Chapter 04

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Chapter 04: A Sick Boy

June, 14, 1891

Beomgyu's POV

Today is Mother's Birthday. I want to get her something, but I can't or maybe at least visit.

Because I'm sick, and I'm supposed to be stuck here on this super dumb bed. I just want to go outside, or maybe spar with Brother, or at least see my baby brother!

But! No, they wouldn't even let me. They, said it's too dangerous, they said they know me but they don't!


As of the moment, I'm reading a book entitled: "Strategy is the Key to Success" it is quite boring I must say. It's basically a book about strategic planning, that my father told me to read, plus, once I'm done here, I'll be reading another hard covered book called: "Sword fighting techniques". That one is a book from my brother; he said that I should read it.

It might help me ease my boredom, and enhance my skills in sword fighting. But, my skills aren't even bad. I protested to him, But he only said, something that would shut me up.

"Protest to me, once you feel better, and not your current state, okay? I'll be leaving first then. Oh, wait, you can't leave." He said and laughed, before leaving me, alone pouting in my room.

He even made fun of me! But, I know that it was only a joke, to lighten the mood up. To some, he might be a really cold prince, but to me, he is both a mentor and a brother, who also has a soft spot for me, and our little brother.

It's already noon, and my lunch isn't here yet. What is taking them so long? The chef knows my favorite, and they also know that I'll eat almost anything, that is if, I'm too hungry.

'Should I go out, to the kitchen?' I thought.

'It isn't as in to go to the kitchen for food right?' I thought, as I started standing up, from my bed.

I started walking towards the door when, I suddenly feel my head spin, so much, that I fell down to the ground and then blacked out.

With the last thing I saw, from my sight, was a maid, looking terrified, before I totally blacked out.


I woke up, but, I wasn't in my bedroom, or the Castle. It's a place where I don't even know anything about, it looks like it's a forest, I was standing here, and then I saw a Person standing by the tree. Or more like leaning on it, while also looking at the sky.

I was shocked, to see a Person like her in the forest, although she looks like she's older than me. I stepped back and stepped on a branch, she quickly looked at me, and with that, the dream ended.

With the last thing I saw, was a Person who had a blurry pinkish hair that was shoulder short, and she was wearing a villager's outfit, she was also smiling. It seemed like she was an angel sent to me from above.


I quickly jolted up, from my sleep, and saw that the moon was already up, meaning It's already night.

'Did I really sleep that long?!' I thought.

I was deep in thought, when she suddenly popped in my mind. The girl in my dream.

'Just who is she? When will I get to know her? What will she do to me? Is she somebody who is important?' I thought to myself.

But, those weren't the only questions that flew around my mind.

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