Yamaguchi (Lime/Fluff)

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[Lime! Contains sexual acts, but no actual intercourse]

3rd POV

Y/n was the first aide trainer, for the Karasuno volleyball team. She's been with them for a semester now and she's very close with everyone and Shimizu. She's a second year at the school, and works in the nurses office afterschool.
She attend their games which is mandatory and goes to their practices every know and then, and has a individual
check up with all the players every month.

1st POV

"Ohayooooo~" I yelled as I entered the gym.
"Y/n-sannnnnnn!" The two second years skipped their way to me.
"Hellloooo my children!!" I hugged the both, both of them snuggled their faces into my breast.
"You're too care free for you own well being y/n-san" Suga sighed as he ripped of the boys from me.
"Nooo you're just jealous you don't get to do it too senpai...which I would mind eyy" I teased the poor boy.
"W-wha!" He blew a nose bleed and fell back.
"Oopps" I laughed it off and check hes breathing heavily fine.
I walked over to Ukai and Takeda and told them I was gonna be doing the monthly individual check ups.
"Alright everyone! So once the person before you comes back make your way to the nurses office...you know the drilllll~" I gestured as I made my way to the doors.
"Daichi-senpaiii~~......you're up" I smiled and the boy hesitantly walked over knowing what happens to Suga.

3rd POV
"I'll be waiting for your turn Suga-senpaiii~" Y/n sang before walk-in out leaving Suga to fall over once more
"That girl is the devil..." Ukai shivered with Takeda agreeing.
The boys followed the routine going one by one, not taking no more than 10 mins.
"Alright you're the last one Yamaguchi, but we're already gonna wrap practice up so head home right afterwards" Daichi called out and the first year nodded.
Yamaguchi made his way to the office.
When he slid the door open, he saw y/n bent over obtaining something from a drawer. He got a slight view of the...red lace that rested under your white skirt.
Y/n stood up and turned.
"Oi, Yamaguchi you're here good!" She called out and smiled. Yamaguchi flushed and flinched at the same time hesitantly making his way over to him.

1st POV

I quickly did the regular check up on the nervous first year who flinches for everything. He's so cute...and his freckles just add to it.
"You seem to be pretty healthy and good shape I'm glad!" I smiled and began writing stuff on the papers as he put his shirt back on.
"How are your classes Yama" I tried making small talk as o wrote across my papers filling them in.

Yamaguchi's POV

I felt my heart in my throat I couldn't breath. I was panicking.
"T-theyre going good j-just some struggles in math but all is well" I tried to divert my eyes from where she was sitting with her leg crossed over her other ...'her skirt was riding up!!' I panicked more.
I wanted to get out of here! I-I can't....y/n-senpai is too...beautiful!
"Ooh? Struggling in math? That's not good your grades can affect your volleyball eligibility" She spoke making me freeze
"Oh! Sorry! I didn't mean to make you panic!!" She chuckled...but it didn't help.
"You know if you're really struggling I'm super good in math, I wouldn't mind tutoring you plus it's 5:12 p.m I could tutor you today for a while if you want" She smiled and my heart was gone...where did it go...stopped beating.
"R-really? I-I wouldn't w-want to burden you s-senpai" I scratched my head.
"What?! Nonsense of course not! Why don't you head home and text me your address I'll be there once I finish my paperwork here" she smiled and quickly went back to filling out papers.
"W-will do!" I replied and quickly made my way out of there.
I quickly got out and leaned against the wall....I felt thwbnoood rush to my face.
'She's coming over!!what did I do!!' I began to panic.
'I need to clean my room...' I quickly began to make my way home...I couldn't help but remember...senpai. When she was bent over and her panties were visible...or her shirt riding up...or when she leaned on the desk and her..b-breast rest onto of it'
"Ghhaaaa!! What am I thinking!!" I ruffled my hair frustratedly in my hands in embarrassment....I suddenly felt blood rush down...
'Oh no....nonono this cannot b-be happenin!' I panicked and ran home. Quickly getting inside and locking myself in the room.
'W-what do i do!....' I thought and looked around the room...in was beginning to get tight underneath my pants..
'No...I can't! That's so disrespectful of me ...towards a-senpai!' I shut my eyes and tried calling myself down...but all I could see was y/n-senpai in her nurse uniform.
It started to get painful....
'I-if I don't do it now....it won't go away....forgive me senpai!' I shut my eyes.

