Suga (Fluff)

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[ This is based on a dream I had dogs for waking me up]

2sy POV

It was late...very rainy and stormy night. I couldn't sleep. Thunders never let me sleep...I'm not deathly scared of them they just derive me of my sleep...and scare me every time it's loud. They not my favorite...but I adore the rain.
My apartment was being lighted by the lightening outside. I kept my windows open to see the rain.
12:23 a.m
I sighed as I looked at the clock. I grabbed my phone to see a unopened message.
" you holding up there a lot of thunders?"

"I'm okay...I'm enjoying the rain, the thunder not so much. Can't sleep tho.."

" want some company?"

"I'd love some, but I'm not making you walk all the way over here, it's pouring outside" I smile at the convo.

"I live down the hall way y/n...if you don't want company just say sooooooo....jeeez://"

I turned off my phone and I rolled my eyes...
"Always so extra..." I chuckled and got up.
I threw an oversized hoodie over my body and some slippers. I got my phone and keys and put the hoodie over my hair and quickly went out the door.
"Jesus!" I yelled at the's like a hurricane.
I quickly got to the last door down the hall of the complex.
I knocked quickly.
The door opened and I was quickly pulled in my slippers were wet I slipped.
"Jesus! Sugaaaa" I lifted myself and rubbed my nose. My face hit his chest.
"Why didn't you tell me you were coming" He scolded
"Hehehe suprise~" I continued to rub my hurt.
"I-uhhh..I need to close the door" he mumbled. I looked down to see myself straddling him...I had my night shorts that hid under my hoodie. I looked up and I was going quickly stand up...but he held my hips and swiftly moved me off as he stood up. My face was flushed to the max.
"...but you pulled me in my shoes were wet!" I went over to the door mat and dried the bottom of my shoes.
Suga smiled and went over to his kitchen. He began heating up water.
"Tea?" He asked
"Green.." I smiled
" tea" he chuckled and opened his cabinet to take out two mugs.
"Let me...go set up the 'spot'" I gently moved him out of the way.
"You want the blankets too?" His arms wrapped around my waist from behind me.
"Suga..." I looked down at the cups where I was putting the tea into.
"Hahah you're too cute!" He left laughing.
I quickly took the mugs to the table infront of the couch that's placed infront of a huge window.
"I'm still have this view...switch me apartments" I complained once I heard him come back into the living room.
"..and the offer still stands...move in with me" he spoke and took my wrist and led me to the couch. We quickly laid down in each other's arms.
"You know...we met 5 years ago" He spoke. I could feel the vibration as my head lays on his chest...I feel him running his fingers through my long hair.
"I's been so long...I'm glad I took Shimizu's offer for manager" I chuckled remembering back to that day.

I walked side by side with my good friend Shimizu who invited me to become a manager with her. We were 2nd years.
She warned be about everything and told me everyone was very mice and all.
When we arrived to the gym...there was volleyballs being thrown across the gym back and forth. We stayed quiet until they took a break and Shimizu introduced me.
"Everyone this is y/n and she's here to check out the team, I'm hoping she'll become a manager as well" She spoke and I smiled and nodded.
Everyone introduced themselves to me...but a particular boy stood out from everyone with his eye catching hair.
"Hello I'm Sugawara Koshi, but feel free to call me Suga" he smiled widely.
I remember how fast my heart was racing.
"D-domo...Suga-san" I smiled lightly.
"I hope you'll accept and be a manager it'll be cool to have two new managers, I promise I'll take good care of ya!" He grinned widely once more before running off


I smiled at the flashback...
"If I'm being completely honest...I took it because of you" I laughed
"Whaaaa? Me!" Suga sounded so shocked
"Yesss, you dork you!" I stood up and looked at him.
"which I don't why!! Nishinoya asked me out 25 times within the first week and you took a whole YEARRR" I shoved him playfully.
"H-hey! Something like that takes time...s-soecially if you're really" he looked down then looked to the side.

