Ushijima (Fluff)

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3rd POV

"Listen up you athletic addicts...for afterschool practice I'm bringing in my neice, she is a helper at the Olympic training camps and is coming to give us pointers and listen to her and don't mess around...hear me red head" Coach Washijo pointed at Tendō and looked at everyone.

"Wait? the Olympic camps? That's very high up in the stats who is your neice coach?" Tendō rubbed his chin.
"Olympic level? That sound very intriguing" Ujishima spoke causing everyone to look over.

"Ahh yes, she's actually looking forward to meeting you" Coach sighed.
"Me? What for" Ujishima showed no expression
"You'll see later stop drowning me with questions! 100 receives now!" The old man yelled. Everyone sighed and walked back to the court.

1st POV

"I'll be back later alright going to uncles academy for a while I told my mom and left with my bag"
I left in my Nike running shorts, a tank top with a sports bra underneath and a wind breaker.
I caught the train and began listening to music. I quickly made it to the last stop and left the train.
I began using my phone for a GPS....I kept making turns here and there.
"Ughhhh...where is this stupid school" I sighed and looked at the street signs as I walked. I stepped back a few steps to see the sigh ontop of the light.
"Ouff-" I felt my back bumped into someone...I fell forward.
I landed on my knees...I felt the stinging from scraping my knees.
"Sorry, I didn't see you" the deep voice spoke from behind me.
I was about to move but he held a hand out. He literally pulled me up instead of me trying to stand.
"Thanks, Im sorry as well I wasn't paying attention" I said and dusted my shorts and legs from some small pebbles and dirt. My knees where red and just little blood but small cuts from landing on the concrete. 
"Your knees are injured" He pointed out and I saw his jacket he was wearing.
"That's nothing compared to dive burns" I sighed and looked at my knees then back at him.
"You're from Shiratorizawa?" I asked
"Mmh" He kept a stoic face
"Ujishima right? I've seen you in the volleyball monthly just wanted to confirm, but anyways I need to know where the academy is I'm lost and my uncle is probably waiting" I scratched my head.
I finally saw an expressions his eyes widened for a split second.
"You're Coach neice?" He asked and I smiled and nodded
"The one and only" I pointed at myself
"I'll lead the way" He said and began walking..I walked slow because every time I bent my knee I felt my skin burn at the movement...I need to clean these cuts.
"Does it hurt?" He stopped.
"Not unbearable it hurt cause there is probably dirt and all and it burns" I waved him off and slowly walked
"The ground is filthy, it probably burns a lot let me help you get back to the academy" He said
"Yes please lead the way" I smiled and he began lowering himself in-front of me.
"What are you doing?" I was confused
"Helping..." he turned confused
I finally noticed
"W-what?! I'm not getting on your back!" I stepped back.
"Why not?"
"C-cause!...I can totally walk I'm I m-might be heavy specially in this steep road" I lowered my head to hide the flush
"Are you assuming I'm weak?" He asked bluntly.
'The hell...' I thought and looked at him
"W-what" I began to laught
"No no...I just don't want to you're blunt Ujishima" I continued to chuckle. He scratched his head.
"With your pace it'll take forever...and Coach will yell at me, plus he's already going to once he sees your injured knees" He reasoned.
"Ughh..." I sighed
"This is embarassing..." I sighed and began to lean on his back and he quickly stood up and wrapped his arms around my mid-thighs and jumped slightly to lift me.I let my arms go around his neck and hug it and began walking.
"This is not the way I thought I would meet you...I would figured i would walk into the gym and see you slamming a spike over the net" I laughed
"Hmh" he let out a chuckle which kind of shocked me...he hasn't shown anything aside from a stoic face.
"So you play volleyball?" He asked
"Yess sir...I live,breath, and eat volleyball"
"You eat volleyballs?" He turned his head to try and look at me.
"I-it's a metaphor Ujishima-san" I sweat dropped...I thought that was obvious.
"What school to you attend I don't know if I've seen any of your games?" He asked

"Well I'm actually in college" I chuckled
"Then what team do you belong in? Coach said you're a helper in the Olympic training camps?"
"Hahah yess yess, I'm in the U.S.A national girls volleyball team"
He stopped causing me to shift slightly.
"U.S.A? in America?" You could hear the change in his voice. Finally a reaction.
"Yess Im from over there I live with my dad there but I'm here visiting my mom this month" I smiled

"That's olympics" he spoke with curiosity.
"You Can always go visit me there and I'll show you around" I smirked after I saw the glow in his eyes as he tried turning back looking at me to see if I was serious. 
"I'll make sure to plan a trip soon" he spoke.
As we entered the school gates. A lot of people gawked at up and some took photos.
"Why is...everyone...staring?" I asked feeling uncomfortable.
"It's always like that.." he mumbled
I nodded
"'re Mr. Popular hereeee i seee" I looked at girls eyeing me and Ujishima.
"I don't think they like me" I laughed
We entered a huge building.
"Oiiii Wakatoshi where you been!?" A red head made his way over causing everyone to divert their attention.

"Y/N!! Where have you been! Wakatoshi why are you holding my NEICE set her down you GIANT!!" The Coach yelled.
I patted Ujishima and he let me go and I began to slide down his back until I reached the floor.
"Sorryyyy...I know I'm late you see I got lost...then Ujishima here pushed me down and I fell and scraped my knees" I pointed at him and snickered.
His face was priceless.

"Im totally kidding! I fell and he found me and helped me find my way and carried me all the way here, thank you Ujishima-san" I smiled and looked to all the boys looking at Ujishima curiously like he did something out of the ordinary

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"Im totally kidding! I fell and he found me and helped me find my way and carried me all the way here, thank you Ujishima-san" I smiled and looked to all the boys looking at Ujishima curiously like he did something out of the ordinary.
"Soooo uncle what do you got for me!" I clapped my hands together.

He sighed in disapproval.
"Everyone meet my neice y/n l/g she represent the U.S.A in the girls national Olympic team for the U.S"
I smiled and waved
"Ohayoooo~" I grinned at their shocked faces.
"She's gonna be here for a month or so, so if you all behave like decent humans, I'll let her train with you for the rest of the month she's here" He frowned at them and they quickly nodded.

"Alrighttyyy! Shall we get started!" I smiled and turned to Ujishima.
" me your spike" I asked him and he quickly nodded and made his way for he court.
"This is gonna be a long month..." I thought as I stared him run off.


Shouting out my girl oikawa_ii

Please go read her books! Support her and show her love.
Also remember I'm open for request! Shoot me a message and I'll start right away! Love y'all stay safe and wash your hands!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2020 ⏰

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