre vampires thats why they all have pale and cold skin but why are there eyes gold and not red?

Its like Edward read my mind.

"Our eyes are gold because we dont drink human blood we drink animal blood instead and thats why our eyes are gold" I looked in Bellas direction to see that she has an engagement ring on her finger.

Bella must have caught me staring at her ring because she looked kind of guilty that she kept this from me.

"How long have I been out for" I asked no one in particular.

"You have been out for a few weeks, youve missed a lot like Edward asking Bella to marry him and you missed a fight between us and these New Borns that were after Bella and that red head is dead so dont worry too much about her trying to kill you again" Carlisle said smiling at Edward and Bella.

"Wow defo missed a lot havent I, thank god I dont think I could cope if she tried to kill me again and has Paul asked about me" I said chuckling.

"Why dont you ask me yourself" my head shot in the direction of the familiar voice and saw Paul standing there with only shorts on "Am I going to get a hug or not im your boyfriend after all"

I slowly walked towards him and wrapped my arms around his waist and laid my head on his chest as he wrapped his arms around my body.

I breathed in and let me say its nice to smell a familiar scent of him.

There was a round of laughter in the room, I felt him chuckle against my body and he tilted my chin to look at him.

"Nice to know that you like to smell me and can I have a word outside for a moment" I nodded my head and we left the living room.

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