Chapter 12

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Me and Paul arrived home and we entered the living room hand in hand and everyone was standing in the room and when we walked in they all shouted.

“Congratulations” they shouted grinning at us and if I could blush I can guarantee I would be bright red.

Alice, Bella, Rosalie and Esme came over to me and Alice took my hand that had the ring on it and squealed happily.

“Wow its gorgeous Kimi” Alice said letting go of my hand so the others could see.

“Thank you and I was wondering if you wanted to plan the wedding and my dress” I said hoping she would say yes.

 “Yes of course and anyway I already saw what you were going to ask me” she said chuckling and walked over to jasper who was with the other guys talking.

I turned to bella and it’s like she read my mind before I had a chance to ask her.

“The twins are upstairs asleep but they should wake up soon for another bottle or some cuddling from their mummy” She said giving my shoulders a reassuring squeeze.

I nodded my head and walked over to the guys and stood next to Paul and he wrapped his arm around my waist and I snuggled into his side.


Today Bella, Jacob, Me and the twins are going out to spend a few hours in the snow.

Today im wearing plain black skinny jeans, white long tight sleeved shirt, grey 6 button jacket and ankle high black boots.

I put on my clothes after having a shower and then put my hair into a fish tail plait and left my room and walked into the nursery and went into the closet and got ruby a pink all in one onsie with real diamonds on it, pink botties, and a pink baby hat to protect her from the cold and that also had diamonds on it and walked back into the nursery and put the clothes on the changing station and picked her up and layed her on the changing station and changed her nappy and put the dirty one in the bin and then put her into the clothes I chose and then got a white winter coat that had pink dots on it.

Once she was dressed I put her in the bouncy cradle so she could see what I was doing. She’s very observant unlike her brother who is lazy and likes to sleep.

I walked back into the closet and got the same clothes as Ruby’s only in a Dark blue instead of pink.

I walked back out to the room and done the same Routine by changing his nappy and then his clothes, it’s easy getting him dressed he stays still unlike Ruby who moves a lot.

Once I dressed him I got a Blue all in one coat and put him in it and sat him on one of my hips while I put Ruby on the other and walked downstairs and into the living room and put them in the play mat where they just fell asleep.

Little monkeys

Bella came into the room with Renesmee and Jacob behind her.

“Hey you ready to go… Renesmee wants to go catch snowflakes”

“Sure but can you go and get my pushchair for me, I can’t carry both of them without getting arm ache” I laughed and Jacob gave a nod and walked away to get the double pushchair.

“I will sterilize bottles and put formula milk in them for you” she said leaving the room.

“THANKYOU” I shouted back at her and she replied with a your welcome.

A few minutes later Jacob came back with the buggy and the baby bag attached to him and then Bella came back with 2 bottles in each hand.

“It has a couple nappies in there with baby wipes and blankets” she said handing me the bag and I put it on the buggy and stuck the baby’s in and we made our way to the clearing where Renesmee wants to catch snowflakes.

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