Ukai Keishin Pt. 1

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{My first request was from a long time fan of my books shout out to you bby for the support! }
{Lemon in Pt. 2}

3rd POV

Shimizu and y/n the well knows third years were walking out from their last class making their way to go change before heading to the gym.
"I'm glad Ukai-san is willing to keep coaching the team I think we have a real shot this year" Shimizu broke the silence.

Y/n removed her clothes and began changing to volleyball shorts and a tee. Unlike Shimizu whose just the manager, y/m is the trainer in the team she trains the boys physically. Shimizu stared at the girl for a second in slight adoration as her body.
"I agree the boy have so much room for growth I think we could go very far this year" y/n smiles back at her.

"Plus I like Ukai

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"Plus I like Ukai...he is still pretty young it's nice to have him around eyy" y/n grinned at the manager who was schooled at her statement and began laughing with her.
"You're always so blunt y/n-san don't say those things out loud" the manager slightly turned red from laughing too much.
"I I laying" y/n shrugged why chuckling.
"You're too much y/n-san he's like 30...I believe you're 18" Shimizu wiped a tear
"And your point isssss?" Y/n rested her hands on her hips with a mischievous grin
"...there no getting through to you is there" Shimizu chuckled and the girls began leaving the room.
The girls made their way to the gym.

1st POV

I open the door to the noisy gym...
"Ohayooooo~~" I state loudly making our presence known.
We got back our usual greets and of course the obvious flustered faces from the boys.
"Shimizu-senpaiiii y/n-senpaiiii" the two crazy second years flew towards shimizu first. She ducked as they flew through the door. I chuckled.
"How is nishinoya doing with his dives?" I turn to the boys and Ukai.
"Well he can do it for sure he lacks speed" Ukai ribbed his temples. So handsome...
"Hmmm?" I thought
"Well he is slightly shorter so his distance from everyone is a disadvantage specially to quick spikes" Daichi and Suga explained.
"We would advance greatly once he's able to get a grip of the dives" Asahi stated.
"I see...leave it to me boys" I grinned.
They sweat dropped. I may or may not have bad/good ideas ever so often.
"Don't make him blow a fuse like hinata last week...y/n I won't tell you again" Ukai dragged out.
"Ohohoo~ is that a threat?" I smirked at the man and he rolled his eyes.
I took a deep breath once I saw the two years coming back in with scratches all over.
"Nishnoyaaa-kun~~~" I ran to him.
He froze in his spot at the call of his name and looked at me with his brown eyes.
"What is it y/n-senpai" he dusted himself off.
"I hear you're having trouble with your dives a little, lacking some speed?"
He nodded
"Yess just a little not too much! I'll get it very soon. I am the guardian after all" he pointed to himself.
"Well maybe you just need motivation Yuu-Kun" I said his first name.
"A-ah yesss! Motivation is was makes one strive to greatness" he tried to keep cool.
"How about a good luck hug for the best libero out there?" I bent the tiniest bit too meet his eye level and saw the gleam flash over his eyes...
"Thank you...kamisama" he muttered under his breath.
I hugged the boy...'am I using my breast as encouragement' why yess I am. 'Does it work' why yess yess it does. He laid his head ontop of my mounds and held his arms around my body.
The third years has a slight scowl and sweat drop looking at the scene before them. Tanaka was cussing in the back.
Hinata and Kageyama and Yamaguchi were a blushing mess along with Asahi.
She felt someone staring at her she looked to her peripherals and saw the coach himself stealing glances and forcing himself to hid a flush and look at his clipboard.
"Alright enough back to practice!" He yelled across the gym to everyone.
"For every dive you receive from now until the end of practice during the meeting is one minute of how long you can stay in my special hugs how does that sound" I whispered.
He immediately let go. He walked to the middle of the court and everyone watched the little man. He got in a stance
I went to the bench next to Ukai.
"Everyone just needs a little motivation" I chuckled.
"You use the wrong type of motivation Y/n-san he mumble without looking at me" He continued writing on his bored.

"Motivations is motivation no matter how you out it everyone is just different. For hinata I bribe him with tosses, Kageyama I bribe him with rice cakes, Tanaka with senpai calls even tho he's my underclassmen" I let out a chuckled sigh.

