Daichi (Fluff)

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[You ask...and you shall receive! The best unplanned request ever! -new_writer- -]

1st POV

I'm sitting in between Ukai and Takeda on the bench watching the boys play against their match with Wakutani South.
It's getting very stressful and frustrating.
"You think they're getting tired?" Takeda asked.
"I damn hope not...Ukai didn't make them run for no reason" I chuckled with Ukai and Takeda.
"Well aside from me they have their devil workout manager..." Ukai laughed.
"Heyyy heyyy...they recruited me so they got what they asked for" I held my hands up in defense as they two men chuckled lighting up the mood.
I look at the boys and I specifically pay attention to a certain 3rd year captain.
He's so focused his muscles are all tensed...he's sweating profusely. He's yelling across the court in his loud voice. I smiled at the boy...he's so dense.
"Take a picture it last longer" Ukai nudged me.
"I-idiot! I'm looking at the game!" I looked away from the smirking Ukai.
The boys were doing a good job...a chance ball was coming and it looked goo-.....
"Wait..." I mumbled and Ukai heard.
I see Tanaka running to the ball and Daichi lounging himself at the ball.
"WAI-" Ukai stood and yelled...but stopped the second the two boys collided so horribly....
The court was silent...my heart was racing a million times faster.
I quickly stood up and ran to the captain.
"Daichi!...Daichi!!" I kneeled infront of him and lightly tapped his cheek to get him to wake up.
He began to groan and shift getting up.
"Daichi..." I spoke loud enough not too loud Incase he got a concussion.
"Do you know where we are?" I asked holding his face in my hands.
He nodded lightly ...
"Who are we playing against?" I asked again.
"W-wakutani South" he began to stand up and I helped him. Tanaka began apologizing.
"Tanaka it's fine...he's okay" I smiled at the worried second year, but I don't think it helped.
Ukai quickly came over and told us to go to the infirmary immediately.
Daichi then spit out a tooth.
"Jesus...Daichi.." I sighed and quickly walked with Daichi to the infirmary.
I lightly held Daichi by his triceps on his arm just Incase...he decided to collapse on me. I didn't dare to move my hand or anything but I could feel...his toned arm.
'This is not time to be thinking of this y/n' I scolded myself.
"Are you okay senpai?" I looked at him and he held his cheek.
"Yes just a little fuzzy but not anything unbearable, sorry for making you come all this way" He chuckled.
"Wha? You idiot...your tooth fell out and you went unconscious for around 30 seconds...what you apologizing for" I scolded him and he sweat dropped and held his hands up in defenses
"Ahhhh yess yess gomen gomen"
We arrived at the infirmary but there was someone inside already we need to wait outside.
"Here sit down senpai" I pointed to the bench right outside the office.
"No it's okay y/n-san please sit" he pointed to the bench and I stared at him.
"Sit down." I pointed.
He sighed..."stubborn.." he mumbled
"Yeah and I'll be worse if you keep it up" I glared at him and quickly sighed shaking my head.
"Lemme see..." I quickly leaned closer to his face and gently held his chin and moved his head to the side.
"It's bruising quickly but at least it's just a bruise" I let go and barely noticed his flush cheeks
'Ohhhhhohoooo?' I giggled in my head.
"So a tooth came out? Is it one of the front ones?" I kept me face near his.
"No I hope not!" He looked panicked for a bit.
"Lemme see" I asked and he opened his mouth lightly.
"Noo you're fine senpai it's just a molar" I patted his head.
"You know for a underclassmen you're really blunt and straightforward" Daichi chuckled.
"I'm glad, it's people like me that keep things lively...why do you think I get along with Nishinoya so much" I smiled at the thought of the short crackhead.
"That's true..." he laughed and I saw him rub his temples.
I stood up and looked inside the office...
"The hell??" I see someone inside.
"There probably attending someone y/n just wait" Daichi massaged his temples.
"No senpai we need to get you checked out" I replied.
"Aren't you certified in first aide anyways?" He looked over.
"Yess but I can't give you the yes you can play or not" I smiled over at him and opened the door to the office
"Oiii!!" I yelled across the office.
"There's no one...." I look over to the desk.
"Left for lunch be back in a hour or two" I read out loud the sticky note on the desk. The figure I saw....it's the shadow of a skeleton behind a curtain.
"For effin sakes..." I sighed...and Daichi is in pain waiting.
I go back outside.
"Come on Daichi-senpai" I called out and he slowly makes his way over.
"Where's the trainer?" He asked
"The cun-trainer...the trainer yess... went to lunch" I corrected myself before Daichi would scold me for my language but he still noticed giving me the glare side eye.
"I'm sorry sorrryyy" I held my hands up in defense. It's truly scary his glare...sends shivers down your whole spinal cord.

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