Nishinoya (Fluff/Lucky Perv)

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{Fluff} {no lime,no smut- just Nishinoya Yu being he's "lucky perv" }

3rd POV

Y/n the manager/trainer of Karasuno aside from Shimizu. Y/N was a trainer so if a member were to get injured she's be able to make the call for them to keep playing or not. She can as well wrap their injuries.
Y/n was very much loved by all the members, yes they adore Shimizu and her cute adorable self, but y/n was more talkative and louder and very enthusiastic.

1st POV

I had my bag of equipment and slammed the gym doors open.
"OHAYOOOOO~" I yelled across the gym.
The boys waved back.
"Y/n I told you to stop slamming the doors!" Ukai groaned.
I bowed and frowned.
"Gomen...Ukai-senpai" I smirked inwardly knowing he always gets a ego boost since no one calles him 'senpai' specially a 'schoolgirl'
"W-whatever! Go look at Daichi's face and see if his bruising is getting better or not" Ukai covered his face with his hand hiding the flush.

I trotted over to Daichi. "Ohayo~ senpai please let me look at your face" I smiled at the third year.
"A-ah yess!" He scratched his head.
He sat on the bench and I cupped his face in my hands and began inspecting the area. He did hit his face against Tanakas shoulder pretty roughly that game.
The bruising is there but atleast the swelling is gone.
"Does it hurt" I gently pressed on his affected area.
"Hmm slightly" He spoke.
"Keep icing it and the bruising will face faster, and the swelling has condolerlo subsided so you should be fine, but!! No receiving with your face!" I shook my finger infront of his face.
He stood up and ruffled my hair.
"Thank you!" He thanked me and walked away.
"ROLLINGGGG............................................THUNDERRRR............" I heard behind me and sighed "not again Yu.." I mumbled

".....DOUBLEEEEEEEEEE!!!" He rolled and crashed into Takana who fell ontop of him.

"NISHINOYA! TANAKA!!!" Daichi yelled getting frustrated.
I chuckled these dorks.
I noticed Nishinoya rolling his shoulder and flinching. He got back on the court.
"STOP..." I stood.
They looked at me.
"You idiot!....roll your shoulder" I pointed at Nishinoya.
"N-no It's fine!" He glared then avoided eye contact.
"Tanaka..." I spoke
Tanaka shoved him by the shoulder and Nishinoya flinched and hissed gripping his shoulder.
"Come here...y'all can continue" I pointed to Yuu and waved to everyone else.
They continued playing and Nishinoya waltz over groaning and plopped down.
I had too take a few breaths...because my heart tend to race whenever I'm next to Yuu.
"I told you to stop doing the Rolling Thunder Double....with people around" I gently lifted his sleeve.
"W-whatever! It was perfect if only baldy here hadn't gotten in the way" He scoffed.
"Stop Yuu~" I chuckled.
I got out a IcyHot patch and placed int behind his shoulder and wrapped it tightly.
"Does that feel better" I sat down next to him stretching his shoulder slowly to avoid muscle tightening and strain.
"A bit, Tanaka might've just have crushed my shoulder" He rolled his shoulder slowly.
"Ehhhh?" Tanaka shouted
"YES YOU WHALE!" Nishinoya grinned
Tanaka scoffed.
He seemed upset at the fact that he had to sit out...I know well he could've kept playing but sport injuries can be serious even if they're minor.
"Sorry I benched you..." I sighed
He looked over and stared.
I had to hold my breath to avoid the flush wanting to appear on my cheeks.
"Whattt" I groaned.
"Can i lay.." he frowned take acting all gloomy.
I thought to what he meant and remembered to what he meant. Every time I bench him for getting injuries I let him lay his head on my 'breast'.
I was 'blessed' atleast someone appreciates them.
I rolled my eyes.
"Come on..." I smiled.
He clasped his hands together
"Thank you...Kamisama" he spoke.
I went to the floor against the wall and sat down. I opened my arms and let him wrap his arms around my waist and he got comfortable before snuggling his head on my breasts.
"Comfy??" I chuckled
"Mmmhh" He replied.

"Ghwahh!! Y/n!!" Suga froze.
The boys turned and hue of pink fell on their faces.
"Leave him alone....he's hurt" I tightened my grip around him and the flush on my cheeks developed.
"Imma kill the gremlin" Tanaka cried.
Daichi raised his hand.
"My bruise is a lot"
After that everyone started laughing.
Nishinoya fell asleep for the rest of the practice. I caressed his hair.
"Cute..." Shimizu said next to me.
I blushed at the comment.

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