Oikawa/Iwaizumi (Lime/Fluff)

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[ Contains Lime! ]

[ Contains Lime! ]

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Oikawa's POV

I kept checking my clock on my phone and looking at the door. She's not here yet her practice should've ended around 30 minutes ago.
"GhaaAWkk!" I felt a ball hit the back of my head.
"WHYYY!!" I turned around yelling rubbing my head.
"Are you GOING TO FOCUS OR NOT!!" Iwa-Chan yelled glaring.

"S-shut up!! Y/n is late! So I'm waiting for her to get here!" I yelled back at Iwa-Chan.
"She'll be here! She always comes! She's training for nationals! now get the hell back on the court!"
I rolled my eyes and strolled back into the court.

1st POV

I couldn't find my track pants for the life of me I spent 30 minutes already looking for them. I just finished my gymnastics practice for nationals and it's hell...
"my god!" I yelled in frustration.
I couldn't get my stupid dismount today...and I'm hungry...and now I'm in my leotard and I can't find my stupid track pants!
"Omg...whatever Tooru's gym is right across not even a 3 minute walk...ughh but then the guys and he's going to be upset...ugh and the people outside...OMG you know what. Whatever I'm not even in the mood right now" I ran my hands through my hair in frustration.
I threw in my shoes and threw on my jacket and my duffle bag.
I quickly made my way to the gym, catching to stares here and there and people murmuring about why the hell I would walk out like that.
I quickly got to the gym.
I opened the doors and closed them.

"NANNIIII!!! What are you wearing Y/N-CHAN!!" I heard a screeching voice across the gym.
I saw the boys stop...they were cleaning the gym already I guess their practice was done.
Tooru was already marching his way over to me. I sighed knowing well imma get a earful.
"Before you even start let me expl-" I got cut off.
"Do you seeeeee how many people are on campus right now?! You know your uniform isn't the most COVERING y/n-chan!! Then to come to the BOYS GYM!!...are you trying to make me jealous ..." he crossed his hands and began to frown.
I mentally don't understand how he intimidates almost everyone during games yet...acts like a literal child.
"Tooru...like I said let me ex-"

" I bet you some pervs snapped some pics outside! I bet you!!!" He was ranting on at this point I noticed Iwaizumi fuming...and walking over with something.
"Oh no..." I sighed
"Are you even listening y/n-chan!" Tooru complained.

I moved slightly away from Tooru and bowed to Iwaizumi.
"I'm sorry Iwaizumi-senpai I didn't mean to disturb or cause a scene" I spoke softly knowing Iwaizumi has a short temper.
"GO CHANGE AND QUICKLY!!" his voice boomed causing me to flinch lightly. I heard the shoes moving really quick like running.

I felt a pat on my head and I looked up.
"Here you go you can use the locker room right now they'll be out" Iwaizumi handed me a pair of track pants, he didn't look upset, he tried to have a soft look. Like trying not to intimidate me.
"Thank you senpai!!" My cheeks flushed as he removed his hand from my head and smiled lightly.
"Tch..." I heard Oikawa click his tongue.
I was already pissed enough and I turn around to him as he had his arms crossed.
"You can head home....I'll walk by myself once I change" I spoke with attitude in my tone.
"Whaa-..." Oikawa suddenly looked so surprised.....and I turned avoiding his oh so surprised look. It's no like he's my boyfriend for him to be scolding me in-front of everyone. That was so embarrassing...he didn't even let me explain myself. He didn't even bother to cover me.
"Fine...." Oikawa mumbled and began to walk to the locker room.
I sighed.
"You know you don't have to put up with trashykawa right" Iwaizumi glanced around me with his usual stoic look.
" I know...but I try to put my best effort, a guy actually shows his interested in me and it's mutual but he can be a bit much at times, but we're just talking and some flirting. I know he's always surrounded by girls...who knows how many he's been already, but still I mean he didn't have to lecture me...in front of everyone like that" I sighed.
"Plus it's just a leotard...I literally wear this for competitions which everyone sees...he made a huge deal out of nothing" I rubbed my temples lightly.
"Yeahh...that sounds like shittykawa.." Iwaizumi sighed.
I began to chuckle.
"Senpai...those nicknames Hahahahah so mean" I let out a laughter.
He looked at me slightly shocked at my laughter due to his nicknames. He looked away with a pink hue scratching he's head.
"Y-yeah...he pisses me off around 24/7" Mumbled.
The boys began to walkout of the locker room and I noticed Iwaizumi slightly scoot over in front of me, blocking me from everyone's else's view as they left out of the gym. I saw Oikawa walk out and send a side glare towards Iwaizumi...or me then looking away...in like dislike.

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