Daichi (Lemon)

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(Requested- Thank you for your request! I love requests it makes me feel like I'm doing a good job!!)

3rd POV

Y/n transferred to Karasuno from the U.S she's half (y/r/e: your race/ethnicity) and half Japanese. He learned to to fluently speak Japanese from her father, and can speak it without a problem, but writing and reading....uhhhh not so much.
She's been the manager for a while now and everyone is aware that she cannot read or wrote Japanese so everyone helps her. Their just thankful she can speak it perfectly.
Currently everyone is at a training camp for the week since it's summer.

"Alright everyone nice work today! Clean up and freshen up then come get some dinner, and head to bed!" Ukai called out.

Ukai and Takeda left the gym and the two girl managers began to help cleaning.
Shimizu usually always wore her track suit and white shirt.
Y/n on the other hand is a volleyball player healed and enjoys jumping in to play every once in a while so she wears volley-shorts and a tee.
"Daichiiiii this net is too heavy!" Y/n as she tried dragging the net away.
"Let me let me! Don't strain yourself" Daichi quickly waltzed over but quickly diverted his eyes to see her bending over trying to pull the net. She was is very...short shorts.
"I got it please help with the floors" he quickly spoke trying to rid the girl from his view before a flush appears on his face.
"Yess senpai!" She quickly helped Suga wipe the floors.
He quickly sighed in relief and swiftly picked up the net and took it to the storage room.

After everyone finally did their part in cleaning. It was time to shower.
Takeda stood infront of everyone.
"Alrighttt mina! So dinner is ready I'll let the managers begin serving plates right after that staring with the first years this time to shower first alright!" He smiled and the boys were just happy to eat.

1st POV
"Are those all the plates y/n-san" Shimizu counted the served plates.
"Yess senpai" she smiled at the girl.
"Perfect let's start giving them out I'm sure they're starving" she chuckled and I did as well.
"They eat like animal after practice" I laughed causing Shimizu to chuckle in laughter as we step out the kitchen with plates.
"Dinner is ready everyone!" I spoke. The boys where sitting and ready to eat. We quickly set all the plates for everyone and their drinks.
"Let me know if you want seconds!" Shimizu called out.
"Yes please!!" The two second year boys stood infront of her.
"Y/n are you going to eat?" I turn to Suga.
"Yess senpai in a bit just making sure everyone has everything" I assured him.
"Nonsense! They can get up; come sit" He patted a place at his table with the other two third years.
I told Shimizu to eat as well and we both got our plates and sat down.
"The food is very delicious you guys!" Asahi spoke.
"Thank youuu, Shimizu is a great cook!" I laughed.
"You did most of it what are you talking about?" Shimizu sighed.
"Whaaatttt no we both equally helped" I patted her back.
"I'm surprised you're eating a lot Suga!" Daichi mentioned. I looked over at him...I felt my heart do this flutter. It always seems to happen when I'm around him.
I felt a soft nudge at my side.
I look over to see Shimizu smiling from the corner of her lips and she stood up already and left to clean dishes.
"You shouldn't be talking Daichi you need to eat more, all your 3! You need protein!" I hollered.
They sweat dropped. "Hai...sensei" Asahi and Suga face palmed.
"Hahahah I'm just kidding! Y'all are big enough, so stop it makes me feel to small" I groaned.
"Come to think of it you are pretty short y/n-chan" Suga chuckled.
"You reach exactly around Daichi's shoulder...or shorter" He laughed.
"Sugaaaa stop~" I nudged the third year.
"I'm not short right Daichi!" I leaned over the table.
"A-ah well you and hinata are around the same height r-right" he scratched his head.
"Sooooo??" I rested my face on my palm.
"I-it's okai y/n-Chan short people have lots of advantages right!" Asahi tried making me feel better even thoe I wasn't actually taking this serious, precious child.
"You're so right Asahi!" I pat his shoulder and begging to gather the plates as I stand up.
"What advantages aren't those y/n-Chan" Daichi said and both him and Suga chuckled.
"Hmmmm" I stood for a few second before leaning down to his year. 'This will be funny' I thought.
"Wouldn't you like to know" I whispered very softly into his hear before leaving the poor captain a flustered mess.
"Daichi??" Asahi shook Daichi who staring across with red cheeks.
I washed up the rest of the dishes letting Shimizu go, she lives nearby so she's heading home.
I quickly finished cleaning and headed for the room.
'They don't know yet' I chuckled
I reached the room and slid the door open.
"Hellooooo roomies!!" I grinned widely.
"Y-you're staying here!?" Hinata shouted.
"Well yess where else am I suppose to sleep the hall?" I looked at him.
Hinata flushed lightly.
"Well it isn't such a bad idea now is it" Tsukishima smirked.
"Screw you" I rolled my eyes at him.

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