chapter 10

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(Paul’s POV)


I was watching everything Jacob was on the floor crying uncontrollably which mean that Bella didn’t make it through the delivery, I went back into the shadows so that neither Leah, Seth or Jacob saw me and I ran to Billy’s place where everyone was outside while Sam talked to Billy and I walked past everyone and upto Sam and whispered in his ear.

“She didn’t make it” I whispered then turned back and stood next to everyone else.

“She didn’t make it Billy, It killed her” Sam said to Billy and he looked like he was going to cry “come on”

We all walked back into the forest and change into our wolfs and ran towards the Cullen’s house where Edward, Jasper and Alice where waiting and that how it all started, we all started fighting each other.

We must have been fighting for a while when I heard a scream and everyone turned to look for the source and I saw who screamed.

Kimi, she was clutching her stomach that held my Babies’.

Carlisle ran to her side asking what was wrong and she said the babies were coming; I didn’t want to stick around to watch her sign up for her own death that’s why I left her when she found out she was pregnant because I wouldn’t be able to cope if those babies killed my only love.

My imprint.

“We need to get you to the emerg” Carlisle said but Kimi interrupted him before he could finished.

“AHHHHH pleas get it out, these babies are coming whether you want it or not” She screamed, you could hear the pain evident in her voice.

“Rosalie get me some blankets and hot towels we will have to deliver the babies here and know”  I watched Kimi watch Rosalie who rushed into the house in vampire speed and came back a few minutes later with a few blankets and towels. “Edward help Kimi up we need to stick a blanket under her”

Edward went over to me and carefully picked her up while Carlisle put a blanket on the ground for her to lie on, Edward set her back on the blanket while Rosalie went over and sat next to her and sat next to her holding her hand and giving it a reassuring squeeze.

“Im going to have to take your trousers and underwear off so I can see how far along you are is that alright” she nodded her head and and I had to try and hold back an growl, he put a hospital blanket over her lower half while he took them off her trouser and underwear so that the others couldn’t see “alright I want you to spread your legs so I can see if I can see one of the baby’s head”

 She spread her legs and Carlisle said he had to stick two fingers in too see if he could feel one of the baby’s head.

“Alright I can feel one of the baby’s heads and your 10 centimetres apart so the babies are ready to be born and on your next contraction I want you to push like you’re having a number 2” she nodded her head and it wasn’t long till she started pushing which meant she was having a contraction.

“AHHHH” she pushed and then started panting after the contraction left.

“Alright you’re doing brilliantly” Carlisle said.

I saw her squeeze Rosalie’s hand when she started pushing again.

“AHHHHHH” She screamed.

“Alright one of the baby’s heads are here one more powerful push and your little boy will be here” she looked around and saw that everyone was watching her give birth.

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