Kuroo (Fluff)

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3rd POV

The Nekoma just finished their last set against another school from the training camp. Their manager was currently with the other girls setting up the BBQ buffet for the boys.
"Alright girls I think we're done!" Y/n as she set up the last grill and plates
The girls smiled and replied and notified the coaches. Soon the boys where outside chattering and eating the food, the girls began to pass out rice cakes.

1st POV

"Alright girls lets pass out these and then we can get something to eat too" I smiled to the rest of the managers and we began to pass them outs
I began to go around offering to everyone.
"Oh! Y/n Can i have one!" I turn around
I smiled widely.
"Of course you can sunshine!" I grinned at Hinata who was eyeing them.
"Here you go hun, also why don't you take one to Kenma I know that boy won't eat" I hand him too and smile at him.
"Yesss thank you y/n-Chan!!" Hinata yelled and jumped.
I laughed at the ball of energy skipping away. I continued passing them out.
"Oh! y/n-san could I have one?" I heard a l turned around.
"Here you go Daichi-san" I smiled and he returned it.
"How has managing Nekoma been?" He began a convo.
"Honestly it's been great everyone is super nice, Nekomata sensei is like my grandpa literally. I feel like their volleyball mother if I being frank" I sighed shaking my head.
"Hahaa...I guess managing isn't the easiest but it sure is an adventure huh" Daichi laughed and as did I
"Ohh? What's so funny over here?" I heard voice causing me to turn. I smirked.
"Just sharing laughs, why am I not allowed to laugh..Captain?" I cocked my head to the side smiling at him.
He looked at me so confused.
"W-what? I didn't even say anything! I merely asked what's so funny!" We gestured with his hands.
"Hahahaaaa! Kidding kidding!"
I placed my hand on his chest laughing as he gave me a light glare...he's so done with my bs.
"Make sure to eat before we head inside okay I'm going to go try to make Kenma eat something" I smiled at him
"Alrighttt will do" He ruffled my hair before I took off leave a very confused Daichi.
I walked over to Kenma whose with Hinata. "Did he eat it?" I asked Hinata and I saw Kenma glance at me.
"No...so I ate it, I wasn't gonna let it go to waste" Hinata confessed.
"Kenma..."I sighed
"I wasn't hungry..." He continued playing.
"You're never hungry" I gave up and sat down next to him.
We talked together and watch Kenma okay, and Lev showed up with food.
"That was delicious!" I rubbed my abdomen.
"A-anooo..." We were directed from our conversation to two players infront of us.
"Can we help you?" Hinata asked
"Y-y/n-senpai, w-will you please go out with me!!" One of the players forcibly bowed after finishing his sentence.
"Here we go..." Kenma mumbled.
The boy who just confessed...felt a strong pat on his back.
"Oya Oya~ what's this...a confession?" The player looked over his shoulder to the tall Nekoma captain as the other Karasuno third-year.
"I-I j-just w-wanted" the player tried to make out but I could clearly see Kuroo's grip in his shoulder.
I sighed and stood up.
"Kuroo...leave the boy be" I slapped his hand away from his shoulder and turned the player around and walked away a bit trying to have some privacy but that wasn't really happening.

"I appreciate your confidence and confession but I'm currently seeing someone, but I have no doubt that there's a girl waiting out there for you!" I smiled at him with a wide grin and he smiled in return and bowed before leaving.
"Alright boys! Let's clean up shall we" I walked back to the boys and smacked Kuroo in the back a little forcibly making me slouch bringing him down to my eye level.
Kuroo knows...I hate it whenever he feels the need to intimidate a underclass or anyone who built up their courage to confess, or even in general anyone I'm talking too. It's happened 3 well now 4 times. It's not a kind thing to do..
"Hmmm...c-a-p-t-a-i-n..." I spoke with venom in my tone yet smiling with my eyes closed at him, making everyone lightly confused..as to why I would be upset with Kuroo...but intimidated at the same time, so win win right. Yet the only person not intimidated is Kuroo himself...he's so difficult sometimes, but I do love the boy.
Kuroo sighed...."Haii ..Haii..." as he rubbed his back where I smacked him.
The boys end everyone quickly began cleaning up and made ourselves back inside. Everyone was gonna leave tomorrow morning so we made sure everything was cleaned up and packed.
I hadn't talked to Kuroo yet...and were already ready for bed. I guess tomorrow we can talk about it.


