Chapter 5

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Ive been living in Forks for a month now and i'm always messaging Mum to tell her that i'm doing ok and so is Bella.

My suspicion about Edward and his siblings hasnt changed but a couple of weeks ago Bella went to Arizona to see Mum and she took Edward with her and I had some alone time with Dad which I was grateful for since I dont get to spend much time with him.

I havent really seen Paul all that much hes been busy with stuff but I cant help but feel like hes hiding something from me.

Anyway today was graduation and to say I was nervous was a defiant understatement.

I had curled my hair into lose ringlets and put on a red tight dress that came to my thigh and red flats.

I didnt put on any makeup on because I didnt see the point because I look nice without it. I messaged Paul yesterday morning to see if he wanted to come today but I didnt get a reply so I didnt bother messaging him after that.

We all made our way to school in cars, Me and Bella drove in the truck while Dad followed us in his Police car. Edward and his family are apparently meeting us there.

Once we arrived we walked through the school hallways and we walked into the gym hall where the graduation actually is and Dad sat at the back with the rest of the parents while Bella and I sat with the rest of the students.

We sat down and listened to Jessica say her speech about childhood stuff, I wasnt really listening because I have a lot on my mind.

Finally it was time to collect our diplomas from the head teacher.

Isabella Marie Swan

Kimberly Drake Swan

Edward Cullen

Alice Cullen

Jasper Cullen

After every name was called I couldnt help but feel grateful because there was only so much of this I could take.

Finally we had all collected our diplomas and we made our way to the Cullen household were Alice was throwing a graduation party.


We had been at the party for an hour when Jacob arrived with Embry and Quil trailing behind him like lost puppys.

I walked over to Quil.

"Hey Quil is Paul not with you?"

"Na hes probably at home or something"

"Ok thanks" I walked back to the kitchen and sipped my Orange juice just looking around at the people dancing and having a good time and I couldnt help but feel slightly upset that Paul didnt turn up. I thought Paul and I were actually getting somewhere, He was so nice on our date a month ago. He treated me like a queen and he acted like such a gentleman. We saw each other a few more times after that but for the last couple of days he's been really distant with me. Almost like he's avoiding me.

In the end I got fed up with sitting there so I went downstairs and left the house since it was getting abit to claustrophobic in there with all those people dancing around.

I walked through the wood glad that I was wearing flat shoes and not really going anywhere in particular just walking around was enough for me to feel normal again.

Sometimes when I was back home in Phoenix people always say never to go into the woods because something bad was lurking out in the darkness. The only thing youll find is wild animals.

I think its a total nonsense, there is no such thing as Vampires and Werewolfs its just a load of S*** that people have made up to scare little children into making them behave.

'SNAP' I turned around but didnt see anything because its so dark.

I felt a big breeze rush behind me which made me turn around again but every time I do theres nothing there.

"Well, Well, Well if it isnt little Bellas Twin Sister all alone in the woods trying to mind her own business, didnt anyone ever tell you to never go in the woods at night you never know who could be lurking around" A Feminine voice said from behind me.

I turned around to see a Woman with fierey Red curly hair and Red piercing eyes and a pale complexion.

"W..W..Who are you?" I stuttered, fear showing through my green eyes and I took steps back trying to make some distance between me and her.

Every step I took back she took one forward until my back hit a tree and I was trapped between the tree and this wild woman.

"Im Victoria and im a vampire as you are about to see" she finished the gap between us and then she grabbed my hair so that she had a clear view of my neck.

I could feel my heart rate picking up as she smelled my neck and was about to bite down when she was thrown off me by Paul, and she ran away and Paul rushed over to me to see if I was okay.

"Are you alright Kimi did she hurt you" Paul asked frantically looking at my body for any cuts or bruises.

"No f..fine was she a Vampire" Paul nodded his head in conformation and I couldnt help but feel like, honestly I dont know what to feel.

"Yeah im just glad youre okay" Paul said bringing me into a hug and I responded by wrapping my arms around him and I let myself sink into darkness.

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