Y/n's POV

"Wow I finished wayyy faster than I thought" I stood up and got my bag...I opened my phone to see the text Yamaguchi sent me before he left the office of his address and it was very close by.
I walked around 7-8 minutes and arrived at a beautiful home.
I quickly knocked and there was no answer....
"I know it's here...his last names clearly is on the front" I spoke and looked at the driveway there was no cars.
"Hmmm? Could his parents not be home?" I thought...and I just noticed the door was actually not even properly closed. It was slightly unhinged. I pushed the door and it opened.
"Oh??" I was confused.
I stepped in.
"Pardon the intrusion, but no one answered and the door is open" I spoke hoping someone would come to the from but nothing...I hear voices but upstairs.
"I quickly took my shoes off leaving me in my socks and slowly made my way upstairs
"Ghaaa~" I froze once I heard the voice.
I looked at the door that it was coming from and it was closed.
I needed the door...and I heard heavy breathing.
"Aaahh...y-y/n...s-senpai" I heard the voice....of the first year across the door. Shivers ran through my body...
"Is he...." I backed up and bit covering my mouth.
'Omg....is Yamaguchi...pleasuring himself...and saying my name!!' I yelled in my head.
'Here I thought he was a little innocent small bean...' I smirked at the thought
"Mmmh" the groaning continued.
'I have two choices....leave and text him I couldn't make it....or....help the boy out, I mean I do find the boy attractive and cute and might as well give the boy a chance most high schoolers won't ever get' I shrugged
"The hell with it..." I spoke softly and slowly opened the door.
The heavy breathing got louder.
And I saw Yamaguchi...sitting in his chair slouched over...'is he struggling??...has he never??' I thought as I saw him shake and move his hand in awkward motions.
I let my bag drop making my precedes known. He quickly turns.
"Y/n SENPAI!" He quickly covers himself and I lean against the back of the door letting it close...and I twist the lock.
"I-I cant e-ex-plain!!" He was a flustered panicked mess.
"Shhh shhhhh..." I held my hands up and neared him.
"Calm down...calm down....let me help..." I spoke softly
"S-senpai!" He quickly looked away and slouched over.
"Calm down...you're a high schooler m you have hormones...you have every natural right to be doing what you're doing.." I spoke softly and he didn't look at me he straightened himself and looked off to the side keeping his hands over his member. He looked so...embarrassed...and sad.
"I understand if you don't want me to...but I kind of have a crush on you Yamaguchi...and I can really help you out here if you'll let me" I smiled at him.
....he kept his gaze away from me.
"T-this is-so...e-embarassing.." he mumbled.
I laid my hand over his and gently moved them.
"No it's not...it's natural" I spoke before I held his shaft in my hands and I kneeled in between his legs and quickly took him into my mouth.
"Ghha!" He quickly yelped and froze...
I slowly lowered my head until I reached the farthest I could before rising my head and repeating the process.
I propped myself on my knees and rested my palms on his tights over his pants...his member was the only part that was out.
"S-senpai..." He let out a breathy moan...which actually encouraged me.
I kept bobbing my head...and continued my pace.
I looked up to see his eyes closed and cheeks covered in pink hue.
He continued to let out groans and moans, he left the chair arms tightly...and kept his eyes shut.
"S-senpai...s-stop Im g-goi-ghhhhh" He didn't finish his sentence. I felt his warm seed pulse into my mouth...once he was done I quickly pulled away...and looked at him. He was looking at me breathing heavily.
"I-I'm! So sorry! I didn't mean to-"
I swallowed his load and wiped my lips with my thumb.
"S-senpai! I-I don't think that was o-kay t-too in-gest" was stinking over his words.
I quickly leaned up to his face...and kissed him...after a few second he softly returned the kiss.
"I'm glad the feeling is mutual.." I smiled he looked to the side before smiling
"I'm glad too.." he covered his face in his hands.

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