"Well I guess it work differently for everyone" he stated. Why is he so dry..
"What your motivation Ukai-kun" I looked over at him and caught his eye as he was already looking at me from the corner of his eye. My heart thumped so loud in my chest...once I caught his glance. He looked away and sighed.
"I don't know yet, guess I'm still looking for it ...maybe the team is my motivation to keep coaching" He set the clipboard down.
"That's a good enough motivation all the guys look up to since you're not too far from an age gap maybe that's why you all have such a strong bond with each other, you can understand and relate to their problems or frustrations" I looked at the boy practicing and running back and forth.
"You're very observant?" He raised a brow at me as I looked back at him. He's so...handsome...
"I'm always observant" I smirked and he was taken aback Clearly. The corner of he cheeks flushed and I quickly got up and felt the stare on my back view.
I made my way to the boys.
"How we doing nishino-"
"ONE MORE!!" He yelled and dove, he received it. I smiled.
The practice continued.
"Alright everyone clean up quick so we can began the meeting!" Ukai yelled and everyone begun cleaning.
I was folding the net the asahi.
"I'll carry it to the storage room" he smiled
"Thanks Asahi-kun" I smiled
The boys quickly sat on the floor and I sat on the floor beside them.
"I caught 12 dive receives!!" Nishinoya hollered.
"Wowwww!!!! I'm proud!!!" I praised his as his eyes gleamed with pride.
"Come on" I patted the sport the to me.
He closed his eyes before hand "thank you...kamisama"
The thrust tears sweat dropped.
Nishinoya quickly got comfy and wrapped his arms around my waist and laid his head ontop of my mounds. He closed his eyes with a peaceful smile.
Ukai sent a glance and ...correct me if I'm wrong...but was that a glare. Nah...I saw wrong.
I looked down to see Nishinoya breathing is very evenly..he must have worked extra today. "Dork.." I whispered and caressed his hair.
After like 30 mins of Ukai speaking and explaining he finally dismissed everyone. He kept send glances my way the whole entire time. Which...I didn't mind of you ask me.
I nudge Nishinoya lifted his head..."already.." he mumbled and rubbed his eye.
"Come on love you need to go home" I stood him up with me.
"Let's Bastard" Tanaka dragged the poor sleepy boy away.
Everyone finally left and I was closing the gym.
"Is everything locked?" I turn to see Ukai behind me.
"Uh yeah I'm sure it is, and everything is cleaned. Daichi-kun is usually the one to close the club room but the lights are off so I thing they're gone." I turn the key to the door. I twist the knob to make sure it's locked.
We begin to walk to the exit of the school.
"Alright well my car is right here" He mumbled
"Okayy I go this way so see you tomorrow" I wave.
I began walking.
"Hey!...y-n-san I go that way too so I can give you a lift...I-if you want?" He scratched his head and sighed.
"U-um..I wouldn't want to burden you" I rubbed my arm.
"No not at all" He said and waited for me to walk back to the car.
I walked to the passengers seat and we got in.
His car smelled so those fragrance trees you put in the cars, and it was so neat and clean...since he'd smoke you would figure he would have that inside the car but not at all, which surprised me.
"Alright just tell me where to turn and such" he began to drive off.
He kept his hand on the shift and the other on the wheel. I couldn't help but steal glances now and then.
"what is it?" He spoke making me jumó slightly.
"N-nothin!...what is it with've been odd today" he quickly tried changing the topic.
He glanced at me and back into the road.
"Nothing...just the stress from the team and making new rotations and all" He
He looked away and cussed.
"What's wrong" I asked and he pulled over and I'm there was barely any lighting in the street.
"Shit...I didn't even notice! I had a full tank this morning" he pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. He seems so...on edge.
"Heyyy...Heyy don't worry! My cousin is a mechanic he lives by me I'm sure I can ask him to drop off so gas" I lightly laid my hand on his shoulder and pulled out my phone.

"Hey! Jinta! Yess if I send you my location could you please bring me gas. Me and friend are stranded currently" I spoke on the phone.
"Of course y/n! Send me your location right away! I might take a hour or so if that's okay I need to clock out of work first because I have a client right now" he spoke
"No problem!! Thank you jinta love ya!" I hung up the call and sent him my location.

I looked at Ukai who was leaning against the window looking out into the darkness slightly being lighted by the moonlight.
"He'll be here in a hour or so, so don't worry" I tried lightening the mood.

"Thank you" he spoke without looking at me...which made me frown. He's acting so cold.
"I'm sorry I swear I had a full tank this morning but I did run a lot of errands today" he sighed once more.

"Stop apologizing's fine I told you already" I patted his shoulder and I ever so slightly notice him tense up at the touch.

'He said he's stress....and maybe the coaching thing is being a little more stressful recently, but he's so on edge and cold....just now he tensed up at my touch like what could be wro-' my thought were cut off by another thoughts
'Could he be....' I sent a glance his way.

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