Hinata (Fluff)

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3rd POV

-1 week ago-

Y/n went to watch the volleyball practice one afternoon.
"Y/N you made it!!!!" She turned her head to the ray of sunshine.
"Ohayoooo Shoyou~" she waved across the gym causing everyone to divert their attention to the stranger in the gym.
She stopped. She rubbed her neck.
"Ohh- gomenn gomenn Im sorry! I didn't mean to interrupt" She bowed.
Hinata ran infront of her.
"I invited a friend to watch practice today I apologize for not informing!" He bowed.
The third years had a fluffy smile as Suga waved him off.
"No no no worries Hinata!" He smiled.
Hinata guided her to a bench.
"So I go all the way from the back and fly all the way over the net! And WHAMM I slam the ball!!" He explains
"Whaaaaa! Hinata you fly!!" Y/n eyes widened.
"Yessss!!" He gleamed
"You're gonna surpass the Little Giant One day you know" y/n patted his shoulder.
He froze.
"THANK YOUU~" she was slightly shock at his enthusiastic response.
She want he's the practice until the end.
She waited for Hinata to finish changing.
"You're still here y/n" Hinata saw her at the exit of the school
"I-Hmm could we walk together" She played with her thumbs.
He had a small hue of pink dusted in his cheeks.
"Sure!" He rolled his bike next to him.
They talked all the way till they reach their separate ways.
"So this is my stop" y/n smiled
"Y/n....next week!" Hinata slightly raised his voice
"Next week??" She asked
"Next week....we have the spring tournament it would be great if you could attend!" He looked down.
She blushed at his invitation.
"You want me to go see you play?" She asked
"W-well not just me l-like the whole team of course too! b-but I'll be playing too" he scratched his head as he looked off to the side flushed.
"I'll ask for the day off work that day then!" She smiled.
He looked up with glistening eyes.
"SEE YOU THEN~" he waved as he went the opposite way.

-Present Day Spring Day Tournament-

1st POV

'Curse my boss for not giving me the day off!!! Now I need to catch the last bus!!'
I ran to the bus stop hopping the last bus has not left yet!
I reached the stop and people were boarding.
'THANK GOD!!!' I thought...but I'm still late!!!
"Dammit....hinata might think I ditched!!' My heart raced slightly.
The bus ride took around 15 minutes. I ran to the Tokyo Gymnasium.
I quickly made my way to the stairs and looked for the Karasuno section.
"I see it!!!" I heaved.
I ran and stopped by the railing.
"Are you okay!?" A blonde girl asked.
"Is the game over!?" I breathed heavily.
"N-no their in their last set again Aoba Josai" she stuttered.
I looked down at the court.
The boys seemed very tired...sweating.
Where's hinata....hinata...he was in the court slouched over breathing heavily.
I looked over at the score board.
There so close!!!
"HINATAAAAAAAAA~~~" I put my hands around my mouth yelling as loud as I could.
The boy quickly looked over along with his teammates.
"DO YOU BEST HINATA-KUNNN!!!!" I yelled with my flushed cheeks.
He looked at me wide eyed with a opened smile.

3rd POV

The third years smiled knowing the mood was about to change.
Hinata looked back at the court
"MOTEKOIIIIIIIII" He yelled and the teamed smirked.
Karasuno finally took the win agains Aoba Josai.

1st POV

The boys where yelling and hugging eachother. I quickly ran down to the stage floor. My heart was beating quickly. He was so happy to be in the court. My legs are moving on their own.
My cheeks won't loose the pink hue.
The way hinata looked at me from the court...when I called out to him.
I quickly see the boys...drinking water some on the floor some talking.
My legs picked up their pace.
"Shoyouuuuu~" I called out and he turned as some others.
I quickly engulfed the boy.
"I'm so sorry!!! I was late! My boss didn't give me the day and I ran over here as soon as I could! I totally missed the first game!" I was speaking so fast.

{the others where smiling at little scene before them}

He pulled back and smiled.
"You made it at the end and gave me the boost I needed so that's all what matters" he grins.
I blush at his statement and push his shoulder playfully.
"D-dont say things like that..." I looked off to the side. 
"I hope you'll come tomorrow too...if we win we go to nationals and I'm sure we need at the cheering we can get, right hinata" a hand laid on my shoulder and I looked over to see a pretty Grey haired boy.
"Yess!" Hinata smiled.
"I'll be here! I promise!" I smiled at Hinata.

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