Yamaguchi (Fluff)

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1st POV

I was making my way down stairs outside to the gym. That's where Yamaguchi-kun plays volleyball. He had told me he played volleyball. It took me around 2 weeks to get a simple plain sentence out of that freckled cinnamon roll.
'Hhhmm...maybe he just doesn't like me...? Maybe he's interested in someone else?' I thought as I made my way down the stairs.
I've liked Tadashi-kun...since the first day of school hahah...he sat next to me and wouldn't even look my way. He's very adorable..and sweet. I noticed that maybe he just...has never talked to a girl before or probably just not interested, but imma have to make the move.
I was finally infornt of the gym. "Hhmmm...so many people" I spoke as I looked around.
"Hello??" I jumped a little and saw a gray haired boy approach me.
"A-ah I'm sorry! I didn't mean to disturb practice...but I'm looking for Tadashi-kun" I scratched my neck.
"Ohh? You're here to speak to Yamaguchi!?" His eyes slightly widened before looking around.
"He should be......mmmhh" he turned his body to the side to look for the boy.
I looked as well and found him....
He's laughing out loud and speaking to a cute blonde girl...she's really pretty...they seem to be having full conversation, both smiling widely.
I can barely get him to speak a word to me...mere less even look my way.
"Hello..?" The gray haired waved his hands in my face.
"He's right there..." he smiled pointing.
....I looked down a shadow casting over my eyes before trying to play off a smile that didn't work.
"I-Uh....that fine nevermind..." I was tiring around before he stopped me.
"Wait!? I can call him for you no problem really" he chuckled....
I didn't even turn complete towards him.
"I can barely get him to speak to be...less even to look my way.....I'll be going now. I'm sorry for disturbing.." I mumbled and bowed before running out. There goes my confidence I built just to try to ask him out....I didn't even get to speak before I was rejected. I began to walk out of school and made my way home.

3rd POV

Sugawara stood their...putting the piece together.
"Ahh..." he sighed in realization and frowned. The first years walked over. "What was y/n-sam doing here senpai?" Hinata questioned the frowning 3rd year.
"Y/n was here??!" Yamaguchi chirped into the convo causing Suga to glance at him.
"You know her?" Suga continued
"Y-yes she's in my class" Yamaguchi replied.
Suga sighed..."that's all?..." He asked.
The first years were confused.
"What do you mean Suga-san?" Hinata tilted his head to the side.
Suga still stared at Yamaguchi in hopes he could get something out of him.
"There's nothing else..? You may notice about her or think about her?" Suga began picking at him.
"W-What are you saying Sugawara-san?" Yamaguchi was confused.
Suga sighed..
"She came looking for you...but then she saw you speaking to Hitoka-Chan...then she left"
Yamaguchi...was slowly putting it together.
"You Idiot. I told you" Tsukishima clicked his tongue and began walking away.
"Whaa! Y-your telling y/n-san like this GUY!!!........but WHY!!" Hinata began shouting.
Yamaguchi finally understood the whole scenario and his cheeks began to flush.
"I-I...I never thought she would feel mutual....y/n-san is...like way out of-"
"You idiot hurry up and catch up to her...so dense" Tsukishima cut him off from the back of the gym.
Suga smiled at him and have him a thumbs up as Hinata had a scowl that followed Yamaguchi out the door.
Yamaguchi quickly looked to either side and made his way to the exit. He was jogging in the cold air making it a little hard to breath.
He finally saw a figure at the top of the road hill.
"...y-y....Y/N!!" He yelled.

1st POV

It's so chilly the air is so cold it makes your nose hurt.
"...Y/N!!.." a yell startled me making me turn quickly. A figure was making its way up the hill.
My eyes widened.
"T-Tadashi-kun?" I spoke surprised.
He was breathing heavily.
"Oi...it's freezing what are you doing?!...you're not wearing nothing but practice clothes!" I scolded completely disregarding the fact that he came looking for me.
"Y/n....y/n....I-I ..." He held his knees and took a few breaths.
"If they told you I came looking for you...you don't need to explain yourself to me really..." I spoke...holding off the frown that wanted to appear on my face.
"N-no! T-that was our manager!" He waved his hands in my face quickly.
I looked at him curiously.
"Look tadashi...Ive likes you since the first day of class...and I know you it might not be mutual, but if you came of here because you feel bad or something..." I sighed and nodded my head.
"N-no..NO...I didn't come here b-because I felt bad or anything...I-ive never been good at words...b-but...I really...like you. I do...and I-I guess I wasted more time avoiding you than...actually being with you instead this whole time" His cheeks where red already from the cold air but you can see them redden darker.

My heart...felt so warm. In this cold weather his words made me feel so warm. I smiled and removed my scarf from around my neck and threw it behind his neck. I closed the space and quickly left a kiss on his soft lips. After pulling away I wrapped the scarf around him.
"Go back to practice and I'll see you tomorrow in class.." I smiled and he was a red mess and nodded slowly but smiling widely.

3rd POV

Yamaguchi returned to the gym and the guys were now all informed of the 'gossip'
"Soo....." Tanaka teased the poor boy
"I-I.." The boy was cut off.
"Well...judging my the scarf I'm assuming it went well...but it's actually the glitter on your lips that gave it off" Tsukishima tortured the boy.
Everyone began teasing Yamaguchi.
"O-kayy....guysss..." he sighed shaking his head, but deep inside he was happy.

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