Ukai Keishin Pt. 2

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{Lemon }
1st POV

'Could he be...sexually frustrated..' I tried holding back on the warmth that wanted to appear in my cheeks.
'I know what it's like to be sexually frustrated... it's not great it makes you moody and edgy, but it wouldn't be right to assume that if him' I shook my head trying to shake my thought away.
"So Ukai I have a very important question...." I broke the silence and he lifted his head to look to me. He was confused.
"Everyone estimates your around your 30''ve never given us a answer. I demand a number" I raised my brow.
"Whattt?" He slightly chuckled at the question.
"What? Everyone always guesses so just tell me, how old is our coach hmmm?" I nudge his arm.
"You know it's rude to ask someone for their age" He looked over at me. Jesus...this man. His hair...his features...his jaw.
"You know it's rude to avoid a question" I chuckled.
He sighed and declined his seat light and out his arms behind his head.
"I just turned 26 last month...happy" he grumbled.
I nodded.
The jumped in the seat. The car moved.
"TWENTY SSIX!!!" I raised my voice.
"Sit still!! You'll break my car jeez!" He groaned.
"What the hell!!! You're my senpai!!" I sat back down.
" you idiot! Don't say that! Just sit still and be quiet!" He lightly yelled and scoffed and went back to looking outside.
I frowned...I wanted to have a convo.
'He's much much...younger than what Shimizu has said...this makes me more...temped...or curious' I scratched my head trying to not think of such things.
He seemed tensed...uncomfortable.
'If I'm correct...then maybe I can help him out...and fufill not just his urges but mine as well...specially with him...god does he known how handsome he is' I almost sighed in frustration.

Again there he goes pinching his nose bridge and sighing. Like he's anxious..
"Mmh" he didn't even turn
"You seem tense...I don't think you're just stressed?" I tried to see what I could get out of him first.
"I'm stressed that's all I got plenty of things going all will soon deal with all these responsibilities later on in life" he huffed.
"So you're stressed"
"For the fifth time y/n yes.." he gestured with his hand before resting his face on it again.
'Should I...should I just ask...or should I assume and go by instinct. Nonono....' I scratched my head quickly before deciding.
"Could..." I spoke up and he turned his head slightly only looking at me from the corner of his eye.
"Could you umm...possibly frustrated" A pink hue quickly appeared on his cheeks and he choked.
"Wha! What the hell? Who goes asking that?!" He diverted his glance out the window avoiding me while he scolded me.
"I'm stressed, physiologically y/n! I just have many thing going on! Okay! That's it. Plus you're a student don't be asking adults weird questions like that!" He ran his hand through his hair and fixed his headband.
'Damn...and I wanted to see his hair down' I sighed.
"Hmmm...I thought 18year olds were considered adults " i rested my hand in the middle compartment invetween the seats. He didn't reply it's like he's literally against the door making space in between us.
"Plus...why do you keep flinching and tensing up-"I spoke softly and ran my hand from his shoulder down to his wrist
"...every time I've touched you" I looked at him and he retracted his arm.
"Y-this- y/n this is not okay" He stuttered.
"What's not okay?" I shifted in my seat turning my body to face him. I reach for his right arm that was currently hold the wheel very tightly and rested it in the middle compartment, freeing his lower area.
"Me touching you is not okay? or the fact that I'm a 'student' not okay?" I asked a stole glances to see his reply.
"Y-y-y/n-san! T-this need to stop!" He raised his voice ever so slightly than his normal tone and drew his hands to the wheel.
"No ones around...literally we're stranded in the middle of nowhere, dark out. You're doing this to yourself Ukai-kun..." I slowly moved closer to his face next to hes year.
"Just let me help..." I whispered by his ear and ran my hand down his chest down to his pants. I unbuckled the belt and quickly lowered the zipper. There's not much light around by the moonlight reflecting off some places.
His breath hitched and his hand flew to my hand that was about to slide under his boxers. He held a strong grip on my wrist.
Slightly hurt.
I looked to my side our faces were inches apart.
"I don't think you know what you're doing" He dragged out.
"....I've been wanting to do this...I'm pretty sure I know what you're doing" I leaned forward and he stared into my my eyes..
"M-maybe it's be whose sexually frustrated..." I mumbled and I saw the corner of his lips lightly lift up.
I closed the gap between us. Our lips moved against each other, the fact that we moved in synchronize gesture it made the kiss deeper. His grip on my wrist loosened and he moved his hold onto my face and held my face gently.
I moved my hand past the hem of his boxers. He tensed up and was going to pull away, but i pushed my self forward and kept the kiss. I felt his shaft and wrapped my fingers around it. He was aroused for sure. He was hard.
I gently moved his shaft upwards against his stomach...and pumped him slowly.
He pulled back and glanced downwards to see. I wanted to look away slightly from embarrassment but that would kill my confidence I have right now.
He laid his head back and his breathing hitched and his eyes were closed now.
I gently move back and leaned forward.
I neared my face to his shaft I quickly ran my tongue from the base up.
"Mmh" He pressed his lips together. I quickly felt a hand on my lower back and another by my hair.
I took him in my mouth and began to swirl my tongue around the tip before I went down and began bobbing my head up and down.
Ukai kept letting out short exhales with some groans, which was making me slightly aroused.
I felt the hands around my hair tighten. I brought my other hand up and grabbed whatever I couldn't reach. He's a perfectly average size 6 or 7...but the girth is another thinggg.
He pushed my head down lower. I breathed out my nose to prevent myself from choking or gagging.
I suddenly felt the hand that was on my back run down to my ass and felt a very strong squeeze on my left.
"Mmmha" I gasped and lifted my head from him...a string of saliva connecting my lip to his shaft. He opened his eyes and looked at me.
The pink hue on his cheeks darkened.
"I-I'm sorry! Did I hurt you" he raised his hands. I shook my head.
"No..." I left his shaft and quickly straightened myself out and pulled my tee over my head and went over to his sit to straddle him.
"Recline the seat..." I asked him and he hesitantly moved the seat lower.
"Please..." I whispered and guided his hands to my breast.

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