Chapter 7

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I woke to the sun blaring through the window and an arm wrapped around my waist I turned over to come face to face with a peacefully sleeping Paul Lahote.

I kissed his cheek than got out the bed and wrapped my Silver robe around my Naked body and brushed through my hair and left my room shutting the door quietly behind me so that I didnt wake up Paul from his slumber.

I walked down the hallway that is filled with lots of old fashioned paintings but they fit in with the décor, I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen and got a glass of orange juice when I heard footsteps behind me and saw Carlisle walking into the kitchen holding a newspaper.

Morning Carlisle, did Bella get off okay last night I asked taking a seat on a kitchen stool.

Yeah they got off safely and Edward rung me this morning and told me that they are fine and are enjoying the Island

Great bet they are having fun in the sun, as long as he doesnt knock her up I dont care I joked which made Carlisle laugh Anyway where are the rest of the Cullen Clan.

Theyre gone for a Hunt, they were up early tidying the wedding stuff up He replied looking over the newspaper.

Why didnt anyone come and get me I could have helped tidy up I said putting my glass in the sink and washing it up.

Well you and Paul were fast asleep and we just let you rest after what you did last night Emmetts voice rang from behind me.

Ha, ha says you and Rosalie I heard it all last night im surprised Paul slept through it I looked at Rosalie and if she wasnt a vampire I bet she would have a blushed deep red well anyway im going back upstairs laterz

Wanting round 2 already Kimi Cat Emmetts voice said from downstairs and I completely ignored him and walked upstairs.

I entered my room to see Paul still fast asleep, I walked over to the bed and layed down putting my head on his chest and started tracing circles on his Abs.

Morning baby Paul said playing with my hair.

Morning to you to Wolfe His chest vibrated which meant he found my new nickname for him funny. Im going for a shower okay

Okay I will come visit you later, Alright I nodded and pecked his lips and went to the bathroom and turned on the shower waiting for it to heat up.

2 weeks later.

My love life with Paul had been going wonderfully, Bella and Edward were still on their honeymoon and they seem to be having a wonderful time.

I was planning on seeing my dad today for lunch. So I started getting ready for the day and I started the shower.

Once it was warm enough I stripped down and got in the shower and started scrubbing my body and washing my hair with my strawberry scented shampoo and conditioner.

Once id finished I wrapped another red fluffy towel around my body and walked into my room and into my closet and put on white underwear and bra.

I chose to wear a gold shirt and white trousers and a gold belt that sits perfectly around my waist, Gold glittery Stiletto heels, white and gold bracelets and a gold headband that sits nicely on my naturally straight hair.

Once I was finished I left my bedroom and walked downstairs and into the living room and took a seat next to Rosalie who was reading a book on William Shakespeare Macbeth.

Since when do you read Macbeth Rosa I asked curiosity taking over me wanting to know since when did she read these kinds of books. 

Its probably the only story I do like to read I just find the story interesting she replied putting the book on the coffee table.

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