Chapter 4

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I was awoken by my Alarm on my phone ringing and the sun casting its way through my curtains.

I got out the bed and turned on my curlers and waited for them to heat up and i opened my curtains to see it was like yesterday hot but the sun wasnt out.

I walked to my wardrobe and got my attire for today, which consisted of Red short shorts with a gold belt, white tank top, Red blazer and black stiletto heels and my black shoulder bag that was big enough for a folder and books.

I walked to my vanity dresser and sat down on the stool and started making my hair into lose curls, once I was finished I walked into the bathroom and brushed my teeth and walked downstairs and put toast into the toaster and waited for it to cook, while I was waiting I got a knife and plate and butter.

Once it was cooked enough I spread the butter on the toast and sat down and started eating, I didnt notice Bella taking a seat next to me and saw she was wearing something simple.

She was wearing a pair of jeans with a white top and a chequered shirt unbuttoned with black converses.

"Wow me and you really do dress differently, youre defiantly a tomboy" I said chuckling while putting my plate in the sink.

"Yeah I could say the same thing to you apart from the fact your more girly than me"

"So what did you do yesterday while I had to get a lift from one of the hotties who I have a date with tonight"

"Oh Edward came and picked me up and we went to this clearing in the woods and Edward asked me to marry him but I said no not till ive graduated from school"

"He asked you to marry him" she nodded her head "Oh, so when am I going to see this man thats stolen your heart"

"Today, he goes to our school and you will meet everyone else" I nodded and made my way upstairs while she ate her breakfast to get my phone.

I noticed that I have a message from mum and Paul.

I opened mums message first.

"Hey hunny bun just wanted to check up on you, hows your sister and Charlie doing miss you loads xx"

"Yeah im okay mum so is Bella and Dad xx"

I opened Pauls message next.

"Hey Kimi morning cant wait for later, im going to pick you up from school then we can get something to eat and then theres a surprise after x"

"Ok I will see you after school and morning 2 u 2 xx"

I put my phone into my bag and went downstairs to see Bella waiting for me by the front door.

"Edwards going to drive us to school, do you want a lift home afterwards" Bella said making her way out the door.

"No Pauls picking me up after school and then we are going for something to eat and then theres a surprise" I grinned at her, I didnt even notice a silver car pull up against the pavement and a pale, golden eyed man with bronze hair stepped out of the car.

"Edward I would like you to meet my Twin Kimberly or Kimi for short" Bella said looking at me with a wide smile; I can see that she truly loved Edward more than anything in the world.

"Hello Edward its nice to meet you and finally see the person that had taken my sister away from me" I chuckled shaking Edwardss hands.

Geez he really needs to wear gloves his hands are freezing cold.
Its like he read my mind because he just looked down and chuckled to himself.

We got into Edwards car and we made our way to school occasionally starting a conversation with each other but I just kept myself to myself while watching the view pass us by.

We pulled into Forks high school and we all got out and people started whispering once their eyes landed on me.

"I really dont like this attention from everyone" I said trying to avoid any contact with anyones eyes.

"Dont worry about it Kimi it will be over in a few days because then they will find new gossip to talk about, thats high school for you" Edward said smiling at people across the parking lot, I followed his eyes to a group of people by a nice looking car and a jeep and they are very pretty people a lot like Edward but I prefer Paul its more muscles.

We walked over to the people that were standing near their cars and Bella introduced me to all of them.

There was Alice, and her partner Jasper, theres one thing about them all is that they have pale skin, golden eyes and are very pretty, apparently there are two others Emmett and Rosalie but they graduated early.

"Hi im Alice and I hope you like shopping because we are going to have to do a lot of that when it comes to finding our graduation dresses" Alice said bringing me into a hug.

Wow wasnt expecting that.

"Yeah I love shopping unlike Bella" I chuckled hugging her back.

After all the introductions we started our course to class and luckily for me I shared all of mine with Bella.


Its finally lunch time and Bella and Edward guided me over to a table where Bellas other friends Mike, Jessica, Lauren, Erik, Alice and Jasper were sitting already.

"No way. Stop" Jessica I think her name was said.

"Throw it away" It was Mikes turn to speak about whatever they were talking about Hey. "All right lets see what we've got"

What are they even talking about?

By the time lunch ended I completely understood what they were talking about. They were talking about how Jessica should write her speak for graduation.

She seems like a goody two shoes to me but hey I should just keep my thoughts to myself.

But that wasnt the only thing on my mind there is something off about Edward but I couldn't put my finger on.

But there was also a hiding meaning to something Jasper said earlier about How many times are we going to graduate from high school and I noticed Edward pull this face and it just makes me more suspicious about Edward and his siblings.

Its finally the end of school and honestly I couldnt be more grateful but the teachers didnt give us any homework not that I could care if they did because I would have done it anyway.

Bella is getting a lift from Edward because dad wanted to take her out for dinner. He did ask me but I had to decline since I was going out with Paul tonight and that leaves me to where I am now.

I was waiting in the car park for Paul to arrive, Bella and everyone had already left and I am just waiting for Paul to hurry up.

Paul finally arrived after 5 minutes and we made our way to a Chinese restaurant that was in La Push and once we arrived he ordered our food and drinks.

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