It was the morning and I woke up early to go see Karasuno off.
I was talking with Shimizu whose actually a very close friend. I'm glad I met her this year, I wish we would've met sooner cause she's very kind and actually very talkative.
"Neee neee y/n-senpai! When we play together again bring rice cakes!" I turn to see Hinata jumping up and down.
"I will I will!" I ruffled his hair before took off when he saw Kenma and Lev.
"Goodluck with that one" I point and Shimizu laughs
I walk over to everyone once they got in their bus and took off.
Kuroo was standing next to me as we waved the off.
"Let's go home?" I look over to him...I had a slight hesitance Incase he was upset over the smack yesterday, but he wasn't.
He put his arm around shoulder, well more like rested his palm on my shoulder.
He's 6'1 I'm 5'3 and a HALF!

"Mmhh..let's go home" He smiled and brought me closer. I love hugging Kuroo...since he's so y'all you get this...'closure' 'safe' feeling. I don't even know if those are the correct words.
We quickly got our bags and bid our goodbyes to everyone's else and left.
We weren't too far from my apartment complex.
I owned a apartments due to me living away from my original homeland, Kuroo stays over....'alot' and I love it.

"Ghaaaa...I'm exhausted" I closed the door and plop down onto the comfy couch.
"You're exhausted!? I'm physically drained" Kuroo sat at the end of the couch where my head laid as I laid face down.
"True...you guys played continuously, but hheyy! We did just as much work too!" I spoke referring to the managers.
"Yesss, you worked hard princess" He said. I glad I was face down to hide my blush at the nickname.
I felt him begging to run his hand through my hair.
I moved my head to the side so I could 'BREATH'....I was feeling so relaxed.
"Kuroo~~" I spoke softly
"Mmh?" He continued to run his hand through my hair...sometimes reaching my back relaxing me and making me so sleepy.
"I'm falling asleep..." I mumbled as he continued to play with my hair.
"Come on...let's go to bed" he said before shifting and I was suddenly being carried.
I laid against his chest until we got to the room. I quickly went to the closet, and picked out shirt I stole from him and took the one I had on and threw that once ove. I removed my pants and bra...and climbed into bed.
"Aaaahhhh...so comfyyyyy" I laid in bed.
Sleeping without a bra....HEAVEN. I quickly massaged the sides of my breast...to ease the strain.
"Are bras really that uncomfortable?" I see Kuroo walking back to the room from the restroom in his sleep pants and tank top.
"It's not that they're un-comfy....it's just after long hours they begin to feel bothersome...and even with bras...it's heavy...so whenever I can take it off...it's like a huge relief" I explain with hand gesture and all causing him to laugh.
Which caused me to laugh because Kuroo's laugh...is 'something'
"I'm serioussss!" I said as I finished laughing and wiping my tears.
"Noo nooo I believe you, it's just the way you explain and use hands gestures" He smiled and climbed into bed.
I quickly laid down with my back facing him. He closed the space up and wrapped his arms around me. Unusuall...he placed one of his arms right under my...breast. Which caused the to be lifted and not just chilling there...being pulled by gravity.

"K-Kuroo?" I blushed...
"I'll be your support system during the night yes..." He spoke right next to my ear giggling.
"You dork..." I smiled and I felt him kiss my neck before murmuring goodnight and I love you.
I immediately fell into sleep.

[Gonna make a part two: Lime, but ended it like this Incase you don't want to read a lime]

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