'Now that I think about it....I don't we have ever spoken those words...I think Suga always avoided it to refrain from making me feel uncomfortable or something like that' I thought to myself

"Suga...." I leaned forward right infront of his face.
He looked up and flushed lightly.
"I love you..Sugawara Koshi" I smiled.
His eyes widened.
"I-I love you tooo y/n!!!" He said it slightly more louder than I did...I'd be lying if I said I wasn't startled. 
I chucked...and quickly leaned in. We shared a very soft and gentle kiss that spoke louder than words.
When we pulled pack...he quickly hugged me and soft cradled me in his arms.
"Mind if I spend the night?" I asked.
"Of course not! Id love for you to stay the night" he rested his head ontop of mine.
"Then we should head to bed so I can speak to the land lord lady tomorrow morning" I said standing hoodie rode up revealing legs mostly since I have 'booty shorts'
He caressed my leg that was closer to him running his hands in an up down motion looking up at me worriedly.
"Why? What's wrong?" He asked worriedly.
"Well...I need to move my stuff over here...if the offers still stands" I smirked at him.
"R-really!!!!!" He quickly stood before lifting me off the ground jumping away.
"Hahahah suga...sugaaaa~" Our laughter filled the room.
He stopped and set me down and cupped my face...
"I am utterly and love with you y/n l/n....." He spoke looking at me with such a straight face I could not pinpoint what was going through his head.
"S-Suga..." I blushed madly at his words.
"Where's the locket I gave you?" He asked out of the blue.
"Right here...why?" I dug into my hoodie and pulled in out as it hung on my neck.
He looked at the necklace...and held it in his hand and smiled.
His arms ran to the back of my neck and I clasped it.
"Suga..? What are you doing?" I was confused my his actions.
The room being lighted by the lightening.
"Come..." he took my hand to his bedroom.
He quickly made it to his newsroom where he had big two window that let the lightening weep through lighting the room.
We quickly sit on his bed and he pulls something out of his nightstand drawer.
"That's your necklace.." I told him as he held. It
"I never knew when...Daichi would always tell me to plan it...and to make sure it was right, but right now...I know.." He spoke and I was so confused.
He tugged onto his necklace and it split into two. He took the smaller piece that was like the smallest needle like rod.
He got my locker and inserted the rod into the side of the locket and it popped open.
"Ohh?" I looked at it.
"I never knew when...or what to do...but just now...I felt it...and I know this is the moment and the time...because these are the type of moment where they happen once and I'll treasure them forever in my memories and..." He held his breath and handed me the locket.
I looked at him then back down and the lightening lighted the room just enough for me to see what was in the locket.

              "Will you Marry Me"

I gasped and quickly looked up at Suga who was already down in the floor by his knee holding a box...with a ring that reflected beautifully off the light that come in through the window....
  My eyes quickly filled with tears.
"....and I want you to know...5 years ago I promised you I'll take good care of you and now I'm vowing to you that I will forever take care of you and love you for as long as I shall live. I have never felt such sentiments...with anyone. You came into my life and opened new experiences and new journeys for me and I am forever in your debt and I want to keep riding this journey with you...a-and I want you to be with me by my side. I-I love you....s-so will you do me the great honor...y/n m/n l/n...of becoming my wife and accepting my hand in marriage"
He hand tears in the corner of his eyes...
I was a crying mess....
"Koushi...." I cried and quickly wrapped my arms around the boy tackling him down.
"Yesss yesss!! Yesss! A million times yes!!" I cried into his neck.
He shifted and sat us on the floor and slipped the beautiful ring into my hand.
"It's...beautiful Koushi..." i sniffled and held his hand in mine as the ring reflected.
"It sure is...but I got the most beautiful gem instead"
"You're so cheesy...Sugaaaa" I chuckled and once again our lips met.
This kiss was unforgettable...the emotions that mixed into it...was more than I could speak for.
I was the happiest girl...on earth.

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