Chapter 06

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Chapter 06: Letters

June, 29, 1891

Beomgyu's POV

I already, finished my dinner, I hurriedly finished it all, but the funny thing is. That, it wasn't a maid, who brought me my Dinner, is a teenager, who looked like, he is older than my Brother. He had Blue Hair, and Monolids.

And he didn't even leave my side, until I was finished eating. That's kind of odd, as I'm sure, that I didn't request for somebody else to bring me my dinner.

Anyway, enough of that, I still have to read brother's letter. I stood up and went over to my desk, and looked for the envelope, once, I found it, I went back to my Bed and lay down.

Once, I was in a comfortable position again, I quickly opened the envelope, because of excitement. And saw, there were; two letters, something only my brother does, when it's really important.

But, just to realize, it was only going to bring bad news.


Dear: Beomgyu

I'm writing this letter for you, to know, that I'll never see you again, until I can go back in the Kingdom. To tell, you the truth, the reason, why I had to go are because, they had to make your stay, in the Kingdom. So, we had to make a plan to make you stay, in the Kingdom, and so, the only real option was to take Away, the real heir to the Throne, which is me, and give you the throne. At first, it was a hard decision, but it was for you, so even though, it was hard. I only wanted the best for you. If, you must know, I'll be looking forward to see how successful you are in the Future. I will always be with you; I'll guide every step of the way. You should remember, that I love you both, no matter what. You won't be lonely, as I know; you'll also be making a new friend, by using the Pen Pal, mechanism. I want you to know, I'll be with every step of the way.

P.S. Please take care of our Family, and tell my stories to our Baby Brother.

Your Loving
Brother, Soobin


I was literally crying, because of what my brother said. He did that for me. Just for me to stay, in this Kingdom. He already did so much for me, yet, I only brought him Misfortune. I'm so useless; I shouldn't have gotten sick, so at least, my brother can stay here.

But, there's literally nothing, I can do now. The choice has been made, and that also means the damage has already been done.

After that, I took a vow, that.

"I'll do everything in my power, so I can make our Kingdom, Stronger."


June, 30, 1891

Beomgyu's POV

Right now, I woke up a little bit too early, because of what my brother said, it never made me sleep. It just turned me into a paranoid!

I thought, maybe it was only a Dream, and that as soon as I wake up, all of this will be over. But, Nah. The Gods, just told me this Dream of yours, will turn into a Nightmare.

And after, that. I just couldn't sleep anymore. But, I was still thankful, that this is still a Dream, because that only means, that this is, literally a good one, and Nightmare, is the Bad one right?

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